946 research outputs found

    Fibre bundle formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. 0. Preliminary considerations: Quantum mechanics from a geometric-observer's viewpoint

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    We propose a version of the non-relativistic quantum mechanics in which the pure states of a quantum system are described as sections of a Hilbert (generally infinitely-dimensional) fibre bundle over the space-time. There evolution is governed via (a kind of) a parallel transport in this bundle. Some problems concerning observables are considered. There are derived the equations of motion for the state sections and observables. We show that up to a constant the matrix of the coefficients of the evolution operator (transport) coincides with the matrix of the Hamiltonian of the investigated quantum system.Comment: 15 standard LaTeX 2e (11pt, A4) pages. The packages AMS-LaTeX and amsfonts are require

    Fibre bundle formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics. I. Time-dependent approach

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    We propose a new fibre bundle formulation of the mathematical base of relativistic quantum mechanics. At the present stage the bundle form of the theory is equivalent to its conventional one, but it admits new types of generalizations in different directions. In the present first part of our investigation we consider the time-dependent or Hamiltonian approach to bundle description of relativistic quantum mechanics. In it the wavefunctions are replaced by (state) liftings of paths or sections along paths of a suitably chosen vector bundle over space-time whose (standard) fibre is the space of the wavefunctions. Now the quantum evolution is described as a linear transportation (by means of the evolution transport along paths in the space-time) of the state liftings/sections in the (total) bundle space. The equations of these transportations turn to be the bundle versions of the corresponding relativistic wave equations.Comment: 16 standard LaTeX pages. The packages AMS-LaTeX and amsfonts are required. The paper continuous the application of fibre bundle formalism to quantum physics began in the series of works quant-ph/9803083, quant-ph/9803084, quant-ph/9804062, quant-ph/9806046, quant-ph/9901039, quant-ph/9902068, and quant-ph/0004041. For related papers, view http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~bozho

    Normal frames and the validity of the equivalence principle

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    We investigate the validity of the equivalence principle along paths in gravitational theories based on derivations of the tensor algebra over a differentiable manifold. We prove the existence of local bases, called normal, in which the components of the derivations vanish along arbitrary paths. All such bases are explicitly described. The holonomicity of the normal bases is considered. The results obtained are applied to the important case of linear connections and their relationship with the equivalence principle is described. In particular, any gravitational theory based on tensor derivations which obeys the equivalence principle along all paths, must be based on a linear connection.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX 2e, the package amsfonts is neede

    Auto-parallel equation as Euler-Lagrange's equation in spaces with affine connections and metrics

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    The auto-parallel equation over spaces with affine connections and metrics is considered as a result of the application of the method of Lagrangians with covariant derivatives (MLCD) on a given Lagrangian density.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Simulating the Impact of X-ray Heating during the Cosmic Dawn

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    Upcoming observations of the 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization will soon provide the first direct detection of this era. This signal is influenced by many astrophysical effects, including long range X-ray heating of the intergalactic gas. During the preceding Cosmic Dawn era the impact of this heating on the 21-cm signal is particularly prominent, especially before spin temperature saturation. We present the largest-volume (349\,Mpc comoving=244~h1h^{-1}Mpc) full numerical radiative transfer simulations to date of this epoch that include the effects of helium and multi-frequency heating, both with and without X-ray sources. We show that X-ray sources contribute significantly to early heating of the neutral intergalactic medium and, hence, to the corresponding 21-cm signal. The inclusion of hard, energetic radiation yields an earlier, extended transition from absorption to emission compared to the stellar-only case. The presence of X-ray sources decreases the absolute value of the mean 21-cm differential brightness temperature. These hard sources also significantly increase the 21-cm fluctuations compared the common assumption of temperature saturation. The 21-cm differential brightness temperature power spectrum is initially boosted on large scales, before decreasing on all scales. Compared to the case of the cold, unheated intergalactic medium, the signal has lower rms fluctuations and increased non-Gaussianity, as measured by the skewness and kurtosis of the 21-cm probability distribution functions. Images of the 21-cm signal with resolution around 11~arcmin still show fluctuations well above the expected noise for deep integrations with the SKA1-Low, indicating that direct imaging of the X-ray heating epoch could be feasible.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Flows and particles with shear-free and expansion-free velocities in (L^-_n,g)- and Weyl's spaces

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    Conditions for the existence of flows with non-null shear-free and expansion-free velocities in spaces with affine connections and metrics are found. On their basis, generalized Weyl's spaces with shear-free and expansion-free conformal Killing vectors as velocity's vectors of spinless test particles moving in a Weyl's space are considered. The necessary and sufficient conditions are found under which a free spinless test particle could move in spaces with affine connections and metrics on a curve described by means of an auto-parallel equation. In Weyl's spaces with Weyl's covector, constructed by the use of a dilaton field, the dilaton field appears as a scaling factor for the rest mass density of the test particle. PACS numbers: 02.40.Ky, 04.20.Cv, 04.50.+h, 04.90.+eComment: 20 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/001104

    Frames of reference in spaces with affine connections and metrics

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    A generalized definition of a frame of reference in spaces with affine connections and metrics is proposed based on the set of the following differential-geometric objects: (a) a non-null (non-isotropic) vector field, (b) the orthogonal to the vector field sub space, (c) an affine connection and the related to it covariant differential operator determining a transport along the given non-null vector filed. On the grounds of this definition other definitions related to the notions of accelerated, inertial, proper accelerated and proper inertial frames of reference are introduced and applied to some mathematical models for the space-time. The auto-parallel equation is obtained as an Euler-Lagrange's equation. Einstein's theory of gravitation appears as a theory for determination of a special frame of reference (with the gravitational force as inertial force) by means of the metrics and the characteristics of a material distribution. PACS numbers: 0490, 0450, 1210G, 0240VComment: 17 pages, LaTeX 2

    A Physical Model of Lyman Alpha Emitters

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    We present a simple physical model for populating dark matter halos with Lyman Alpha Emiiters(LAEs) and predict the physical properties of LAEs at z~3-7. The central tenet of this model is that the Ly-alpha luminosity is proportional to the star formation rate (SFR) which is directly related to the halo mass accretion rate. The only free parameter in our model is then the star-formation efficiency (SFE). An efficiency of 2.5% provides the best-fit to the Ly-alpha luminosity function (LF) at redshift z=3.1, and we use this SFE to construct Ly-alpha LFs at other redshifts. Our model reproduce the Ly-alpha LFs, stellar ages, SFR ~1-10; Msun/yr, stellar masses ~ 10^7-10^8 Msun and the clustering properties of LAEs at z~3-7. We find the spatial correlation lengths ro ~ 3-6 Mpc/h, in agreement with the observations. Finally, we estimate the field-to-field variation ~ 30% for current volume and flux limited surveys, again consistent with observations. Our results suggest that the star formation, and hence Ly-alpha emission in LAEs is powered by the accretion of new material, and that the physical properties of LAEs do not evolve significantly over a wide range of redshifts. Relating the accreted mass, rather than the total mass of halos, to the Ly-alpha luminosity of LAEs naturally gives rise to the duty cycle of LAEs.Comment: Published in Ap