5 research outputs found

    Antioxidant properties of clover sprouts (Trifolium pratense L.) depending on morphological part of the plant

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    Trifolium L., leguminosae, well known as red, meadow, creeping or craw clover, is one of the most important fodder plant in Poland. Some authors suggest that nutritional and medicinal value of clover lies mainly in its high content of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and chemoprotective substances such as glucosinolates, flavonoids, and isoflavones. The isoflavone constituents have estrogenic properties. They may play an important role in cancer prevention, moderation of menopausal symptoms and give others health effects. The presence of such isoflavones as genistein, daidzein, formononetin and biochanin A in clover has been confirmed

    Quality Assessment of Waste from Olive Oil Production and Design of Biodegradable Packaging

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    The use of olive pomace from olive oil production is still insufficient. The lingering olive pomace is harmful to the environment. On the other hand, the world is increasingly polluted with plastic or by-products from the production of biodegradable products. Considering these two problems, the aim of this work was to develop a mixture and create biodegradable disposable tableware characterized by high antioxidant activity. The disposable tableware was made by mixing olive pomace with teff flour or/and sorghum groats and lecithin. Baking was carried out at the temperature of 180 °C. The best variant of the mixture for the preparation of disposable tableware was olive pomace, teff flour, sorghum groats and lecithin. These vessels were the toughest, with low water absorption and had a high antioxidant potential due to the high content of polyphenols and omega acids. Protecting the cups and bowls with beeswax had a positive effect on reducing water absorption

    Effect of diffuse solar radiation on selected properties of red cover sprouts (Trifolium Pratense L.)

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    Kiełki koniczyny czerwonej, mimo walorów żywieniowych i prozdrowotnych, nie są dotychczas doceniane. Celem badań było określenie wpływu rozproszonego promieniowania słonecznego podczas wzrostu kiełków koniczyny czerwonej na zawartość w nich kwasu L-askorbinowego, związków polifenolowych, aktywność przeciwutleniającą i właściwości sensoryczne. Wzrost kiełków w automatycznej kiełkownicy, o kontrolowanych parametrach mikroklimatu, prowadzono przez 8 dni, z dostępem oraz bez dostępu promieniowania rozproszonego. Stwierdzono, że promieniowanie to wpłynęło korzystnie na zawartość badanych związków oraz na zdolności przeciwutleniające kiełków. Ze względu na walory sensoryczne oraz potencjał przeciwutleniający kiełków uznano, że najkorzystniejszym terminem zbioru była piąta i szósta doba wzrostu. W tym czasie zawartość związków polifenolowych w kiełkach uprawianych z dostępem promieniowania rozproszonego wyniosła 2051 mg/100 g s.m., zawartość kwasu L-askorbinowego – 115 mg KA/100 g s.m., natomiast współczynnik IC50 – 37 mg/ml. Kiełki uprawiane z dostępem promieniowania charakteryzowały się świeżym, ogórkowo-groszkowym zapachem, jędrną teksturą oraz jasnozieloną barwą. Wykazano, że kiełki koniczyny czerwonej mogą być cennym składnikiem pożywienia oraz atrakcyjnym dodatkiem do wielu dań.So far, red clover sprouts have been underestimated in spite of their dietary and pro-health values. The objective of the study was to determine the effect the diffuse solar radiation on the content of L-ascorbic acid and polyphenolic compounds in the germinating red clover sprouts as well as on their antioxidant activity and sensory properties. During a period of 8 days, the sprouts germinated in an automatic sprouter with monitored microclimate parameters, in the presence and in the absence of the diffuse solar radiation. It was found that the diffuse solar radiation had a positive effect on the content of the compounds analyzed as well as on the antioxidant properties of the sprouts. Considering the sensory qualities and antioxidant potential of the sprouts, the 5th and 6th day of sprout germination was deemed to be the most beneficial for harvesting them. On those two days, the content of polyphenolic compounds in the sprouts grown in the presence of diffuse solar radiation was 2051 mg/100 g d.m, the content of L-ascorbic acid 115 mg KA/100g d.m, and the IC50 coefficient 37 mg / ml. The sprouts germinating in the presence of solar radiation were characterized by a fresh, cucumber and pea fragrance, firm texture, and light green colour. It was proved that the red clover sprouts could be a valuable component of food and an appealing addition to many dishes

    Cicer arietinum L. Sprouts’ Influence on Mineralization of Saos-2 and Migration of MCF-7 Cells

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    In the present study, we investigated the biological activity of four extracts obtained from Cicer arietinum L. sprouts. The fermentation of the sprouts with Lactobacillus casei and their incubation with β-glucosidase elevated the concentrations of isoflavonoids, especially coumestrol, formononetin and biochanin A. To study the biological activity of C. arietinum, the human osteosarcoma Saos-2 and human breast cancer MCF-7 cell lines were used. The extracts obtained from fermented sprouts exhibited the strongest ability to decrease intracellular oxidative stress in both types of cells. They augmented mineralization and alkaline phosphatase activity in Saos-2 cells, as well as diminished the secretion of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor α. Simultaneously, the extracts, at the same doses, inhibited the migration of MCF-7 cells. On the other hand, elevated concentrations of C. arietinum induced apoptosis in estrogen-dependent MCF-7 cells, while lower doses stimulated cell proliferation. These results are important for carefully considering the use of fermented C. arietinum sprouts as a dietary supplement component for the prevention of osteoporosis

    Polyphenolic Herbal Extract of Cistus incanus as Natural Preservatives for Sausages Enriched with Natural Colors

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    This study evaluates the effects of polyphenolic extract of Cistus incanus, lycopene dye from tomatoes, and betanin dye from red beet on selected parameters of model meat products with reduced nitrate contents. The polyphenolic composition and activity of the C. incanus extract was analyzed, revealing the presence of elagotannins, flavanols, and glycosylated flavanols. We studied the effects of the extract and dyes as well as of mixtures of the extract and dyes on the growth of bacteria characteristic of the meat environment: E. coli, S. enterica, P. fragi, L. monocytogenes, B. thermosphacta, and L. sakei. We studied the effects of the extract and dyes on the lipid oxidation, color, and microbiological quality of pork sausages with reduced nitrate content over 28 days of storage. During storage, the amounts of malon dialdehyde reduced, which indicates that the extract and dyes exhibited antioxidant activity and slowed lipid oxidation in the sausages. An increase in red color was also observed in the sausages with natural additives, despite their decreased nitrate content. It was found that the C. incanus extract combined with coloring agents positively influenced the selected parameters of the analyzed pork sausages