200 research outputs found

    An Experimental Study on Vortex Breakdown in Straight and Divergent Pipes

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    Article信州大学工学部紀要 36: 1-10 (1974)departmental bulletin pape

    Performance of an electron gun for a high-brightness X-ray generator

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    The development of an electron gun for a high-brightness X-ray generator whose target brilliance is 60 kW mm−2 is reported

    Research and development of an electron beam focusing system for a high-brightness X-ray generator

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    In order to minimize the size of the X-ray source for a U-shaped rotating anticathode X-ray generator, the electron beam is focused over a short distance by a combined-function bending magnet. Simulation predicts that the beam brightness will reach almost 500 kW mm−2 for a 120 keV/75 mA beam

    Effect of ice algal community on the increase of chlorophyll a concentration during spring in coastal water of the Sea of Okhotsk

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    A seasonal study of size fractionated chlorophyll α concentration was conducted weekly in Monbetsu Harbor from October 1996 to November 1997 to investigate the annually persistent occurrence of the spring peak of the chlorophyll α concentration in the >10μm size fraction immediately after the retreat of sea ice, as described by K. Hamasaki et al. (Plankton Biol. Ecol., 45,151,1998). Species composition of natural phytoplankton assemblages was also investigated to study whether phytoplankton or ice algae were responsible for the spring peak in the coastal water. The spring peak occurred immediately after the retreat of sea ice but timing of the occurrence was different between the stations occupied in the present study. The spatial heterogenity in occurrence of the spring peak seemed to be related to the sea ice distribution between the stations. New sea ice provided only a small supply of ice algae due to the relatively short growth period inside of the harbor. Large ice floes provided for a large supply of ice algae due to the long growth period outside of the harbor. The magnitude of the spring peak was related to sea ice growth. However, those ice algae seemed to sink to the bottom with little contribution to phytoplankton assemblage in the harbor, while ice algae contributed significantly to the spring peak outside of the harbor. Species composition revealed relatively fast response of phytoplankton to the environmental change after the disappearance of sea ice. Surface assemblages of phytoplankton including ice algae seemed to respond fully to the regional optical condition by changing in the species composition

    Detection of metacercariae of Spelotrema capellae in crabs from Sanyo District, Japan

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    吸虫Spelotrema capellaeの飼い猫への感染源を調べるために,広島県福山市を中心とした瀬戸内沿岸の河口域に生息するカニにおけるメタセルカリアの感染状況を調査した。調査地のうち広島児内の4ヵ所と岡山県内の1ヵ所のケフサイソガニHemigrapsus PenicillatusからS. capellaeのメタセルカリアが検出された。特に,過去に症例報告のあった猫の行動圏内にある福山市の2ヵ所のケフサイソガニからは高率に検出された。したがってこれらの地方においては飼い猫へのS. capellaeの感染源は河口産のケフサイソガニであることが強く示唆された。The detection of metacercariae of Spelotrema capellae was investigated in crabs that inhabited the river mouth in the Sanyo District, Japan. The metacercaria was detected in crabs from 4 areas of the Hiroshima Prefecture and from 1 area of the Okayama Prefecture. From 2 areas in the Hiroshima Prefecture, the crab, Hemigrapsus penicillatus, showed the high prevalence of metacercariae. This crab could be a source of infection by Spelotrema capellae in domestic cats in these areas

    Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japan : JSH Consensus Statements and Recommendations 2021 Update

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    The Clinical Practice Manual for Hepatocellular Carcinoma was published based on evidence confirmed by the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma along with consensus opinion among a Japan Society of Hepatology (JSH) expert panel on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Since the JSH Clinical Practice Guidelines are based on original articles with extremely high levels of evidence, expert opinions on HCC management in clinical practice or consensus on newly developed treatments are not included. However, the practice manual incorporates the literature based on clinical data, expert opinion, and real-world clinical practice currently conducted in Japan to facilitate its use by clinicians. Alongside each revision of the JSH Guidelines, we issued an update to the manual, with the first edition of the manual published in 2007, the second edition in 2010, the third edition in 2015, and the fourth edition in 2020, which includes the 2017 edition of the JSH Guideline. This article is an excerpt from the fourth edition of the HCC Clinical Practice Manual focusing on pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of HCC. It is designed as a practical manual different from the latest version of the JSH Clinical Practice Guidelines. This practice manual was written by an expert panel from the JSH, with emphasis on the consensus statements and recommendations for the management of HCC proposed by the JSH expert panel. In this article, we included newly developed clinical practices that are relatively common among Japanese experts in this field, although all of their statements are not associated with a high level of evidence, but these practices are likely to be incorporated into guidelines in the future. To write this article, coauthors from different institutions drafted the content and then critically reviewed each other’s work. The revised content was then critically reviewed by the Board of Directors and the Planning and Public Relations Committee of JSH before publication to confirm the consensus statements and recommendations. The consensus statements and recommendations presented in this report represent measures actually being conducted at the highest-level HCC treatment centers in Japan. We hope this article provides insight into the actual situation of HCC practice in Japan, thereby affecting the global practice pattern in the management of HCC

    ニクヨウコウシ ノ ハツイクセイセキ ニ タイスル L-カルニチンテンカ ノ コウカ

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    本試験は子牛の飼料へのL-カルニチン添加が発育成績に及ぼす影響を評価する目的で実施した。L-カルニチンはATP生産に係わる脂肪代謝を促進するべくミトコンドリア内に長鎖脂肪酸を取り込む上で重要な役割を果たしている。 未成熟な動物は体内でのL-カルニチン合成が未発達であり,L-カルニチンの摂取は乳成分に依存している。本試験では黒毛和種子牛6頭を用いた。6頭の子牛は通常飼育の対照区とL-カルニチンを給与した試験区の2区に3頭ずつ無作為に配分した。1週間初乳を授乳させた後,母牛から分離して市販代用乳(500g/2L)を1日当たり2回給与した。試験区の代用乳には0.1gのL-カルニチンを添加した。人工哺乳を1カ月間行い,この期間終了後離乳させた。体重測定と体尺(胸囲,体長,胸深,十字部高)は期間中毎週行った。各項目において開始時の初期値に対する伸張率を算出し,比較した。試験区の増体量と胸囲の伸張率は大きくなる傾向を示したが,いずれの項目でも有意な差は認められなかった。本試験では供試頭数が少なかったが,L-カルニチンを代用乳に添加給与することは子牛の発育を高める事が示唆された。The present experiment aimed to estimate the effect of dietary supplementation of L-carnitine to calves on their growth performance. L-carnitine plays a role in the shuttling process of long-chain fatty acids into a mitochondrial matrix that eventually promotes lipid catabolism to produce ATP. Immature animals cannot synthesize it by themselves and depend on milk for the intake of L-carnitine. Six Japanese Black cattle calves were used in this study. The animals were randomly classified into two groups of 3 calves each, a normal control group and an L-carnitine supplemented experimental group. After one week of drinking colostrum, they were separated from their dam and artificially given 500g/2L commercial milk replacer twice a day. The milk in the experimental group contained additional 0.1g L-carnitine. Artificial nursing was conducted for 1 month and the animals were weaned after this period. Determination of body weight and body measurement (withers height, body length, chest depth, chest girth, and height at hip cross) was conducted every week. Enlargement percentage was calculated for the initial size for each calf at the starting point. Although body weight gain and enlargement of chest girth in the experimental group showed a tendency for improved growth performance, there was no significant difference in any factor. The number of animals used in this study may be somewhat small, but the present results suggest that L-carnitine supplementation to the milk replacer supported the growth performance of calves

    ホルスタインシュニュウギュウ ノ ショニュウ オヨビ ニュウチュウ L-カルニチンガンリョウ ノ キセツヘンドウ

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    本試験はホルスタイン種乳牛の初乳および乳中L-カルニチン含量の季節変化について検討することを目的とした。L-カルニチンの分析に供する乳汁の搾乳は分娩後2日,6日および30日とした。乳牛の各乳房から泌乳される乳汁成分は異なることが知られているが,本試験では合乳として処理をした。分娩後のL-カルニチン値の経時的な変動は,初乳で最も高く,徐々に牛乳中の最も低い値まで低下していった。分娩後同日の乳汁中L-カルニチン含量の季節変動は,各搾乳日で特異な変動を示した。初乳中の季節変動は初夏に緩やかに上昇し,分娩後6日のL-カルニチン含量は秋に急激に上昇した。牛乳のL-カルニチン含量は安定していた。このような泌乳ステージにおける変動の違いは,暑熱ストレスの違いを示すものと考えられた。In this study, we observed the seasonal variations in L-carnitine levels in the colostrum and milk of Holstein strain cows. Milking for L-carnitine analysis was conducted on days 2, 6, and 30 after calving. Because milk composition varies with each cow udder, mixed milk from each cow was prepared for this study. In the chronological variations of L-carnitine values after calving, the highest values were recognized in the colostrum and decreased to their lowest levels in milk. The seasonal variations in L-carnitine levels for each day after calving showed specific patterns, respectively. The L-carnitine level in colostrum increased mildly at the start of summer, and on day 6 after calving at the start of autumn, it increased suddenly. The L-carnitine level in milk remained stable. Differences in these variations in L-carnitine levels during the lactation stage appear to indicate differences in heat stress damage

    トウキョウノウギョウダイガクフジノウジョウ ニ オケル シヨウカンリホウシキ ノ ヘンセン ニ トモナウ クロゲワシュハンショクメウシ ノ ハンショクセイセキ

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    東京農業大学富士農場では,昭和62年以降,家畜の飼養管理方式の改善につとめてきた。本調査では,昭和62年から平成18年までの間に本農場において繋養してきた黒毛和種繁殖牛延べ400頭における分娩後初回人工授精日数,人工授精回数,受胎率および空胎日数について飼養管理方式の変遷と併せて解析した。その結果,受胎率は自然哺乳期の44.8%に対し早期母子分離開始以降では50.6%と高い傾向を示した。空胎日数は舎飼期に120.3±90.6日であったが,放牧開始以降は90.0±72.3日と約30日程度短縮し,有意な差(P<0.05)が認められた。また,早期母子分離との関係では,自然哺乳期の125.1±94.8日に対し,早期母子分離開始以降は88.1±62.0日と約37日短縮しており,有意な差(P<0.05)が認められた。このことから,昭和62年から平成13年までは舎飼主体で十分な運動は行えていないと考えられ,平成13年以降の母子分離時期の早期化と放牧地面積の拡大が,受胎率向上と空胎日数短縮に良好な影響を及ぼしたと考えられた。Research has been carried out on how to improve feeding methods for domestic animals since 1987 at Fuji farm, Tokyo University of Agriculture. In this investigation, the days consumed for the first postpartum artificial insemination, the number of artificial inseminations, the conception rate, and the relation of days of the non-pregnancy in a total of 400 Japanese Black cows fed between 1987 to 2006 were analyzed along with the transition of feeding method. Conception rates were 50.6% with the early cow separation and it was higher than that (44.8%) of natural nursing period. Days of non-pregnancy during raising time in the cattle shed were 120.3±90.6, though it was 90.0&plusmn;72.3 days after the start of pasturing, approximately 30 days shorter, with a significant difference (P<0.05). Natural nursing period was 125.1±94.8, and it was 88.1±62.0 days after the start of early cow separation, approximately 37 days shorter with a significant difference (P<0.05). As a result, we thought that feeding in the livestock barn between 1987 to 2001, in which cows were not able to move around adequately and that making the cow separation time earlier from 2001 and the expansion of the pasture area had exerted an excellent influence on conception rate improvement and the shortening of non-pregnancy days