16 research outputs found

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome Management in Delivery Room

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    The proper management of respiratory distress syndrome in the delivery room is a crucial step in the transition to extrauterine life, especially for preterm infants. In fact, it has been widely established that the optimization of the cardiovascular and the respiratory changes, which normally happen as soon as a term healthy baby is delivered, can have long-term effects. For this reason, every clinician approaching the delivery room should be aware of the consequences an inappropriate management could lead to and should know how to perform a proper resuscitation, using, where available, the most recent techniques. Regardless of the level of care provided by the hospital, there are some key interventions, which can be applied easily in every setting and are of crucial importance. In this chapter, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the most relevant measures to manage respiratory distress syndrome from the delivery room, starting from an explanation of the disease and moving toward the most recent evidence, from the basic concepts to the most advanced techniques to monitor fetal-neonatal transition

    The Microbiota-Gut Axis in Premature Infants: Physio-Pathological Implications

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    Intriguing evidence is emerging in regard to the influence of gut microbiota composition and function on host health from the very early stages of life. The development of the saprophytic microflora is conditioned by several factors in infants, and peculiarities have been found for babies born prematurely. This population is particularly exposed to a high risk of infection, postnatal antibiotic treatment, feeding difficulties and neurodevelopmental disabilities. To date, there is still a wide gap in understanding all the determinants and the mechanism behind microbiota disruption and its influence in the development of the most common complications of premature infants. A large body of evidence has emerged during the last decades showing the existence of a bidirectional communication axis involving the gut microbiota, the gut and the brain, defined as the microbiota-gut-brain axis. In this context, given that very few data are available to demonstrate the correlation between microbiota dysbiosis and neurodevelopmental disorders in preterm infants, increasing interest has arisen to better understand the impact of the microbiota-gut-brain axis on the clinical outcomes of premature infants and to clarify how this may lead to alternative preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. In this review, we explored the current evidence regarding microbiota development in premature infants, focusing on the effects of delivery mode, type of feeding, environmental factors and possible influence of the microbiota-gut-brain axis on preterm clinical outcomes during their hospital stay and on their health status later in life

    Comprehensive care for late preterm infants: fostering integrated follow-up

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    Late preterm infants, although they are born closer to full term than extremely preterm infants, still face unique challenges due to their premature birth. Understanding these potential outcomes and providing appropriate support is key to ensuring their optimal development. A tailored follow-up program, guided by an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, aims to provide early identification, continuous monitoring, and individualized care for late preterm infants. The core components of this program include developmental assessments, medical surveillance, parent education and support, and a family-centered approach. A well-structured late preterm follow-up program not only promotes the overall health and well-being of late preterm infants but also help these babies to achieve their full potential

    Nutritional problems of children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia after hospital discharge

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    The last decades have seen significant improvements in the care of premature infants. The introduction of new approaches, especially in the ventilatory management, have led to significant increase of survival rate of low and extremely low gestational age infants. These populations of neonates, however, often experience prolonged mechanical ventilation, which is widely recognized to be closely related to bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) development. The management of BPD, which is a multifactorial disease, requires a multidisciplinary approach and remains challenging for all the physicians involved. In fact, short and long-term sequelae are not only related to pulmonary performances but include neurological impairment and growth deficiency. A proper nutrition management since the very first days has shown to significantly contribute to the optimal maturation and functionality of the lung. In this paper, we aim to give an overall of the main principles of nutrition in infants born prematurely, with specific regard to the interventions, which could be relevant in infants affected by BPD

    Functional nutrients in infants born by vaginal delivery or Cesarean section

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    The development of a proper neonatal microbiota is of great importance, especially for the effects that dysbiosis has in acute and chronic diseases’ onset. The microbiota, particularly the intestinal one, plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the host, preventing colonization by pathogenic bacteria and significantly influencing the development and maturation of a normal gastrointestinal mucosal immunity. Several factors may interfere with the physiological development of microbiota, such as diseases during pregnancy, type of delivery, maternal nutrition, type of neonatal feeding, use of antibiotics, exposition to hospital environment (e.g., neonatal intensive care unit) and genetic factors. Thanks to a proper maternal and neonatal supplementation with specific functional nutrients, it is now possible to correct dysbiosis, thus reducing the risks for the newborn’s health. In this review of the literature, we give an overview of the studies highlighting the composition of the maternal, fetal and neonatal microbiota, the factors potentially responsible for dysbiosis and the use of functional nutrients to prevent diseases’ onset

    The Microbiota-Gut Axis in Premature Infants: Physio-Pathological Implications

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    Intriguing evidence is emerging in regard to the influence of gut microbiota composition and function on host health from the very early stages of life. The development of the saprophytic microflora is conditioned by several factors in infants, and peculiarities have been found for babies born prematurely. This population is particularly exposed to a high risk of infection, postnatal antibiotic treatment, feeding difficulties and neurodevelopmental disabilities. To date, there is still a wide gap in understanding all the determinants and the mechanism behind microbiota disruption and its influence in the development of the most common complications of premature infants. A large body of evidence has emerged during the last decades showing the existence of a bidirectional communication axis involving the gut microbiota, the gut and the brain, defined as the microbiota-gut-brain axis. In this context, given that very few data are available to demonstrate the correlation between microbiota dysbiosis and neurodevelopmental disorders in preterm infants, increasing interest has arisen to better understand the impact of the microbiota-gut-brain axis on the clinical outcomes of premature infants and to clarify how this may lead to alternative preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. In this review, we explored the current evidence regarding microbiota development in premature infants, focusing on the effects of delivery mode, type of feeding, environmental factors and possible influence of the microbiota-gut-brain axis on preterm clinical outcomes during their hospital stay and on their health status later in life

    Microbiota and Pain: Save Your Gut Feeling

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    Recently, a growing body of evidence has emerged regarding the interplay between microbiota and the nervous system. This relationship has been associated with several pathological conditions and also with the onset and regulation of pain. Dysregulation of the axis leads to a huge variety of diseases such as visceral hypersensitivity, stress-induced hyperalgesia, allodynia, inflammatory pain and functional disorders. In pain management, probiotics have shown promising results. This narrative review describes the peripheral and central mechanisms underlying pain processing and regulation, highlighting the role of the gut-brain axis in the modulation of pain. We summarized the main findings in regard to the stress impact on microbiota’s composition and its influence on pain perception. We also focused on the relationship between gut microbiota and both visceral and inflammatory pain and we provided a summary of the main evidence regarding the mechanistic effects and probiotics use

    Italian immunization calendar implementation: Time to optimize number of vaccination appointments?

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    In the Italian vaccination schedule, at least six vaccination appointments are scheduled in the first year of life. This implies more discomfort for both the patient and the parents. This was particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which several appointments were missed. A UK experience with three injectable vaccines and an oral one co-administered at the same appointment (4-in-1) at 2 and 4 months of age showed interesting results. The vaccination coverage was high, consistent with previous practice, and no relevant increase in adverse events was reported. Translating the UK experience into the Italian context would not be immediate, due to several organizational and social issues. Nevertheless, this option warrants some further considerations, which are discussed in this manuscript

    Breastfeeding and human milk bank in a neonatal intensive care unit: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in an Italian cohort of very low birth weight infants

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    Abstract Background Parental stress in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) is well known, as is the stress induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. This combination might increase stress to the extent of affecting the availability of maternal expressed milk and the success of establishing breastfeeding. This is particularly relevant in very preterm infants. Methods We conducted a single-centre retrospective analysis in two cohorts of very low birth weight infants born in a hospital in Italy. Babies born before the pandemic (September 2017 – December 2019) (n = 101) and during the pandemic (March 2020 – December 2021) (n = 67) were included in the analysis. We compared the rate of babies fed with maternal milk (both expressed and / or donated) at the achievement of full enteral feeding and the rate of those exclusively breastfed at discharge in the two groups. Then, we analysed the impact of donated human milk availability on infant formula use. We also compared mother’s need for psychological support during NICU stay and the duration of psychological follow-up after discharge. Results In our NICU the availability of expressed maternal milk significantly decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic (86.1% before the pandemic vs 44.8% during the pandemic, p  6 months (1% vs 15%, p < 0.001). No differences in the main clinical outcomes were found. Conclusion Pandemic-induced stress had a significant impact on the availability of expressed maternal milk in NICU. However, the presence of human donated milk was fundamental in preventing increased use of infant formula during NICU stays. This underlines how strategies to implement the widespread establishment of donor milk banks on a national level are warranted. Further research is desirable to optimise the use of donated human milk banks during emergency situations