3 research outputs found


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    Background: Attachment parameters have an effect on later relationship patterns and the development of parameters of selfconcept and personality. In the current study the role of attachment parameters on personality dimensions was investigated, especially with respect to personality disorders. Subjects and methods: 134 psychiatric inpatients were examined on attachment and personality parameters using the schedule FEB as a questionnaire on the parental attachment and the SKI as a self-concept inventory. Results: Regression and correlation analyses suggest positive influences of parental care and negative influences of parental overprotection on the development of ego-strength in adulthood. Patients with personality disorders reported to have experienced less maternal care during their childhood and showed a trend towards a reduced ego-strength in adulthood compared to patients with others mental disorders. Conclusions: Relationships of attachment parameters in childhood with personality dimension are explorable. This approach seems meaningful for a better understanding of the development of personality disorders. Clinicians should be familiar with attachment patterns when treating people with mental disorders in order to adequately include appropriate personality dimensions in the therapy

    Effect of sustained postnatal systemic inflammation on hippocampal volume and function in mice.

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    BACKGROUND: Premature infants are at risk for persistent neurodevelopmental impairment. Children born preterm often exhibit reduced hippocampal volumes that correlate with deficits in working memory. Perinatal inflammation is associated with preterm birth and brain abnormalities. Here we examine the effects of postnatal systemic inflammation on the developing hippocampus in mice. METHODS: Pups received daily intraperitoneal injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or saline between days 3 and 13. Ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and microscopic analysis of brain tissue was performed on day 14. Behavioral testing was conducted at 8-9 wk of age. RESULTS: MR and microscopic analysis revealed a 15-20% reduction in hippocampal volume in LPS-treated mice compared with controls. Behavioral testing revealed deficits in hippocampal-related tasks in LPS-treated animals. Adult mice exposed to LPS during the postnatal period were unable to select a novel environment when re-placed within a 1-min delay, were less able to remember a familiar object after a 1-h delay, and had impaired retention of associative fear learning after 24 h. CONCLUSION: Systemic inflammation sustained during the postnatal period contributes to reduced hippocampal volume and deficits in hippocampus-dependent working memory. These findings support the novel and emerging concept that sustained systemic inflammation contributes to neurodevelopmental impairment among preterm infants

    Editor’s Focus

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