77 research outputs found

    BigScience: A Case Study in the Social Construction of a Multilingual Large Language Model

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    The BigScience Workshop was a value-driven initiative that spanned one and half years of interdisciplinary research and culminated in the creation of ROOTS, a 1.6TB multilingual dataset that was used to train BLOOM, one of the largest multilingual language models to date. In addition to the technical outcomes and artifacts, the workshop fostered multidisciplinary collaborations around large models, datasets, and their analysis. This in turn led to a wide range of research publications spanning topics from ethics to law, data governance, modeling choices and distributed training. This paper focuses on the collaborative research aspects of BigScience and takes a step back to look at the challenges of large-scale participatory research, with respect to participant diversity and the tasks required to successfully carry out such a project. Our main goal is to share the lessons we learned from this experience, what we could have done better and what we did well. We show how the impact of such a social approach to scientific research goes well beyond the technical artifacts that were the basis of its inception.Comment: Presented at the 2022 NeurIPS Workshop on Broadening Research Collaborations in M

    Geomorphological changes in a miniature beach in the karst

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    Žalo duljine oko 70 m nalazi se u uvali Uboka, na zapadnoj obali Riječkog zaljeva. Od 2. siječnja do 12. travnja 2012. godine provedeno je 11 mjerenja topografije žala. Korištena je Structure-from-Motion (SfM) fotogrametrija pomoću koje su generirani trodimenzionalni oblaci točaka visoke preciznosti i razlučivosti. Korištena metodologija je omogućila povoljno i brzo snimanje geomorfoloških promjena. Zabilježene su značajne promjene tijela žala prouzročene uzajamnim djelovanjem valova i istjecanjem površinskih i podzemnih voda kada dolazi do erozije žala oblikovanjem kanala kroz njegovo tijelo. Nakon prestanka istjecanja žalo se brzo oporavlja, odnosno poprima prvotni oblik djelovanjem vjetrovnih valova. Na mjestu kanala brzo se formira berma žala, najprije ona uža, a nakon toga stabilna široka i visoka berma. U slučaju kanaliziranja bujičnih vodotoka na ušću žala dolazi do znatnog povećanja brzina toka u odnosu na prirodan način otjecanja, koji je opisan u ovom radu, zbog čega može doći do trajne erozije žala.A 70 m long beach is located in the Uboka cove on the western cost of the Rijeka bay. From 2 January to 12 April 2012, 11 measurements of the beach topography were performed by applying the-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry which generated 3-D point clouds of high precision and resolution. The applied methodology facilitated an inexpensive and fast survey of geomorphological changes. Significant changes in the beach body were recorded, caused by the interaction of wave action and surface water and groundwater discharges and leading to the beach erosion through a formation of channels within its body. After water discharges the beach quickly recovered and resumed its original form through the wind wave action. The cahnnel position was quickly replaced by the beach berm, followed by a stable, high berm. In the case of channelled torrential watercourses on the beach, a significant increase in the velocities occurs in comparison to the natural runoff, as described in this paper, and leading up to potential permanent beach erosion

    European and national assessment procedure for the fire performance of facades

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    Innovative construction systems, increasing use of combustible material in facades, less and less space between buildings, increased energy requirements; the transformation of facades in response to these changes requires the involvement of fire safety experts. nts at Grenfell Tower, London and The Address in Dubai have demonstrated, use of combustible façade elements and lack of-quick time, primarily through the façade. We need to learn from these disasters. Other incidents prove that the use of nonsuppression. In the past years EU experts are working on development of common method for assessment of the fire performance of façade systems. The classification system should be transparent and should fit within the framework of existing national regulations. The common assessment method should be applicable to the wide range of façades systems available in the market including glazed façades, green façades and other emerging technologies. There is a progress in developing legislation on façade fire safety in non-EU countries, due to emerging fire safety problems and harmonization of regulation with EU. Fire safety of facades in Serbia is defined through several rulebooks and standards, which significantly improved requirements. This paper presents the comparative analysis of legislation on facade fire safety in Serbia and other European countries

    Quality control of gamma spectrometry method for determination of radionuclides activity concentration in soil and sediment samples

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    Mnogi prirodni i veštački radionuklidi koji se mogu naći u zemljištu i sedimentima mogu imati uticaj na životnu sredinu i javno zdravlje te je njihova aktivnost faktor koji treba pratiti. Danas, jedna od najčešće korišćenih tehnika za određivanje aktivnosti radionuklida, gama emitera, je tehnika visokorezolucione gama spektrometrije pomoću poluprovodničkog HPGe detektora. Međunarodni standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 obavezuje laboratorije za ispitivanje da osiguraju sledljivost i da procenjuju mernu nesigurnost, što je preduslov za pouzdanost rezultata laboratorijskih ispitivanja. Laboratorija mora sprovoditi kontrole kvaliteta rezultata svojih ispitivanja koje mogu biti interne i eksterne. U ovom radu prikazana je interna kontrola kvaliteta ispitivanja koja se odnosi na metodu za određivanje koncentracija aktivnosti prirodnih, veštačkih i radionuklida kosmogenog porekla, koji emituju gama zračenje u energetskom opsegu od 60 keV do 2 MeV (gamaspektrometrijsko ispitivanje) u uzorcima zemljišta i sedimenta. U tu svrhu kontrolisani su parametri preciznost i tačnost te je vršeno njihovo poređenje sa unapred definisanim kriterijumima prihvatljivosti. Za potrebe interne kontrole kvaliteta korišćen je uzorak sedimenta poznatih aktivnosti radionuklida (laboratorijski kontrolni uzorak) dobijen u okviru međunarodne interkomparacije ALMERA IAEA-TEL-2014-04. Gama spektrometrija je izvedena koristeći poluprovodnički HPGe detektor proizvođača Ortec, a dobijeni spektri obrađeni korišćenjem softvera GammaVision 32.Many natural and artificial radionuclides which can be found in soil and sediments can have an impact on the environment and public health so their activity concentration is a factor that needs to be monitored. Today, one of the most commonly used techniques for determination of the activity concentration of gamma emitters is high resolution gamma ray spectrometry using HPGe detectors. According to the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 testing laboratories have to ensure traceability and evaluate the measurement uncertainty, which is a prerequisite for the reliability of the laboratory tests results. The laboratory shall have quality control procedures for monitoring the validity of tests undertaken. The quality controls can be internal and external. This paper describes an in-house quality control of gamma spectrometry method for determination of radionuclides emitting gamma radiation in the energy range of 60 keV to 2 MeV in soil and sediment samples. The evaluated parameters precision and accuracy were compared with pre-defined criteria. Sediment sample used for this purpose was obtained through the IAEA-ALMERA proficiency test (IAEA-TEL-2014-04). Gamma spectrometry was performed using the Ortec HPGe detector and the spectra were analyzed using the software GammaVision 32.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин