12,635 research outputs found

    Josephson Vortex States in Intermediate Fields

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    Motivated by recent resistance data in high TcT_c superconductors in fields {\it parallel} to the CuO layers, we address two issues on the Josephson-vortex phase diagram, the appearances of structural transitions on the observed first order transition (FOT) curve in intermediate fields and of a lower critical point of the FOT line. It is found that some rotated pinned solids are more stable than the ordinary rhombic pinned solids with vacant interlayer spacings and that, due to the vertical portion in higher fields of the FOT line, the FOT tends to be destroyed by creating a lower critical point.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To appear in J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 71, No.2 (February, 2002

    Universal Irreversibility of Normal Quantum Diffusion

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    Time-reversibility measured by the deviation of the perturbed time-reversed motion from the unperturbed one is examined for normal quantum diffusion exhibited by four classes of quantum maps with contrastive physical nature. Irrespective of the systems, there exist a universal minimal quantum threshold above which the system completely loses the past memory, and the time-reversed dynamics as well as the time-reversal characteristics asymptotically trace universal curves independent of the details of the systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal fluctuations and disorder effects in vortex lattices

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    We calculate using loop expansion the effect of fluctuations on the structure function and magnetization of the vortex lattice and compare it with existing MC results. In addition to renormalization of the height of the Bragg peaks of the structure function, there appears a characteristic saddle shape ''halos'' around the peaks. The effect of disorder on magnetization is also calculated. All the infrared divergencies related to soft shear cancel.Comment: 10 pages, revtex file, one figur

    Microscopic Study of Quantum Vortex-Glass Transition Field in Two-Dimensional Superconductors

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    The position of a field-tuned superconductor-insulator quantum transition occuring in disordered thin films is examined within the mean field approximation. Our calculation shows that the microscopic disorder-induced reduction of the quantum transition point found experimentally cannot be explained if the interplay between the disorder and an electron-electron repulsive interaction is ignored. This work is presented as a microscopic basis of an explanation (cond-mat/0105122) of resistive phenomena near the transition field.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. To appear in J.Phys.Soc.Jp

    Elastic Instabilities within Antiferromagnetically Ordered Phase in the Orbitally-Frustrated Spinel GeCo2_2O4_4

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    Ultrasound velocity measurements of the orbitally-frustrated GeCo2_2O4_4 reveal unusual elastic instabilities due to the phonon-spin coupling within the antiferromagnetic phase. Shear moduli exhibit anomalies arising from the coupling to short-range ferromagnetic excitations. Diplike anomalies in the magnetic-field dependence of elastic moduli reveal magnetic-field-induced orbital order-order transitions. These results strongly suggest the presence of geometrical orbital frustration which causes novel orbital phenomena within the antiferromagnetic phase.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of the tensor force in the exchange channel on the spin-orbit splitting in 23F in the Hartree-Fock framework

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    We study the spin-orbit splitting (lsls-splitting) for the proton d-orbits in 23F in the Hartree-Fock framework with the tensor force in the exchange channel. 23F has one more proton around the neutron-rich nucleus 22O. A recent experiment indicates that the ls-splitting for the proton d-orbits in 23F is reduced from that in 17F. Our calculation shows that the ls-splitting in 23F becomes smaller by about a few MeV due to the tensor force. This effect comes from the interaction between the valence proton and the occupied neutrons in the 0d5/2 orbit through the tensor force and makes the ls-splitting in 23F close to the experimental data

    Estimates on Green functions of second order differential operators with singular coefficients

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    We investigate the Green functions G(x,x^{\prime}) of some second order differential operators on R^{d+1} with singular coefficients depending only on one coordinate x_{0}. We express the Green functions by means of the Brownian motion. Applying probabilistic methods we prove that when x=(0,{\bf x}) and x^{\prime}=(0,{\bf x}^{\prime}) (here x_{0}=0) lie on the singular hyperplanes then G(0,{\bf x};0,{\bf x}^{\prime}) is more regular than the Green function of operators with regular coefficients.Comment: 16 page

    Why the lowest Landau level approximation works in strongly type II superconductors

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    Higher than the lowest Landau level contributions to magnetization and specific heat of superconductors are calculated using Ginzburg - Landau equations approach. Corrections to the excitation spectrum around solution of these equations (treated perturbatively) are found. Due to symmetries of the problem leading to numerous cancellations the range of validity of the LLL approximation in mean field is much wider then a naive range and extends all the way down to H=Hc2(T)/13H = {H_{c2}(T)}/13. Moreover the contribution of higher Landau levels is significantly smaller compared to LLL than expected naively. We show that like the LLL part the lattice excitation spectrum at small quasimomenta is softer than that of usual acoustic phonons. This enhanses the effect of fluctuations. The mean field calculation extends to third order, while the fluctuation contribution due to HLL is to one loop. This complements the earlier calculation of the LLL part to two loop order.Comment: 20 pages, Latex file, three figure

    The \Phi^4 quantum field in a scale invariant random metric

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    We discuss a D-dimensional Euclidean scalar field interacting with a scale invariant quantized metric. We assume that the metric depends on d-dimensional coordinates where d<D. We show that the interacting quantum fields have more regular short distance behaviour than the free fields. A model of a Gaussian metric is discussed in detail. In particular, in the \Phi^4 theory in four dimensions we obtain explicit lower and upper bounds for each term of the perturbation series. It turns out that there is no coupling constant renormalization in the \Phi^4 model in four dimensions. We show that in a particular range of the scale dimension there are models in D=4 without any divergencies

    Asymptotic symmetry and conservation laws in 2d Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity

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    The structure of the asymptotic symmetry in the Poincar\'e gauge theory of gravity in 2d is clarified by using the Hamiltonian formalism. The improved form of the generator of the asymptotic symmetry is found for very general asymptotic behaviour of phase space variables, and the related conserved quantities are explicitly constructed.Comment: 22 pages, Plain Te