14 research outputs found

    Synthesis Of Derivate Acetophenone From Fenol And Eugenol

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    The synthesis derivate acetophenone from fenol and eugenol had been carried out.  The acylation of fenol was performed by anhydride acetate and the fries rearrangement reaction was carried out using AlCl3 catalyst at temperature of 50oC produce ortho-hydroxyacetophenone (35,29 %), purity was tested by GC, structure elucidation of these product ware analized by FTIR and 1H-NMR. Acylation reaction of eugenol was performed by anhydride acetate in base condition at temperature of 120oC for 3 h produce 5-allyl-2-hydroxy-3-metoksi acetophenone (21,42%), purity was tested by GC, structure elucidation of these product ware analized by FTIR, 1H-NMR and MS

    Synthesis Of Derivate Acetophenone From Fenol And Eugenol

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    The synthesis derivate acetophenone from fenol and eugenol had been carried out.  The acylation of fenol was performed by anhydride acetate and the fries rearrangement reaction was carried out using AlCl3 catalyst at temperature of 50oC produce ortho-hydroxyacetophenone (35,29 %), purity was tested by GC, structure elucidation of these product ware analized by FTIR and 1H-NMR. Acylation reaction of eugenol was performed by anhydride acetate in base condition at temperature of 120oC for 3 h produce 5-allyl-2-hydroxy-3-metoksi acetophenone (21,42%), purity was tested by GC, structure elucidation of these product ware analized by FTIR, 1H-NMR and MS

    Synthesis Of Derivate Acetophenone From Fenol And Eugenol

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    The synthesis derivate acetophenone from fenol and eugenol had been carried out.  The acylation of fenol was performed by anhydride acetate and the fries rearrangement reaction was carried out using AlCl3 catalyst at temperature of 50oC produce ortho-hydroxyacetophenone (35,29 %), purity was tested by GC, structure elucidation of these product ware analized by FTIR and 1H-NMR. Acylation reaction of eugenol was performed by anhydride acetate in base condition at temperature of 120oC for 3 h produce 5-allyl-2-hydroxy-3-metoksi acetophenone (21,42%), purity was tested by GC, structure elucidation of these product ware analized by FTIR, 1H-NMR and MS

    Trimyristin Isolation From Nutmeg And Synthesis Of Methylester Using Heterogen Catalyst

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    Trimyristin isolation from the nutmeg and synthesis of methylester using heterogen catalyst has been carried out in several stages, included isolation of nutmeg oil, trimyristin isolation and synthesis of methylester. The synthesis was started by isolation of nutmeg oil with steam distillation for 8 hours. It yields was 308 mL of nutmeg oil. The isolation trimyristin from nutmeg with maseration using chloroform yields trimirystin 17 g (11%), structure elusidation of these products was analized by FTIR and 1H-NMR. The synthesis methylester using CaO catalyst and methanol yields 1,78 g (89,02%) of methyl myristate. Product purity was tested by GC and structure elusidation was analized by FTIR and MS

    Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomis Tanaman Mangrove Melalui Pembuatan Sabun Mangrove Di Desa Mumes, Raja Ampat

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah bentuk tanggung jawab sosial atas pengembangan dan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi bagi seorang dosen dalam melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi kepada masyarakat melalui metode ilmiah yang berorientasi pada pemecahan masalah. Secara umum, tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan judul “Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomis Tanaman Mangrove melalui Pembuatan Sabun Mangrove Di Desa Mumes, Raja Ampat” ditekankan pada peningkatan kemampuan pemanfaatan tanaman mangrove terkhususnya bagian daun untuk pembuatan sabun yang dapat digunakan sendiri dan untuk peluang wirausaha bagi masyarakat yang berdomisili di Desa Mumes, Raja Ampat dengan jalan memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan pembuatan sabun mangrove yang dilakukan oleh tim dosen dan mahasiswadari Universitas Pattimura

    Trimyristin Isolation From Nutmeg And Synthesis Of Methylester Using Heterogen Catalyst

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    Trimyristin isolation from the nutmeg and synthesis of methylester using heterogen catalyst has been carried out in several stages, included isolation of nutmeg oil, trimyristin isolation and synthesis of methylester. The synthesis was started by isolation of nutmeg oil with steam distillation for 8 hours. It yields was 308 mL of nutmeg oil. The isolation trimyristin from nutmeg with maseration using chloroform yields trimirystin 17 g (11%), structure elusidation of these products was analized by FTIR and 1H-NMR. The synthesis methylester using CaO catalyst and methanol yields 1,78 g (89,02%) of methyl myristate. Product purity was tested by GC and structure elusidation was analized by FTIR and MS

    Trimyristin Isolation From Nutmeg And Synthesis Of Methylester Using Heterogen Catalyst

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    Trimyristin isolation from the nutmeg and synthesis of methylester using heterogen catalyst has been carried out in several stages, included isolation of nutmeg oil, trimyristin isolation and synthesis of methylester. The synthesis was started by isolation of nutmeg oil with steam distillation for 8 hours. It yields was 308 mL of nutmeg oil. The isolation trimyristin from nutmeg with maseration using chloroform yields trimirystin 17 g (11%), structure elusidation of these products was analized by FTIR and 1H-NMR. The synthesis methylester using CaO catalyst and methanol yields 1,78 g (89,02%) of methyl myristate. Product purity was tested by GC and structure elusidation was analized by FTIR and MS

    Bioethanol Production From Waste Coconut Water Through Fermentation Process

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    Bioetanol can be produced through glucose fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Was done to make coconut water contains small amount of carbohydrate. A researcher had taken research was done to make bioetanol from coconut water waste. The result of the research shows that coconut water fermentation with yeast has maximum speed after 70 minutes incubation. The fermentation solution was then destilated. Bioetanol purity was about 76-80% after HPLC analysis

    Bioethanol Production From Waste Coconut Water Through Fermentation Process

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    Bioetanol can be produced through glucose fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Was done to make coconut water contains small amount of carbohydrate. A researcher had taken research was done to make bioetanol from coconut water waste. The result of the research shows that coconut water fermentation with yeast has maximum speed after 70 minutes incubation. The fermentation solution was then destilated. Bioetanol purity was about 76-80% after HPLC analysis

    Bioethanol Production From Waste Coconut Water Through Fermentation Process

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    Bioetanol can be produced through glucose fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae. Was done to make coconut water contains small amount of carbohydrate. A researcher had taken research was done to make bioetanol from coconut water waste. The result of the research shows that coconut water fermentation with yeast has maximum speed after 70 minutes incubation. The fermentation solution was then destilated. Bioetanol purity was about 76-80% after HPLC analysis