1,124 research outputs found

    Molecular cloning of a novel gene involved in serotonin receptor-mediated signal transduction in rat stomach

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    AbstractIn Xenopus oocytes injected with small size mRNAs (500–700 b), obtained from rat stomach by fractionation, application of 10 μM 5-HT induced a substantial Ca2+-activated Cl− current (ICl-Ca). ICl-Ca was not elicited by 5-HT in native oocytes. Consistent results from this assay in the oocyte expression system motivated cDNA cloning experiments. A novel cDNA (named r at s tomach s erotonin receptor-related cDNA: RSS cDNA) which encodes a small protein involved in specific 5-HT receptor-mediated ICl-Ca activation was identified. The molecular weight of RSS protein in the reticulocyte lysate translation system (∼10 kDa) is identical to that calculated from the amino acid sequence. Computer-aided analysis of the predicted protein does not show any obvious sequence homologies (<18%) to any other proteins including G protein-coupled receptors. Northern analysis revealed that RSS mRNA is ubiquitously expressed at varying levels in a number of different tissues. Furthermore, the binding of [3H]spiperone, a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist, was examined in CHO cells, which highly expressed RSS transcripts (named CHO-RSS). Specific binding of [3H]spiperone was not clearly observed in native CHO but was detected in CHO-RSS. The dissociation constant was 10.3 nM in CHO-RSS. These results suggest that RSS protein may be a factor which facilitates 5-HT receptor expression or, alternatively, an enhancer of the affinity of native 5-HT receptor to 5-HT

    Immunohistochemical Examination for the Distribution of Podoplanin-Expressing Cells in Developing Mouse Molar Tooth Germs

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    We recently reported the expression of podoplanin in the apical bud of adult mouse incisal tooth. This study was aimed to investigate the distribution of podoplanin-expressing cells in mouse tooth germs at several developing stages. At the bud stage podoplanin was expressed in oral mucous epithelia and in a tooth bud. At the cap stage podoplanin was expressed on inner and outer enamel epithelia but not in mesenchymal cells expressing the neural crest stem cell marker nestin. At the early bell stage nestin and podoplanin were expressed in cervical loop and odontoblasts. At the root formation stage both nestin and podoplanin were weakly expressed in odontoblasts generating radicular dentin. Podoplanin expression was also found in the Hertwig epithelial sheath. These results suggest that epithelial cells of developing tooth germ acquire the ability to express nestin, and that tooth germ epithelial cells maintain the ability to express podoplanin in oral mucous epithelia. The expression of podoplanin in odontoblasts was induced as tooth germ development advanced, but was suppressed with the completion of the primary dentin, suggesting that podoplanin may be involved in the cell growth of odontoblasts. Nestin may function as an intermediate filament that binds podoplanin in odontoblasts

    Composição morfológica e bromatológica de pastagens de Pennisetum pirpureum submetidas a diferentes intervalos entre pastejos.

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    As composições bromatológica e morfológica são duas características qualitativas das plantas forrageiras de grande importância para o desempenho de bovinos em pastejo. Desse modo, o objetivo do ensaio experimental foi avaliar os efeitos de dois diferentes intervalos entre pastejos sobre a composição bromatológica e morfológica de pastagens de capim Elefante, pastejada por vacas lactantes. Os tratamentos testados foram: intervalo entre pastejos variável, determinado pela entrada dos animais na área a ser pastejada, quando o dossel atingisse 95% de interceptação de luz e intervalo entre pastejos fixo em 27 dias. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo (4 sub-periodos). Foram observados maiores (P<0,05) teores de extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido para o intervalo entre pastejos fixo em 27 dias. O intervalo entre pastejos variável proporcionou maior (P<0,05) teor de matéria mineral na forragem. Não foram observados efeitos dos tratamentos sobre os teores de matéria seca, proteína bruta e lignina. Houve maior massa de material senescido (P<0,05) e tendência (P~0,08) de maior massa de colmos para o intervalo entre pastejo fixo de 27 dias no pré e pós-pastejo. Houve também tendência (P=O,10) de maior massa de folhas para o intervalo entre pastejo variável no resíduo pós-pastejo. O intervalo entre pastejo variável melhorou os aspectos bromatológicos e morfológicos do capim Elefante

    Características produtivas e qualitativas de pastagens de Pennisetum purpureum submetidas a diferentes intervalos entre pastejos.

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    O intervalo entre pastejos pode exercer forte influência nos aspectos produtivos e qualitativos das plantas forrageiras tropicais, com reflexos na produção dos animais mantidos em pastagens. Assim, o objetivo do ensaio experimental foi comparar os efeitos de dois diferentes intervalos entre pastejos sobre algumas caracteristicas produtivas e qualitativas do dossel de capim Elefante pastejado por vacas em lactação. Os tratamentos foram: intervalo entre pastejos variável, determinado pela entrada dos animais na área a ser pastejada, quando o dossel atingisse 95% de interceptação de luz e intervalo entre pastejos fixados em 27 dias. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo. A frequência de desfolha, a altura do dossel no pré e pós-pastejo,. a interceptação de luz pelo dossel e o índice de área foliar, foram maiores (PO,O5) dos tratamentos sobre a massa de forragem em pré e pós-pastejo. O intervalo entre pastejos fixado em 27 dias, durante a época das águas, proporcionou forragem de pior qualidade

    Diferentes teores de proteína metabolizável em rações com cana-de-açúcar para vacas em lactação.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes teores de proteína metabolizável (PM) na ração de vacas lactantes alimentadas com cana-de-açúcar

    Forest harvesting impacts on microclimate conditions and sediment transport activities in a humid periglacial environment

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    Sediment transport activities in periglacial environments are controlled by microclimate conditions (i.e., air and ground temperatures, throughfall), which are highly affected by vegetation cover. Thus, there is the possibility that forest harvesting, the most dramatic change to vegetation cover in mountain areas, may severely impact sediment transport activities in periglacial areas (i.e., soil creep, dry ravel). In this study, we investigated changes in sediment transport activities following forest harvesting in steep artificial forests located in a humid periglacial area of the southern Japanese Alps. In the southern Japanese Alps, rainfall is abundant in summer and autumn, and winter air temperatures frequently rise above and fall below 0∘. Our monitoring by time lapse cameras revealed that gravitational transport processes (e.g., frost creep and dry ravel) dominate during the freeze–thaw season, while rainfall-induced processes (surface erosion and soil creep) occur during heavy rainfall seasons. Canopy removal by forest harvesting increased the winter diurnal ground surface temperature range from 2.7 to 15.9&thinsp;∘C. Forest harvesting also increased the diurnal range of net radiation and ground temperature, and decreased the duration of snow cover. Such changes in the microclimate conditions altered the type of winter soil creep from frost creep to diurnal needle-ice creep. Winter creep velocity of ground surface sediment in the harvested site (&gt;&thinsp;2&thinsp;mm&thinsp;day−1 on the days with frost heave) was significantly higher than that in the non-harvested site (generally &lt;&thinsp;1&thinsp;mm&thinsp;day−1). Meanwhile, sediment flux on the hillslopes, as observed by sediment traps, decreased in the harvested site. Branches of harvested trees left on the hillslopes captured sediment moving downslope. In addition, the growth of understories after harvesting possibly reduced surface erosion. Consequently, removal of the forest canopy by forest harvesting directly impacts the microclimate conditions (i.e., diurnal range of ground temperature and net radiation, duration of snow cover) and increases frequency and velocity of periglacial soil creep, while sediment flux on hillslopes is decreased by branches left on the hillslopes and recovery of understories. The impact of forest harvesting on sediment transport activity is seasonally variable in humid periglacial areas, because microclimate conditions relevant to both freeze–thaw processes and precipitation-induced processes control sediment transport.</p

    Metabolizable protein supply according to the NRC (2001) for dairy cows grazing elephant grass.

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    Pastagens tropicais fertilizadas com nitrogênio podem ter alto teor de proteína bruta (PB) com alta degradabilidade ruminal. O fornecimento de concentrado com alto teor de PB para vacas mantidas nestas pastagens pode aumentar os custos sem efeitos positivos no desempenho. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do suprimento de proteína metabolizável acima das recomendações do NRC (2001) para vacas em pastejo. Quatorze piquetes de capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Napier) com 0,2 ha cada, foram usados em sistema de pastejo rotacionado. Três concentrados (6,3 kg MS-1 vaca-1 dia-1) foram avaliados. O concentrado controle com 17% PB na MS (17% PB) foi ajustado em proteína metabolizável de acordo com o NRC (2001). Os outros dois concentrados foram formulados inclusão extra de farelo de soja para conterem 21,2 (CP) e 25% (CP) de PB na MS. Foram usadas 12 vacas holandesas multíparas com 150 dias em lactação e produção de leite de 19,5 kg dia-1, arranjadas em QL 3 × 3 com quatro replicatas. A massa de forragem disponível era de 11.270 kg MS dia-1 com 34% de folhas verdes e 12% de PB. A produção de leite, produção de leite corrigida para 3,5%, teores de gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais não foram afetados (P > 0,05) pelos tratamentos. O nitrogênio uréico do leite e o nitrogênio uréico do plasma aumentaram linearmente (P 0,05) o ganho de peso, condição corporal, tempo de pastejo, tempo de ruminação, tempo em ócio, temperatura retal e a freqüência respiratória dos animais. O teor de PB no concentrado para suprir proteína metabolizável de acordo com o NRC (2001), é adequado para vacas em terço médio de lactação, mantidas em pastagens tropicais

    Specific-heat study of superconducting and normal states in FeSe1-xTex (0.6<=x<=1) single crystals: Strong-coupling superconductivity, strong electron-correlation, and inhomogeneity

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    The electronic specific heat of as-grown and annealed single-crystals of FeSe1-xTex (0.6<=x<=1) has been investigated. It has been found that annealed single-crystals with x=0.6-0.9 exhibit bulk superconductivity with a clear specific-heat jump at the superconducting (SC) transition temperature, Tc. Both 2Delta_0/kBTc [Delta_0: the SC gap at 0 K estimated using the single-band BCS s-wave model] and Delta C/(gamma_n-gamma_0)Tc [Delta C$: the specific-heat jump at Tc, gamma_n: the electronic specific-heat coefficient in the normal state, gamma_0: the residual electronic specific-heat coefficient at 0 K in the SC state] are largest in the well-annealed single-crystal with x=0.7, i.e., 4.29 and 2.76, respectively, indicating that the superconductivity is of the strong coupling. The thermodynamic critical field has also been estimated. gamma_n has been found to be one order of magnitude larger than those estimated from the band calculations and increases with increasing x at x=0.6-0.9, which is surmised to be due to the increase in the electronic effective mass, namely, the enhancement of the electron correlation. It has been found that there remains a finite value of gamma_0 in the SC state even in the well-annealed single-crystals with x=0.8-0.9, suggesting an inhomogeneous electronic state in real space and/or momentum space.Comment: 22 pages, 1 table, 6 figures, Version 2 has been accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp
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