122 research outputs found

    Hrvatski sabor 2003.: obrasci političke regrutacije parlamentarne elite

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja nastavak i proširenje longitudinalnoga praćenja i analize stranačke dinamike te socijalne strukture i nekih političkih obilježja zastupnika u Hrvatskom saboru. Istraživanjem smo nastojali detektirati obrasce političke regrutacije parlamentarne elite, a u tu smo se svrhu koristili komparativnom analizom socijalnih i političkih obilježja zastupnika u svih pet dosadašnjih saziva Sabora, te unutar posljednjega, petog saziva, usporedbom po političkim strankama i parlamentarnom iskustvu zastupnika. Ustanovljeno je da su zastupnici dominantno muškarci prosječne dobi od 49 godina, urbane provenijencije i domicila, Hrvati, katolici, akademski obrazovani, i to pretežno na fakultetima društvenih i humanističkih znanosti, te političari sa znatnim upravljačkim i političkim iskustvom stečenim ponajviše radom u političkim strankama. Zaključak je da su se u Hrvatskoj oblikovali obrasci političke regrutacije parlamentarne elite koji su tendencijski sukladni onima u razvijenim demokratskim sustavima. (IN ENGLISH: This paper is a continuation and an extension of the longitudinal monitoring and analysis of the party dynamics, social structure and certain political features of the representatives in the Croatian Parliament (Sabor). The goal of the research was to discern the patterns of political recruitment of the parliamentary elite by means of a comparative analysis of social and political characteristics of the representatives in all five compositions of the Parliament and – in the last, fifth composition – by comparing the representatives’ political party affiliations and their parliamentary experience. It has turned out that the representatives are mostly male (average age 49 years), of urban provenience and residence, Croats, Catholics, diploma-holders (largely in social sciences and humanities), and politicians with a remarkable managerial and political experience gained primarily through their work in political parties. The conclusion is that in Croatia the trends regarding the patterns of political recruitment of the parliamentary elite are in line with those in developed democratic systems.

    Zagrebački studenti o demokraciji i političkom aktivizmu mladih

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    U ovom radu analizirano je nekoliko indikatora demokratskoga potencijala studenata. Ustanovljeno je da ispitani studenti hrvatski politički poredak percipiraju više nedemokratskim nego demokratskim, a da tome ponajviše pridonosi opažanje nedemokratskih pojava i ponašanja, deficitarnih demokratskih pretpostavki i neuvažavanja interesa i mišljenja građana, te nepovjerenje u političke aktere. Slični su i razlozi kojima se objašnjava društvena i politička neaktivnost mladih i studenata – uz nepovjerenje u politiku i procjenu da se ne uvažavaju interesi i mišljenja mladih, to su i nedostatak vjere u mogućnost promjene, te nezainteresiranost mladih i njihova zaokupljenost drugim životnim sadržajima. Studenti su iskazali visok stupanj suglasnosti, premda znakovite razlike u njihovim stavovima proizlaze iz različitih stručnih usmjerenja, odnosno područja znanosti koja studiraju. Ustanovljene tendencije tumače se kao indikator manjkavosti demokratskog potencijala ispitanih studenata u nekim elementima, a što ga kvalificira kao jedan od predmeta daljnjih istraživanja studentske populacije. (IN ENGLISH: This paper analyses some indicators of students’ potential in democracy. It has been established that students perceive the Croatian political system as rather undemocratic because of some acts and behaviour, deficient democratic prerequisites, nonacceptance of citizens’ interests and opinions and general distrust of political actors. Similar reasons can explain the social and political inactivity of students: lack of confidence in politics and belief that interests and opinions of the young people are not acknowledged; lack of trust that things can be changed and general indifference of the young people and their involvement in different life activities. There is little variation in students’ attitudes: significant differences are related to their different scientific studies. It is possible to conclude that in some elements students lack in democratic potential which justifies further reasearch into this subject.

    Uvod u istraživanje hrvatskih studenata

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    Izučavanje studenata kao specifičnog segmenta i istodobno integralnog dijela mlade populacije zahtijeva prethodni kratki uvid u osnovne značajke mladih kao prepoznatljive društvene skupine u suvremenom društvu, uključujući i hrvatsko

    The Social Structure of the Croatian Parliament in Five Mandates

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    In this paper we analyzed the social attributes and political experience of the members of the Croatian Parliament in five mandates. We established that the multiparty parliament, during the 18 years of its existence, was dominated by men, averagely between 47 and 49 years of age, Croats, Catholics, highly educated, predominantly in the social sciences and humanities, and politicians with significant managerial and political experience acquired primarily during their work in political parties. Furthermore, we found a relatively large fluctuation of parliamentarians, resulting in a lower level of parliamentary experience and a relatively short parliamentary career. Based on these indicators, it can be stated that in Croatia a socially homogenous parliamentary elite was formed, one with a potentially lower level of political competence, and that patterns of political recruitment, coherent in tendency with those in the developed democratic countries, were established

    Skica za sociološki portret zagrebačkih studenata: uvod u istraživanje hrvatskih studenata danas

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    U ovom članku prezentirana su polazišta, ciljevi i metodologija kvalitativnoga istraživanja studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Grupni intervjui provedeni su na uzorku od 325 studenata na osam fakulteta. U prikupljanju i analizi podataka korištena je tzv. mješovita metoda (mix-method) koju karakterizira uporaba kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih postupaka i procedura. Analizirana je struktura uzorka zagrebačkih studenata, pri čemu je pozornost posvećena područjima znanosti koja ispitanici studiraju i osobito indikatorima socijalnoga podrijetla. Rezultati su pokazali da tri četvrtine ispitanih studenata dolazi iz urbanih sredina, a gotovo tri petine iz obitelji u kojima oba ili bar jedan roditelj posjeduje akademsko obrazovanje. Na osnovi tih i tendencijski identičnih nalaza drugih istraživanja, navedeni trendovi protumačeni su kao pokazatelj opstojnosti procesa socijalne samoreprodukcije viših društvenih slojeva. (IN ENGLISH: This article presents starting points, goals and the methodology of qualitative research carried out on a sample of students at the University of Zagreb. Data have been collected from group interviews of 325 students at eight faculties. The structure of the sample of Zagreb students has been analysed paying special attention to the field of study of the respondents and indicators of their social background. The results show that three quarters of interviewed students come from urban environment and almost three fifths from families where both parents or at least one, have a university degree. These trends, based on the identical results of this and other researches, can be interpreted as indicators of continuous social self-reproduction of higher social classes.

    Politička participacija mladih i politika prema mladima: Hrvatska u europskom kontekstu

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    IN CROATIAN: U članku se analizira i uspoređuje politička participacija mladih u Europi i Hrvatskoj, te osnovne smjernice postojećih politika prema mladima. Podaci pokazuju da su mladi Europljani, kao i mladi u Hrvatskoj, ispodprosječno zastupljeni u tradicionalnim političkim institucijama i procesima. Kako se takvo stanje u razvijenim europskim zemljama drži nepovoljnim za budućnost reprezentativne demokracije, jedan od glavnih ciljeva nacionalnih politika prema mladima jest stimuliranje njihova političkog angažmana i društvene integracije. U Hrvatskoj je nacionalna politika prema mladima tek nedavno usvojena od strane najviših tijela vlasti zbog čega će se njezini učinci moći vidjeti tek za nekoliko godina. Pritom Hrvatska pripada većini europskih zemalja u kojima se mladima pristupa kao resursu, ali istodobno i manjini zemalja u kojima se tek uspostavlja institucionalna infrastruktura za sustavno bavljenje problematikom mladih i koordinaciju aktivnosti u provođenju politike prema mladima. Autorica ujedno otvara raspravu o problemu neujednačenosti dobnog određenja skupine mladih u službenim statistikama, empirijskim istraživanjima i europskim politikama prema mladima. Pozivajući se na znanstvene uvide zagovara podizanje gornje dobne granice pri određivanju mladih kao društvene grupe s danas prevladavajućih 25 na 30 godina života. ---------- IN ENGLISH: The article analyses and compares political participation of young people in Europe and Croatia, and the basic components of the existing youth-related policies. The data show that young Europeans, as well as young Croats, are underrepresented in the traditional political institutions and processes. Since the developed European states find such a state of affairs detrimental for the future of representative democracy, one of the priorities of national youth-related policies is to enhance their political commitment and social integration. In Croatia, the national youth policy has only recently been adopted by the highest governing bodies and its effects will be noticeable in several years. Croatia belongs to the majority of European countries in which young people are viewed as a resource, but at the same time to the minority of the countries with a recently established institutional infrastructure with a view to systematically deal with the problems of young people and to coordinate activities in the implementation of the youth policy. The author also discusses the problem of the differences among the definitions of the age bracket for the population of young people in official statistics, research and European youth-oriented policies. Based on research findings, the author proposes raising the upper age limit in the definition of young people as a social group from today’s standard 25 to 30 years of age

    Mediji u slobodnom vremenu djece i komunikacija o medijskim sadržajima

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    IN CROATIAN: U ovom prilogu analizirani su podaci iz istraživanja o ulozi medija u svakodnevnom životu djece u Hrvatskoj koje je provedeno 2000. godine na uzorku od 1000 učenika osnovnih škola od 5. do 8. razreda. Pokazalo se da je korištenje različitih medija, osim druženja s vršnjacima, najčešća aktivnost u slobodnom vremenu djece. Kao i u svijetu, najkorišteniji medij je televizija, a djeca najčešće gledaju filmski program i kvizove. U preferencijama različitih medijskih sadržaja djecu međusobno najviše diferencira spolno obilježje, odnosno različiti modeli socijalizacije. Na osnovi medijskih sadržaja što ih djeca najviše koriste zaključeno je da mediji ponajprije imaju zabavnu funkciju, no uz indicije da je njihova obrazovana uloga nešto veća nego kod odrasle populacije. Premda je prisutnost medija u slobodnom vremenu djece izrazita, utvrđeno je da učestalost razgovora o medijskim sadržajima (filmovima, glazbi i knjigama) nije adekvatna tome. Točnije, u komunikaciji djece s vršnjacima ta je tema najfrekventnija, no u komunikaciji s roditeljima ona je osrednje zastupljena. Pritom su registrirane i vrlo male varijacije, poglavito s obzirom na dob i školski uspjeh djece. Iznenađujući i porazan nalaz je da stupanj obrazovanja roditelja ne utječe na korištenje medija od strane djece niti na njihovu komunikaciju s djecom o medijskim sadržajima. Ta tendencija sugerira da, iako se za roditelje smatra da imaju najveću odgovornost za osposobljavanje djece za selektivno korištenje medija, oni (još) nisu spremni preuzeti ulogu i medijskih odgajatelja. ---------- IN ENGLISH: The present paper analyzes data gathered in a recent research into the role of the media in the daily lives of Croatian children. The sample consisted of 1,000 elementary school pupils, grades five to eight. It was found that – apart from peer group socializing – the use of the media was the most frequent leisure time activity. The most watched programmes were movies and quiz games. The function of the media is primarily entertainment, but there are indications that their educational role is somewhat more prominent than in the adult audiences. Although the presence of the media in children’s free time is very strong, the discussion of the media contents (films, music, books) varies: it is quite frequent in conversations within the peer groups, but much less so in conversations with parents. Variations in this regard are very small, mainly in terms of age and educational performance. Surprisingly enough, the parents’ educational level has no effect on the use of the media by their children or on the frequency of communication in the family about the media contents. Thus, while parents are held to be most responsible for preparing their children for the selective use of the media, they are not (yet) equipped for the role of media educators

    Vrijednosne dimenzije demokratske konsolidacije: politički stavovi hrvatskih građana i političke elite

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    Političke vrijednosti i stavovi analizirani u ovom prilogu predstavljaju tek segment političke kulture hrvatskih građana i političke elite, a koja je shvaćena kao jedna od nužnih pretpostavki demokratske konsolidacije. Koncentrirali smo se na one dimenzije koje daju uvid u prihvaćenost proklamiranih liberalno-demokratskih vrijednosti i demokratski potencijal građana te percepciju društvene realnosti i politička očekivanja građana i političke elite. Obavljena komparativna analiza dala je početne indicije za detektiranje sličnosti i razlika između građana i političke elite u određenom trenutku demokratske transformacije, točnije, sredinom ovog desetljeća, kada se Hrvatska priključila krugu postsocijalističkih zemalja u kojima je otpočeo proces demokratske konsolidacije

    The social structure of the Croatian Parliament in five mandates

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    In this paper we analyzed the social attributes and political experience of the members of the Croatian Parliament in five assemblies. We established that the multiparty parliament, during the 18 years of its existence, was dominated by men, averagely between 47 and 49 years of age, Croats, Catholics, highly educated, predominantly in the social sciences and humanities, and politicians with significant managerial and political experience acquired primarily during their work in political parties. Moreover, we found a relatively large fluctuation of parliamentarians, resulting in a lower level of parliamentary experience and a relatively short parliamentary career. Based on these indicators, it can be stated that in Croatia a socially homogenous parliamentary elite was formed, one with a potentially lower level of political competence, and that patterns of political recruitment, coherent in tendency with those in the developed democratic countries, were established