42 research outputs found

    The rationalization of the registration of housing claims and changes in housing economy in Hungary since 1980

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    The Population Structure in the Royal Borough of Debrecen from the Beginnings to the Trianon’s Peace Treaty

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    Debrecen ili „kalvinski Rim”, kako se često naziva, danas je drugi po veličini mađarski grad i od 16. stoljeća sjedište je Protestanske crkve. Prihvaćanje nove vjeroispovijesti znatno je pridonijelo snaženju mađarskog jezika i književnosti na materinskom jeziku, a time i jačanju nacionalne svijesti koja je i danas vrlo svojstvena mađarskim protestantima, čak toliko da se gdjekad spominje i kao jedna od njihovih karakteristika. Druga znakovitost vezana uz Debrecen i protestante jest činjenica kako su katolici bili potisnuti ne samo iz javnoga života nego čak i iz grada. Dobivanje statusa slobodnoga grada od strane kralja Leopolda I. 1693. godine bilo je uvjetovano uz obvezu Debrecena da dopusti povratak katoličkoga svećenstva i crkvenog života u grad poslije dvoipolstoljetnog prisilnog izgnanstva. „Kalvinski Rim” pristao je na taj uvjet te je grad darovao zemljište na kojemu su redovnici pijaristi podigli današnju prvostolnu crkvu svete Ane. Unatoč burnoj prošlosti, grad koji Mađari često spominju samo kao „civis” ponajprije je zanimljiv po svome demografskom razvoju, napose glede vjerske strukture stanovništva koja se mijenjala kroz stoljeća. Danas je u Debrecenu među vjerujućima Protestantska crkva još uvijek dominantna, ali je razvidan porast katolika i posebice grkokatolika (unijata). Porast broja potonjih može se objasniti i blizinom Ukrajine i Rumunjske, u kojima na pograničnim područjima živi relativno visok broj grkokatolika, premda su stanovnici u objema zemljama uglavnom pravoslavci.Debrecen or the «Calvinist Rome» as usually called, is nowadays the second biggest city in Hungary and has been the centre of the Protestant Church since the 16th century. The acceptance of a new religion contributed significantly to strengthening of the Hungarian language and literature in mother tongue and national consciousness which is very present with the Hungarian Protestants to the extent that it is sometimes mentioned as their unique feature. Another feature linked with Debrecen and the Protestants is the fact that the Catholics were ousted not only from public life but from the town as well. The Royal Borough status by the king Leopold I in 1693 was conditioned by the obligation of the town to allow the return of Catholic clergy and ecclesiastical life to the town after two and half centuries of forced exile. The «Calvinist Rome» accepted this condition and the town provided for a construction site on which the Piarists built the today’s St Anne’s cathedral. In spite of tumultuous past the town that the Hungarians often refer to as ‘’civis’’, is interesting for its demographic development especially concerning the religious population structure which changed in course of the centuries. Nowadays the Debrecen Protestant church is believed to be dominant but the growth of Catholics is evident especially of Eastern-Rite Catholics (Uniats). The increase of the latter can be explained by a close vicinity of Ukraine and Romania where there is a great number of Greek-Catholics living in borderland area although inhabitants in both countries are mainly Eastern Orthodox Christians

    A tanári életpálya-modell egyes elemei az Európai Unió tagállamaiban

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    From among the member states of the Union Finland and England need special attention. The ‘Finnish Miracle of Education’ has become known all over the world. Several European and Transatlantic vocational forums are studying the reasons and the essence of the success of the system. The English career model is about 140 years old, still working today, elaborated in detail. It has an own process of evolution, whose result is the presently working system. It has accumulated an unbelievable amount of experience. After an international overview the next part of the study is about the detailed introduction of the regulations influencing the pedagogues in the Hungarian education system. The focus is on the presentation of the features of the career model, and later the quality of the Hungarian society of pedagogues. The main targets are the requirements and the competencies for teachers. If the goals set by the legislators and the vocational work groups can be realised in practice, our education system can win some recognition in Europe with gradual and thoughtful planning and implementation. In March 2013 the Council of the European Union drew some conclusions about the development of education under the Europe 2020 Strategy programme. Its main goals are to make teachers’ profession attractive, to strengthen professionalism, to effectively support career beginners, and to set up a competence based teachers’ further training system. Androulla Vassiliou, counsellor responsible for the Education of the EU, underlined that the key factor of ET 2020 – Education and Training Strategic Framework was high quality teaching

    Elöregedés és nyugdíjrendszer

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    A család és lakása

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