1,279 research outputs found

    Superconductivity induced by longitudinal ferromagnetic fluctuations in UCoGe

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    From detailed angle-resolved NMR and Meissner measurements on a ferromagnetic (FM) superconductor UCoGe (T_Curie ~ 2.5 K and T_SC ~ 0.6 K), we show that superconductivity in UCoGe is tightly coupled with longitudinal FM spin fluctuations along the c axis. We found that magnetic fields along the c axis (H || c) strongly suppress the FM fluctuations and that the superconductivity is observed in the limited magnetic field region where the longitudinal FM spin fluctuations are active. These results combined with model calculations strongly suggest that the longitudinal FM spin fluctuations tuned by H || c induce the unique spin-triplet superconductivity in UCoGe. This is the first clear example that FM fluctuations are intimately related with superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PR

    Phonon and Elastic Instabilities in MoC and MoN

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    We present several results related to the instability of MoC and MoN in the B1 (sodium chloride) structure. These compounds were proposed as potential superconductors with moderately high transition temperatures. We show that the elastic instability in B1-structure MoN, demonstrated several years ago, persists at elevated pressures, thus offering little hope of stabilizing this material without chemical doping. For MoC, another material for which stoichiometric fabrication in the B1-structure has not proven possible, we find that all of the cubic elastic constants are positive, indicating elastic stability. Instead, we find X-point phonon instabilities in MoC (and in MoN as well), further illustrating the rich behavior of carbo-nitride materials. We also present additional electronic structure results for several transition metal (Zr, Nb and Mo) carbo-nitride systems and discuss systematic trends in the properties of these materials. Deviations from strict electron counting dependencies are apparent.Comment: 5 pages and 4 trailing figures. Submitted to PR

    Anisotropic Superconducting Properties of Optimally Doped BaFe2_2(As0.65_{0.65}P0.35_{0.35})2_2 under Pressure

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    Magnetic measurements on optimally doped single crystals of BaFe2_2(As1x_{1-x}Px_{x})2_2 (x0.35x\approx0.35) with magnetic fields applied along different crystallographic axes were performed under pressure, enabling the pressure evolution of coherence lengths and the anisotropy factor to be followed. Despite a decrease in the superconducting critical temperature, our studies reveal that the superconducting properties become more anisotropic under pressure. With appropriate scaling, we directly compare these properties with the values obtained for BaFe2_2(As1x_{1-x}Px_{x})2_2 as a function of phosphorus content.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    On the classical capacity of quantum Gaussian channels

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    The set of quantum Gaussian channels acting on one bosonic mode can be classified according to the action of the group of Gaussian unitaries. We look for bounds on the classical capacity for channels belonging to such a classification. Lower bounds can be efficiently calculated by restricting to Gaussian encodings, for which we provide analytical expressions.Comment: 10 pages, IOP style. v2: minor corrections, close to the published versio

    On the fraction of intermediate-mass close binaries that explode as type-Ia supernovae

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    Type-Ia supernovae (SNe-Ia) are thought to result from a thermonuclear runaway in white dwarfs (WDs) that approach the Chandrasekhar limit, either through accretion from a companion or a merger with another WD. I compile observational estimates of the fraction eta of intermediate-mass stars that eventually explode as SNe-Ia, supplement them with several new estimates, and compare them self-consistently. The estimates are based on five different methods, each utilising some observable related to the SN-Ia rate, combined with assumptions regarding the IMF: the ratio of SN-Ia to core-collapse rates in star-forming galaxies; the SN-Ia rate per unit star-formation rate; the SN-Ia rate per unit stellar mass; the iron to stellar mass ratio in galaxy clusters; and the abundance ratios in galaxy clusters. The five methods indicate that a fraction in the range eta~2-40% of all stars with initial masses of 3-8 M_sun (the generally assumed SN-Ia progenitors) explode as SNe-Ia. A fraction of eta~15% is consistent with all five methods for a range of plausible IMFs. Considering also the binarity fraction among such stars, the mass ratio distribution, the separation distribution, and duplicity (every binary can produce only one SN-Ia explosion), this implies that nearly every intermediate mass close binary ends up as a SN-Ia, or possibly more SNe-Ia than progenitor systems. Theoretically expected fractions are generally one to two orders of magnitude lower. The problem could be solved: if all the observational estimates are in error; or with a ``middle-heavy'' IMF; or by some mechanism that strongly enhances the efficiency of binary evolution toward SN-Ia explosion; or by a non-binary origin for SNe-Ia.Comment: MNRAS, accepted versio

    Study of nuclear correlation effects via 12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+) at 296 MeV

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    We report measurements of the cross section and a complete set of polarization observables for the Gamow--Teller 12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+){}^{12}{\rm C}(\vec{p},\vec{n}){}^{12}{\rm N}({\rm g.s.},1^+) reaction at a bombarding energy of 296 MeV. The data are compared with distorted wave impulse approximation calculations employing transition form factors normalized to reproduce the observed beta-decay ftft value. The cross section is significantly under-predicted by the calculations at momentum transfers qq \gtrsim 0.5 fm1{\rm fm^{-1}}. The discrepancy is partly resolved by considering the non-locality of the nuclear mean field. However, the calculations still under-predict the cross section at large momentum transfers of qq \simeq 1.6 fm1{\rm fm^{-1}}. We also performed calculations employing random phase approximation response functions and found that the observed enhancement can be attributed in part to pionic correlations in nuclei.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Renormalization of Multiple qq-Zeta Values

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    In this paper we shall define the renormalization of the multiple qq-zeta values (MqqZV) which are special values of multiple qq-zeta functions ζq(s1,...,sd)\zeta_q(s_1,...,s_d) when the arguments are all positive integers or all non-positive integers. This generalizes the work of Guo and Zhang (math.NT/0606076v3) on the renormalization of Euler-Zagier multiple zeta values. We show that our renormalization process produces the same values if the MqqZVs are well-defined originally and that these renormalizations of MqqZV satisfy the qq-stuffle relations if we use shifted-renormalizations for all divergent ζq(s1,...,sd)\zeta_q(s_1,...,s_d) (i.e., s11s_1\le 1). Moreover, when \qup our renormalizations agree with those of Guo and Zhang.Comment: 22 pages. This is a substantial revision of the first version. I provide a new and complete proof of the fact that our renormalizations satisfy the q-stuffle relations using the shifting principle of MqZV

    Complete set of polarization transfer coefficients for the 3He(p,n){}^{3}{\rm He}(p,n) reaction at 346 MeV and 0 degrees

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    We report measurements of the cross-section and a complete set of polarization transfer coefficients for the 3He(p,n){}^{3}{\rm He}(p,n) reaction at a bombarding energy TpT_p = 346 MeV and a reaction angle θlab\theta_{\rm lab} = 00^{\circ}. The data are compared with the corresponding free nucleon-nucleon values on the basis of the predominance of quasi-elastic scattering processes. Significant discrepancies have been observed in the polarization transfer DLL(0)D_{LL}(0^{\circ}), which are presumably the result of the three-proton TT = 3/2 resonance. The spin--parity of the resonance is estimated to be 1/21/2^-, and the distribution is consistent with previous results obtained for the same reaction at TpT_p = 48.8 MeV.Comment: 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Two-Dimensional Nature of Four-Layer Superconductors by Inequivalent Hole Distribution

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    The magnetization of the four-layer superconductor CuBa_{2}Ca_{3}Cu_4O_{12-\delta} with T_c\simeq117 K is presented. The high-field magnetization around T_c(H) follows the exact two-dimensional scaling function given by Te\v{s}anovi\'{c} and Andreev. This feature is contrary to the inference that the interlayer coupling becomes strong if the number of CuO_2 planes in a unit cell increases. Also, the fluctuation-induced susceptibility in the low-field region was analyzed by using the modified Lawrence-Doniach model. The effective number of independently fluctuating CuO_2 layers per unit cell, g_{\rm eff}, turned out to be \simeq 2 rather than 4, which indicated that two among the four CuO_2 layers were in states far from their optimal doping levels. This result could explain why CuBa_{2}Ca_{3}Cu_4O_{12-\delta} shows two-dimensional behavior.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure