42 research outputs found

    Mouse spermatozoa with higher fertilization rates have thinner nuclei

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    Mashiko D, Ikawa M, Fujimoto K. 2017. Mouse spermatozoa with higher fertilization rates have thinner nuclei. PeerJ 5:e3913 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.391

    チツシュヨウ トノ カンベツ ガ コンナン ダッタ チョクチョウ GIST ノ 1 レイ

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    We report a rare case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor of rectum. A 57-year-old-woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of genital bleeding. MRI showed the presence of an 11.2×8.7cm cystic tumor in pelvis. The border is unclear between the tumor and vagina and rectum. We could not get the diagnosis with biopsy and performed partial resection of vagina and rectal amptation considering the tumor as a vaginal tumor. Histologic examination revealed fascicular proliferation of spindle-shaped tumor cells developed from rectum. Immunohistochemical testing was c-ki(t +), CD 34(+), smooth muscle actin(‐), desmin(‐)and S‐100 protein(‐). The tumor was diagnosed as GIST of rectum. Post-operative course was uneventful and no evidence of recurrence is detected 13 months after the operation. We could not get the preoperative diagnosis and performed the operation as a vaginal tumor, however rectal GIST should be considered when detect a pelvic tumor

    スイビブガン ノ ゾウ オ シメシタ スイナイ フクヒ ノ 1レイ

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    Intrapancreatic accessory spleens exhibit the same computed tomography (CT) findings as the spleen itself. We experienced a case in which an intrapancreatic accessory spleen mimicked pancreatic tail carcinoma. A 54-year-old female who had a medical history of splenectomy presented with a pancreatic tail tumor, which exhibited low density in the arterial phase and slightly high density in the portal and equilibrium phases on CT. In addition, an accessory spleen was present in the greater omentum. We initially diagnosed the tumor as a pancreatic carcinoma, and scheduled distal pancreatectomy(DP)combined with lymph node dissection(LND). Intraoperatively, the tumor was found to be elastic-soft, which indicated that it might be benign. We changed the planned procedure from DP combined with LND to DP without LND. The cut surface of the tumor had the appearance of spleen tissue, and the pathological diagnosis was an intrapancreatic accessory spleen. Intrapancreatic accessory spleens can display the same imaging findings as pancreatic carcinomas. Intraoperative palpation and gross pathological examinations were useful for selecting the optimal surgical procedure in the present case. It is important to differentiate pancreatic tail tumors that exhibit low density in the arterial phase on CT from accessory spleens

    フククウキョウカ イ ゼンテキジュツゴ ニ 2ド ノ Petersen’s hernia シュウフクジュツ オ ヨウシタ 1レイ

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    Petersen’s hernia is a type of internal hernia that may occur after Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Some surgeons suture Petersen’s defect for prevention of Petersen’s hernia. We report a case of recurrent Petersen’s hernia. A fifty-something man underwent laparoscopic-assisted total gastrectomy with antecolic Roux-en-Y reconstruction for gastric cancer. Petersen’s hernia occurred 6 months later. We closed Petersen’s defect by absorbable suture. However, he experienced recurrence2months later. The defect had not been successfully closed and there was no adhesion ; thus, we sutured Petersen’s defect again, more tightly than before. Additionally, we investigated different approaches for closing Petersen’s defect due to our experience of recurrent Petersen’s hernia

    The C-Terminal Fragment of Prostate-Specific Antigen, a 2331 Da Peptide, as a New Urinary Pathognomonic Biomarker Candidate for Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

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    Background and Objectives: Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers and leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men. Mass screening has been carried out since the 1990s using prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in the serum as a PCa biomarker. However, although PSA is an excellent organ-specific marker, it is not a cancer-specific marker. Therefore, the aim of this study was to discover new biomarkers for the diagnosis of PCa. Materials and Methods: We focused on urine samples voided following prostate massage (digital rectal examination [DRE]) and conducted a peptidomic analysis of these samples using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS_n). Urinary biomaterials were concentrated and desalted using CM-Sepharose prior to the following analyses being performed by MALDI-TOF/MS_n: 1) differential analyses of mass spectra; 2) determination of amino acid sequences; and 3) quantitative analyses using a stable isotope-labeled internal standard. Results: Multivariate analysis of the MALDI-TOF/MS mass spectra of urinary extracts revealed a 2331 Da peptide in urine samples following DRE. This peptide was identified as a C-terminal PSA fragment composed of 19 amino acid residues. Moreover, quantitative analysis of the relationship between isotope-labeled synthetic and intact peptides using MALDI-TOF/MS revealed that this peptide may be a new pathognomonic biomarker candidate that can differentiate PCa patients from non-cancer subjects. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that the 2331 Da peptide fragment of PSA may become a new pathognomonic biomarker for the diagnosis of PCa. A further large-scale investigation is currently underway to assess the possibility of using this peptide in the early detection of PCa

    フクブ ドンテキ ガイショウゴ チハツセイ ニ ショウジタ オウコウ ケッチョウ カンマク レッコウ ヘルニア ノ 1レイ

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    A 77-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with complains of abdominal pain and frequent vomiting. In the past, she has never been on surgery but she suffered blunt liver injury after motor vehicle accident nine months ago. She was performed trans-catheter arterial embolization to the left hepatic lobe at that time and had been seeing a doctor regularly for post traumatic biloma. The contrast-enhanced abdominal CT scan revealed a closed loop and a dilatation of a small intestine. She was diagnosed a small bowel obstruction due to a internal hernia. She was operated urgently. The surgical exploration showed that the congested jejunum incarcerated into an omental bursa, and an adhesion of the jejunum mesentery and a greater omentum. We found a mesentery hiatus of the transverse colon, through which a higher jejunum had incarcerated into the omental bursa. The jejunum was reduced manually and the hiatus was closed by suture. The patient followed a favorable postoperative course and was discharged on postoperative day6. We report a extremely rare transverse colon hiatal hernia that occurred in the late onset after blunt abdominal injury with the review of the literature

    Mitochondrial dysfunction and increased reactive oxygen species impair insulin secretion in sphingomyelin synthase 1-null Mice

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    Sphingomyelin synthase 1 (SMS1) catalyzes the conversion of ceramide to sphingomyelin. Here, we generated and analyzed SMS1-null mice. SMS1-null mice exhibited moderate neonatal lethality, reduced body weight, and loss of fat tissues mass, suggesting that they might have metabolic abnormality. Indeed, analysis on glucose metabolism revealed that they showed severe deficiencies in insulin secretion. Isolated mutant islets exhibited severely impaired ability to release insulin, dependent on glucose stimuli. Further analysis indicated that mitochondria in mutant islet cells cannot up-regulate ATP production in response to glucose. We also observed additional mitochondrial abnormalities, such as hyperpolarized membrane potential and increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mutant islets. Finally, when SMS1-null mice were treated with the anti-oxidant N-acetyl cysteine, we observed partial recovery of insulin secretion, indicating that ROS overproduction underlies pancreatic β-cell dysfunction in SMS1-null mice. Altogether, our data suggest that SMS1 is important for controlling ROS generation, and that SMS1 is required for normal mitochondrial function and insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.Masato Yano, Ken Watanabe, Tadashi Yamamoto, Kazutaka Ikeda, Takafumi Senokuchi, Meihong Lu, Tsuyoshi Kadomatsu, Hiroto Tsukano, Masahito Ikawa, Masaru Okabe, Shohei Yamaoka, Toshiro Okazaki, Hisanori Umehara, Tomomi Gotoh, Wen-Jie Song, Koichi Node, Ryo Taguchi, Kazuya Yamagata, Yuichi Oike, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Increased Reactive Oxygen Species Impair Insulin Secretion in Sphingomyelin Synthase 1-null Mice, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 286, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 3992-4002, ISSN 0021-9258, https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M110.179176

    Successful cricothyrotomy for emergency airway management : a case report

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    A 60 year-old male was brought to our emergency department by ambulance due to sudden onset of dyspnea. On examination, he was in coma since his level of consciousness decreased during transport, blood pressure was 199/111mmHg, heart rate was100 beats per minute, respirations were 10 per minute, blood oxygen saturation level(SpO2)was100% via assisted ventilation with Bag-Valve-Mask, and stridor was heard on auscultation. Those findings indicated airway emergency and endotracheal intubation was required. However, attempts at intubation were unsuccessful due to restriction of mouth opening. Muscle relaxant was then given to perform rapid sequence intubation, which caused vomiting. Failure to ventilation and intubation resulted in cardiopulmonary arrest. Chest compression was started immediately and decision for cricothyrotomy was made. 10 minute after cricothyrotomy, he revived. Subsequently, systemic management including therapeutic normothermia was performed at intensive care unit, then he regained consciousness. He was discharged 1 month after admission

    Ammonia Gas Adsorption by Carbonized Rice Husk

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    Ammonia is a principal component of foul odors of agricultural and livestock wastes. This study investigated ammonia gas adsorption of rice husk carbonized in vacuum at different temperatures (300 ―800°C) for 3h. In an enclosed bag, 1.00 g of the carbonized rice husk was exposed to ammonia gas at 100 ppm. Rice husk carbonized at 400°C adsorbed ammonia the fastest. Its performance was much better than those of commercial deodorants. Pore characteristics and chemical characteristics of carbonized rice husk were examined to correlate them with the ammonia adsorption property. Remaining acidic functional groups were inferred to play a beneficial role in improving the ammonia adsorption