75 research outputs found

    An echelon-based single shot optical and terahertz Kerr effect spectrometer

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    We report on the design and performance of an echelon-based single shot visible/near-infrared spectrometer with adequate sensitivity to measure the nonlinear optical and terahertz Kerr effects in neat molecular liquids at room temperature. Useful molecular information spanning tens of picoseconds can be measured in just a few milliseconds, and the signal-to-noise performance scales favorably with respect to the standard stage scan technique. These results demonstrate the viability of stage-free nonlinear Kerr effect measurements and provide a route for improvements to the speed of future multidimensional Kerr effect studies

    An echelon-based single shot optical and terahertz Kerr effect spectrometer

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    We report on the design and performance of an echelon-based single shot visible/near-infrared spectrometer with adequate sensitivity to measure the nonlinear optical and terahertz Kerr effects in neat molecular liquids at room temperature. Useful molecular information spanning tens of picoseconds can be measured in just a few milliseconds, and the signal-to-noise performance scales favorably with respect to the standard stage scan technique. These results demonstrate the viability of stage-free nonlinear Kerr effect measurements and provide a route for improvements to the speed of future multidimensional Kerr effect studies

    Magnetically Tuned Continuous Transition from Weak to Strong Coupling in Terahertz Magnon Polaritons

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    Depending on the relative rates of coupling and dissipation, a light-matter coupled system is either in the weak- or strong-coupling regime. Here, we present a unique system where the coupling rate continuously increases with an externally applied magnetic field while the dissipation rate remains constant, allowing us to monitor a weak-to-strong coupling transition as a function of magnetic field. We observed a Rabi splitting of a terahertz magnon mode in yttrium orthoferrite above a threshold magnetic field of ~ 14 T. Based on a microscopic theoretical model, we show that with increasing magnetic field the magnons transition into magnon polaritons through an exceptional point, which will open up new opportunities for in situ control of non-Hermitian systems

    High-Acquisition-Rate Single-Shot Pump-Probe Measurements Using Time-Stretching Method

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    Recent advances of ultrafast spectroscopy allow the capture of an entire ultrafast signal waveform in a single probe shot, which greatly reduces the measurement time and opens the door for the spectroscopy of unrepeatable phenomena. However, most single-shot detection schemes rely on two-dimensional detectors, which limit the repetition rate of the measurement and can hinder real-time visualization and manipulation of signal waveforms. Here, we demonstrate a new method to circumvent these difficulties and to greatly simplify the detection setup by using a long, single-mode optical fiber and a fast photodiode. Initially, a probe pulse is linearly chirped (the optical frequency varies linearly across the pulse in time), and the temporal profile of an ultrafast signal is then encoded in the probe spectrum. The probe pulse and encoded temporal dynamics are further chirped to nanosecond time scales using the dispersion in the optical fiber, thus, slowing down the ultrafast signal to time scales easily recorded with fast detectors and high-bandwidth electronics. We apply this method to three distinct ultrafast experiments: investigating the power dependence of the Kerr signal in LiNbO3, observing an irreversible transmission change of a phase change material, and capturing terahertz waveforms

    Chiral Phonons with Giant Magnetic Moments in a Topological Crystalline Insulator

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    We have studied the magnetic response of transverse optical phonons in Pb1x_{1-x}Snx_{x}Te films. Polarization-dependent terahertz magnetospectroscopy measurements revealed Zeeman splittings and diamagnetic shifts, demonstrating that these phonon modes become chiral in magnetic fields. Films in the topological crystalline insulator phase (x>0.32x > 0.32) exhibited magnetic moment values that are larger than those for topologically trivial films (x<0.32x < 0.32) by two orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the sign of the effective gg-factor was opposite in the two phases, which can be explained by our theoretical model. These results strongly hint at the existence of interplay between the magnetic properties of chiral phonons and the topology of electronic band structure.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, see Supplemental Material in the Ancillary director

    Real-Time Time-Frequency Two-Dimensional Imaging of Ultrafast Transient Signals in Solid-State Organic Materials

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    In this review, we demonstrate a real-time time-frequency two-dimensional (2D) pump-probe imaging spectroscopy implemented on a single shot basis applicable to excited-state dynamics in solid-state organic and biological materials. Using this technique, we could successfully map ultrafast time-frequency 2D transient absorption signals of β-carotene in solid films with wide temporal and spectral ranges having very short accumulation time of 20 ms per unit frame. The results obtained indicate the high potential of this technique as a powerful and unique spectroscopic tool to observe ultrafast excited-state dynamics of organic and biological materials in solid-state, which undergo rapid photodegradation

    Terahertz Faraday and Kerr rotation spectroscopy of Bi1x_{1-x}Sbx_x films in high magnetic fields up to 30 Tesla

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    We report results of terahertz Faraday and Kerr rotation spectroscopy measurements on thin films of Bi1xSbx\text{Bi}_{1-x}\text{Sb}_{x}, an alloy system that exhibits a semimetal-to-topological-insulator transition as the Sb composition xx increases. By using a single-shot time-domain terahertz spectroscopy setup combined with a table-top pulsed mini-coil magnet, we conducted measurements in magnetic fields up to 30~T, observing distinctly different behaviors between semimetallic (x<0.07x < 0.07) and topological insulator (x>0.07x > 0.07) samples. Faraday and Kerr rotation spectra for the semimetallic films showed a pronounced dip that blue-shifted with the magnetic field, whereas spectra for the topological insulator films were positive and featureless, increasing in amplitude with increasing magnetic field and eventually saturating at high fields (>>20~T). Ellipticity spectra for the semimetallic films showed resonances, whereas the topological insulator films showed no detectable ellipticity. To explain these observations, we developed a theoretical model based on realistic band parameters and the Kubo formula for calculating the optical conductivity of Landau-quantized charge carriers. Our calculations quantitatively reproduced all experimental features, establishing that the Faraday and Kerr signals in the semimetallic films predominantly arise from bulk hole cyclotron resonances while the signals in the topological insulator films represent combined effects of surface carriers originating from multiple electron and hole pockets. These results demonstrate that the use of high magnetic fields in terahertz magnetopolarimetry, combined with detailed electronic structure and conductivity calculations, allows us to unambiguously identify and quantitatively determine unique contributions from different species of carriers of topological and nontopological nature in Bi1x_{1-x}Sbx_x.Comment: 17 pages, 22 figure

    Magnetic Control of Soft Chiral Phonons in PbTe

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    PbTe crystals have a soft transverse optical phonon mode in the terahertz frequency range, which is known to efficiently decay into heat-carrying acoustic phonons, resulting in anomalously low ther- mal conductivity. Here, we studied this phonon via polarization-dependent terahertz spectroscopy. We observed softening of this mode with decreasing temperature, indicative of incipient ferroelectric- ity, which we explain through a model including strong anharmonicity with a quartic displacement term. In magnetic fields up to 25 T, the phonon mode splits into two modes with opposite hand- edness, exhibiting circular dichroism. Their frequencies display Zeeman splitting together with an overall diamagnetic shift with increasing magnetic field. Using a group-theoretical approach, we demonstrate that these observations are the result of magnetic field-induced morphic changes in the crystal symmetries through the Lorentz force exerted on the lattice ions. Our study thus reveals a novel process of controlling phonon properties in a soft ionic lattice by a strong magnetic field.This research was primarily sup- ported by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF MRSEC under Cooperative Agreement No. DMR- 1720595. F.G.G.H. acknowledges financial support from the Brasil@Rice Collaborative Grant, the So Paulo Re- search Foundation (FAPESP) Grants No. 2015/16191-5 and No. 2018/06142-5, and Grant No. 307737/2020-9 of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). M. R-V. was supported by LANL LDRD Program and by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sci- ences and Engineering Division, Condensed Matter The- ory Program. G. A. F. acknowledges additional support from NSF DMR-1949701 and NSF DMR-2114825. J. T. and I. K. acknowledge the support from the Japan Soci- ety for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (KAKENHI No. 20H05662).Center for Dynamics and Control of Material

    Waveform sampling on an atomic scale

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