6 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico prenatal citogenético y ultrasonográfico de síndrome de Patau. Presentación de un caso

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    El diagnóstico citogenético de trisomía 13 es poco frecuente. Puede presentarse como trisomía libre, translocación, o mosaico. Debido a la necesidad de contar con reportes de esta alteración genética, se presenta un caso de síndrome de Patau, detectado por diagnóstico prenatal citogenético y ultrasonográfico, en una gestante de 19 años con hallazgos positivos en ultrasonido (translucencia nucal aumentada, prominencia del macizo facial y asimetría de las cuatro cavidades cardiacas), confirmado por especialistas del Centro Provincial de Genética Médica de Cienfuegos. Se le propuso realizar diagnóstico prenatal citogenético, que arrojó como resultado un feto femenino con trisomía libre del cromosoma 13 ( 47,XX, +13). Se le informó a la gestante su resultado y decidió interrumpir el embarazo. El informe de anatomía patológica refirió a nivel del labio superior un orificio que se continuaba hacia la porción superior de la boca por ausencia del paladar duro (labio leporino acompañado de paladar hendido), polidactilia en mano izquierda (seis dedos); cardiopatía congénita dada por aorta disminuida de calibre y dextropuesta, hipoplasia en cavidades izquierdas, comunicación intraventricular basal media con ductus amplio y permeable, así como prominencia en el macizo facial o probóscide

    Diagnóstico prenatal citogenético y ultrasonográfico de síndrome de Patau. Presentación de un caso

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    El diagnóstico citogenético de trisomía 13 es poco frecuente. Puede presentarse como trisomía libre, translocación, o mosaico. Debido a la necesidad de contar con reportes de esta alteración genética, se presenta un caso de síndrome de Patau, detectado por diagnóstico prenatal citogenético y ultrasonográfico, en una gestante de 19 años con hallazgos positivos en ultrasonido (translucencia nucal aumentada, prominencia del macizo facial y asimetría de las cuatro cavidades cardiacas), confirmado por especialistas del Centro Provincial de Genética Médica de Cienfuegos. Se le propuso realizar diagnóstico prenatal citogenético, que arrojó como resultado un feto femenino con trisomía libre del cromosoma 13 ( 47,XX, +13). Se le informó a la gestante su resultado y decidió interrumpir el embarazo. El informe de anatomía patológica refirió a nivel del labio superior un orificio que se continuaba hacia la porción superior de la boca por ausencia del paladar duro (labio leporino acompañado de paladar hendido), polidactilia en mano izquierda (seis dedos); cardiopatía congénita dada por aorta disminuida de calibre y dextropuesta, hipoplasia en cavidades izquierdas, comunicación intraventricular basal media con ductus amplio y permeable, así como prominencia en el macizo facial o probóscide

    Prenatal Diagnosis of Triploidy. Case Report and Literature Review

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    Triploidy is a lethal numerical chromosomal alteration characterized by an additional haploid chromosomal complement, 99.9 % of these are lost between the first and second trimesters of pregnancy and 15 % of fetuses end in spontaneous abortions before 20 weeks. We present the case of a 27-year-old patient with 23.2 weeks of gestation who was referred to the Provincial Center of Medical Genetics of Cienfuegos with suspicion by ultrasound of fetal malformations. The diagnosis of abnormal cranial morphology was corroborated with absence of the cerebellar vermis, presence of the fourth ventricle, absence of cavum septum pellucidum, abnormal cardiac morphology, valves at the same level, and high ventricular septal defect. Chromosomal prenatal diagnosis was proposed, its result was fetus with chromosomal formula 69, XXY. Voluntary termination of pregnancy was considered. The pathology report reported that the fetus had the following congenital defects: cerebellar hypoplasia and agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, ventriculo-megaly, and complex atrioventricular canal-type heart disease. The objective of this presentation is to describe a case of triploidy-type polyploidy in amniotic fluid. The case is presented due to the infrequency of this genetic condition among live fetuses in the second trimester of pregnancy

    Prenatal Cytogenetic Diagnosis in Cienfuegos: Years 2007-2018

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    Background: cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis is part of the care provided to the high-risk pregnant woman and is an indispensable component of preventive genetic programs promoted by the World Health Organization. Objective: to expose the results of the cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis in the Cienfuegos province between 2007 and 2018. Method: a descriptive, retrospective, statistical and chronological series analysis was carried out at the Provincial Center of Medical Genetics of Cienfuegos about all the cytogenetic prenatal diagnoses made between 2007 and 2018. There were analyzed: causes of study, number of diagnoses made, types of anomalies detected, relationship between causes of the study with the results of the diagnosis. Diagnoses were obtained from the database of the Institution's laboratory and a qualitative and quantitative assessment of their behavior was carried out during the period analyzed. The results are presented in tables using absolute numbers and percentages. Results: 3260 cytogenetic prenatal diagnoses were determined during the study period, 83 of them presented chromosomal alterations, for 2,6 % positivity. Only 33,7 % of positive cases and healthy carriers are under 37 years old. The most frequent chromosomal abnormality was the free trisomy of 21 (45,8 %), the structural aberrations were 21,7 %, the mosaics were 13,3 %, and the most frequent reason for indication among the positive cases was age advanced maternal (45 cases). Conclusions: the indicators analyzed behave similarly to those reported in 2012, in the literature of Cuba and the world

    Prenatal diagnosis of duodenal atresia in fetus with Down syndrome. About a case

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    Duodenal atresia (AD) is a rare congenital pathology. It is the result of a failure in the recanalization of the duodenum and can be found associated with chromosomopathies such as Down syndrome in 30% of cases. Down syndrome is caused by a trisomy of the 21 chromosome pair and is the most frequent chromosomal aberration. Due to the need to have reports of this alteration, we present the prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound and a cytogenetic study of a 25-year-old patient who, at 28 weeks pregnancy, had a dual echolucent image below the fetal abdomen under the stomach (double bubble image) compatible with duodenal atresia. On the bases of the suspicion of the association type of malformation with chromosomal disease, a prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis was performed, resulting: 47, XX, +21, inv (9) (p11; q12), female fetus positive for trisomy 21 and pericentric inversion of chromosome 9. After genetic counseling, the couple opted for the exceptional pregnancy interruption. The presence of duodenal atresia and dysmorphic features compatible with down syndrome were confirmed by pathological anatomy

    Immunogenicity of E2CD154 Subunit Vaccine Candidate against Classical Swine Fever in Piglets with Different Levels of Maternally Derived Antibodies

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    E2CD154 is a novel subunit vaccine candidate against classical swine fever virus (CSFV). It contains the E2 envelope protein from CSFV fused to the porcine CD154 molecule formulated in the oil adjuvant MontanideTM ISA50 V2. Previous works evidenced the safety and immunogenicity of this candidate. Here, two other important parameters related to vaccine efficacy were assessed. First, the existence of high maternally derived antibody (MDA) titers in piglets born to sows vaccinated with E2CD154 was demonstrated. These MDA titers remained above 1:200 during the first seven weeks of life. To assess whether the titers interfere with active vaccination, 79 piglets from sows immunized with either E2CD154 or a modified live vaccine were vaccinated with E2CD154 following a 0–21-day biphasic schedule. Animals immunized at either 15, 21, or 33 days of age responded to vaccination by eliciting protective neutralizing antibody (NAb) titers higher than 1:600, with a geometric mean of 1:4335, one week after the booster. Those protective levels of NAb were sustained up to six months of age. No vaccination-related adverse effects were described. As a conclusion, E2CD154 is able to induce protective NAb in piglets with different MDA levels and at different days of age