203 research outputs found

    Towards the formulation of a realistic 3D model for simulation of magnetron injection guns for gyrotrons (a preliminary study)

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    Fortschritte in der Formulierung eines realistischen 3D-Modells für die Simulation von Elektronenkanonen für Gyrotrons (Eine vorläufige Studie) Numerische Experimente, die auf adäquaten, selbst-konsistenten physikalischen Modellen basieren, werden in einem breiten Umfang für das computerunterstützte Design (CAD), die Analyse und Optimierung von elektronenoptischen Systemen von Gyrotrons eingesetzt. Ein wesentlicher Teil des benötigten physikalischen Modells ist das Emissionsmodell, d.h. die Beschreibung des vom Emitter erzeugten Strahlstroms sowie die Energieverteilung und die räumliche und winkelabhängige Verteilung der emittierten Elektronen. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Theorie, die wesentlichen Formeln und eine Diskussion der wichtigsten Faktoren für die Inhomogenität der Emission und der Geschwindigkeitsstreuung. Zusätzlich wird ein Überblick über die in verschiedenen Ray-Tracing und Particle-In-Cell (PIC) Codes eingesetzten Emissionsmodelle geliefert und eine allgemeine Formulierung eines dreidimensionalen Emissionsmodells präsentiert, das auf der Zerlegung der kathodennahen Region durch eine Anzahl entsprechender Diodensegmente basiert. Wir glauben, dass diese Zusammenfassung bei der Entwicklung neuer Programm-Module zur Berechnung der Elektronen-Anfangsverteilung sehr hilfreich sein wird. Damit können sowohl bereits existierende zweidimensionale Computerprogramme, als auch neu zu entwickelnde dreidimensionale Simulationswerkzeuge ausgestattet werde

    Simulation tools for computer-aided design and numerical investigations of high-power gyrotrons

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    Modelling and simulation are essential tools for computer-aided design (CAD), analysis and optimization of high-power gyrotrons used as radiation sources for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and current drive (ECCD) of magnetically confined plasmas in the thermonuclear reactor ITER. In this communication, we present the current status of our simulation tools and discuss their further development

    Megawatt power generation of the dual-frequency gyrotron for TCV at 84 and 126 GHz, in long pulses

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    In the frame of the TCV Tokamak upgrade, two 84/126 GHz/2 s dual frequency gyrotrons designed by SPC and KIT and manufactured by THALES will be added to the existing EC-System. The first unit has been delivered to EPFLSPC and tested. In the commissioning configuration, a matching optics unit (MOU) is connected to the gyrotron window. The RF is then coupled to the HE11 mode of a 63.5mm corrugated waveguide and dissipated in a load procured by CNR after 4m of waveguide and 2 miter bends. Owing to the flexible triode gun design giving the possibility to adjust the pitch angle parameter, the specifications were met at both frequencies. At 84 GHz (TE17,5 mode), a power of 0.930 MW was measured in the calorimeter, with a pulse duration of 1.1 s. At the high frequency (126 GHz, TE26,7 mode), a power of 1.04 MW was reached for a pulse length of 1.2 s. Accounting for the load reflection and the ohmic losses in the various subcomponents of the transmission line and the tube, it is estimated that the output power at the gyrotron window is in excess of 1 MW at both frequencies, with an electronic efficiency of 32% and 34% at 84 GHz and 126 GHz respectively. The gyrotron behavior is remarkably robust and reproducible, and the pulse length is limited by external systems that will be improved shortly

    The ECRH-Power Upgrade at the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator

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    The existing ECRH system at W7-X consists of 10 gyrotrons, with output power levels ranging from 0.6 MW up to 1.0 MW each at a frequency of 140 GHz, quasi-optical transmission lines and microwave launchers at the plasma vessel. Compared to other large fusion experiments, W7-X has a relatively low power-to-volume ratio. However high heating power is particularly necessary for achieving high plasma beta values, where the improved confinement of fast ions, one of the optimization criteria of W7-X, can be examined. It is therefore necessary to expand the ECRH systems in several consecutive steps. It is planned to increase the number of gyrotron positions from 10 to 12 and at the same time to evolve the gyrotron output power in several development steps from 1 MW to nominal 1.5 MW and, finally, up to 2 MW. At the same time, the transmission lines will also be upgraded for 2 MW operation. A special effort is also made to improve the reliability of the system by the fast control system
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