8 research outputs found

    Government social media in Indonesia: just another information dissemination tool

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    Indonesia is the largest social media market in Southeast Asia with approximately 79 million active users. Since 2015, government agencies have been actively using social media as one of their communication channels. This study aims to analyse whether the advent of communication technologies of social media has made Indonesia government to perform a long-term two-way communication with the citizens. The social network analysis (SNA) method was used to analyse four types of government-citizens’ conversations on social media: daily communication, campaign communication, crisis, and emergency communication. Two Indonesian government agencies’ social media accounts at the national level were selected as samples. One was a policy-based government agency and the other was a service-based agency. This study found that a two-way communication happened in a limited way, which was mainly in the daily conversation. The policy-based agency used social media as a channel to disseminate information, thus they had a low number of interactions. Although the agency allows comments from every follower on Facebook page, there was no interaction between the agency and the public. The agency apparently was more active to reply messages via Twitter. The high number of fake followers and political buzzer on Twitter support the finding that the only interest for the agency to be on Twitter was to disseminate information. Lack of interaction happened in the campaign communication, also in crisis and emergency communication — types of communication that are urgent and important

    PERAN HUMAS PEMERINTAH DI ERA KETERBUKAAN INIFORMASI (Analisis Isi Permenpan-RB No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Humas dan Angka Kreditnya)

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    guaranteeing their right to information. In 2008, President SBY establishedLaw No. 14/2008 on Transparency of Public Information (UU KIP), which requires public agency to conduct a public information service and as a guarantee for citizen's right to access information. The one who plays an important role in implementing transparency of public information is government public relations (PR) agency, who is obliged to give  information to the citizen. It means that PR has an important role in  guaranteeing Indonesia's citizens a right of access to information,  promoting citizens' participation in public policy making, and implementing  the clean, transparent, and good governance. This paper  analyzes the roles of public relations in Indonesia's government regulation  (Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan  Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia No. 6/ 2014 on Public Reations  Functional and Its Credit Score). This paper analyzes whether the  government public relations has function as the public information officer  or still as the tools of government propaganda using PR's roles theory by  Broom and Dozier and government PR's goals by Baker. This research  finds that the regulation puts government PR officer as communication  technician (50%), expert prescriber (30,55%), communication facilitator  (16,66%), and problem solving facilitator (2,78%). This research finds that  the goals of government PR is to develop and protect positive  institutional images (42,2%), serve information to public (38,9%),  generate public feedback (11,92%), and persuade and win public acceptance (1,83%). The result of this research shows that even though government PR has a potential role in promoting public participation in Indonesia's new democracy, but it is still positioned as a propaganda  tools

    Blaming others:Stigmas related to COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    High stigma toward COVID-19 sufferers was observed in Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s social media spheres, especially at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. This study compared individual and interpersonal stigmas through analysis of online conversations and established government protocols in handling COVID-19 in Malaysia and Indonesia. The critical narrative found was ‘blaming others,’ pointing fingers toward other actors, such as certain ethnic and religious groups, for the continuous spread of the virus. We found that stigmatisation of COVID-19 in Indonesia and Malaysia pointed out jarring concerns, 1) lack of knowledge on COVID-19, 2) the need for effective and efficient dissemination of information to avoid victim blaming, and 3) politicisation of COVID-19 for one’s benefit. In times of public health crises such as COVID-19, governments should not only be responsive in formulating just policies that could help to control the spread of the virus but also mitigate stigmatization towards certain members of society. For Indonesian and Malaysian governments, while there were attempts to address COVID-19 stigma through various online and offline campaigns, observers expressed concern over the lack of recognition of the effects of stigma in COVID-19 official protocols. We discovered that COVID-19 protocols did not provide sufficient information on how to develop a safe environment for COVID-19 sufferers, thus preventing people from getting health treatment and other public services during the pandemic. Also, the protocols were found to have strengthened existing negative stereotypes toward marginalised groups

    Virality is not enough when the audience misses the point: A content analysis of youtube comments on environmental documentary “Sexy Killers”

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    During the Indonesian presidential election campaign, a documentary on coal mining problems in Indonesia titled “ Sexy Killers” became viral and was highly engaged on YouTube in early 2019, attracting 36 million views and above 100,000 comments. The documentary also received mainstream media coverage and had such a far-reaching appeal that it swayed many voters into not voting in the election. Showing the impact of coal mining on Indonesia’s environment and its people, the documentary exposed networks of business owners and politicians who had stakes in the coal mining company. This research thus delves into understanding the public discourse, especially the high number of YouTube comments on the documentary. The analysis revealed that despite the documentary’s widespread popularity, the discussion within the comments did not focus on the environmental problems (72.9%). Most of the comments discussed the political campaign and presidential candidates (41.3%), instead of discussing the environmental impact of coal mining in Indonesia (13.9%). The research is valuable in highlighting the centrality of political debates dwarfing real environmental issues in Indonesia. Environment activists use documentary movies as one of their advocacy strategies, but it must be followed by audience engagement strategy to assure the discussions are still relevant to increase audience awareness on the issue

    Potret Manajemen Media di Indonesia

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    Manajemen media sbg kajian komunikasi yg relatif baru di indonesia masih tertinggal di banding pengkajian atas konsentrasi studi jurnalistik , publik relation, periklanan, &broadcasting. padahal kehidupan media di tanah air begitu dinamis &tumbuh pesat sejak era keterbukaan informasi tahun 1998 di susul kebijakan otonomi daerah tahun 1999.Tidak banyak literatur mengenai manajemen media yg tersedia dlm bahasa indonesia. Lebih sedikit lagi yg membahas soal manajemen mediadlm konteks indonesia. kehadiran buku ini menjadilangkah awal yg sangat strategis utk menjawab kekosongan literarur manajemen media di indonesia. Kajian dan posisi manajemen media serta peta media di Indonesia / Amir Effendi Siregar Ekonomi dan manajemen media / Rahayu Regulasi, globalisasi, dan manajemen media / A.G. Eka Wenats Wuryanta Pertarungan kekuatan pada media massa dan pengaruhnya terhadap manajemen dan isi pesan media / Morissan Manajemen media televisi di tengah perkembangan teknologi dan peran ekonomi politik media di Indonesia / Ishadi S.K. Antara kreativitas, ketidakpastian, dan kesempatan / Wisnu Martha Adiputra Relasi manusia dan media baru / Ana Nadhya Abrar Manajemen media di tengah konvergensi, konsentrasi, dan konglomerasi / Fajar Junaedi Media baru, from nothing to something / Amelia & Irwansyah Manajemen blog korporat dalam membentuk citra perusahaan / Ika Karlina Idris Menggagas kajian manajemen media, menyoal kontribusi ilmu komunikasi / Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf.xvi, 280 hlm.; 20,5 cm