44 research outputs found

    SN 2020zbf: A fast-rising hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with strong carbon lines

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    SN 2020zbf is a hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova at z=0.1947z = 0.1947 that shows conspicuous C II features at early times, in contrast to the majority of H-poor SLSNe. Its peak magnitude is MgM_{\rm g} = 21.2-21.2 mag and its rise time (24\lesssim 24 days from first light) place SN 2020zbf among the fastest rising SLSNe-I. Spectra taken from ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared wavelengths are used for the identification of spectral features. We pay particular attention to the C II lines as they present distinctive characteristics when compared to other events. We also analyze UV and optical photometric data, and model the light curves considering three different powering mechanisms: radioactive decay of Ni, magnetar spin-down and circumstellar material interaction (CSM). The spectra of SN 2020zbf match well with the model spectra of a C-rich low-mass magnetar model. This is consistent with our light curve modelling which supports a magnetar-powered explosion with a MejM_{\rm ej} = 1.5 MM_\odot. However, we cannot discard the CSM-interaction model as it also may reproduce the observed features. The interaction with H-poor, carbon-oxygen CSM near peak could explain the presence of C II emission lines. A short plateau in the light curve, around 30 - 40 days after peak, in combination with the presence of an emission line at 6580 \r{A} can also be interpreted as late interaction with an extended H-rich CSM. Both the magnetar and CSM interaction models of SN 2020zbf indicate that the progenitor mass at the time of explosion is between 2 - 5 MM_\odot. Modelling the spectral energy distribution of the host reveals a host mass of 108.7^{8.7} MM_\odot, a star-formation rate of 0.240.12+0.41^{+0.41}_{-0.12} MM_\odot yr1^{-1} and a metallicity of \sim 0.4 ZZ_\odot.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, submitted to A&

    Multiwavelength observations of the extraordinary accretion event AT2021lwx

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    We present observations from X-ray to mid-infrared wavelengths of the most energetic non-quasar transient ever observed, AT2021lwx. Our data show a single optical brightening by a factor >100>100 to a luminosity of 7×10457\times10^{45} erg s1^{-1}, and a total radiated energy of 1.5×10531.5\times10^{53} erg, both greater than any known optical transient. The decline is smooth and exponential and the ultra-violet - optical spectral energy distribution resembles a black body with temperature 1.2×1041.2\times10^4 K. Tentative X-ray detections indicate a secondary mode of emission, while a delayed mid-infrared flare points to the presence of dust surrounding the transient. The spectra are similar to recently discovered optical flares in known active galactic nuclei but lack some characteristic features. The lack of emission for the previous seven years is inconsistent with the short-term, stochastic variability observed in quasars, while the extreme luminosity and long timescale of the transient disfavour the disruption of a single solar-mass star. The luminosity could be generated by the disruption of a much more massive star, but the likelihood of such an event occurring is small. A plausible scenario is the accretion of a giant molecular cloud by a dormant black hole of 10810910^8 - 10^9 solar masses. AT2021lwx thus represents an extreme extension of the known scenarios of black hole accretion.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    An outflow powers the optical rise of the nearby, fast-evolving tidal disruption event AT2019qiz

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    At 66 Mpc, AT2019qiz is the closest optical tidal disruption event (TDE) to date, with a luminosity intermediate between the bulk of the population and the faint-and-fast event iPTF16fnl. Its proximity allowed a very early detection and triggering of multiwavelength and spectroscopic follow-up well before maximum light. The velocity dispersion of the host galaxy and fits to the TDE light curve indicate a black hole mass ≈106 M, disrupting a star of ≈1 M. By analysing our comprehensive UV, optical, and X-ray data, we show that the early optical emission is dominated by an outflow, with a luminosity evolution L ∝ t 2, consistent with a photosphere expanding at constant velocity (2000 km s−1), and a line-forming region producing initially blueshifted H and He II profiles with v = 3000–10 000 km s−1. The fastest optical ejecta approach the velocity inferred from radio detections (modelled in a forthcoming companion paper from K. D. Alexander et al.), thus the same outflow may be responsible for both the fast optical rise and the radio emission – the first time this connection has been observed in a TDE. The light-curve rise begins 29 ± 2 d before maximum light, peaking when the photosphere reaches the radius where optical photons can escape. The photosphere then undergoes a sudden transition, first cooling at constant radius then contracting at constant temperature. At the same time, the blueshifts disappear from the spectrum and Bowen fluorescence lines (N III) become prominent, implying a source of far-UV photons, while the X-ray light curve peaks at ≈1041 erg s−1. Assuming that these X-rays are from prompt accretion, the size and mass of the outflow are consistent with the reprocessing layer needed to explain the large optical to X-ray ratio in this and other optical TDEs, possibly favouring accretion-powered over collision-powered outflow models

    An outflow powers the optical rise of the nearby, fast-evolving tidal disruption event AT2019qiz

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    At 66 Mpc, AT2019qiz is the closest optical tidal disruption event (TDE) to date, with a luminosity intermediate between the bulk of the population and iPTF16fnl. Its proximity allowed a very early detection and triggering of multiwavelength and spectroscopic follow-up well before maximum light. The velocity dispersion of the host galaxy and fits to the TDE light curve indicate a black hole mass 106\approx 10^6 M_\odot, disrupting a star of 1\approx 1 M_\odot. Comprehensive UV, optical and X-ray data shows that the early optical emission is dominated by an outflow, with a luminosity evolution Lt2L \propto t^2, consistent with a photosphere expanding at constant velocity (2000\gtrsim 2000 km s1^{-1}), and a line-forming region producing initially blueshifted H and He II profiles with v=300010000v=3000-10000 km s1^{-1}. The fastest optical ejecta approach the velocity inferred from radio detections (modelled in a forthcoming companion paper from K.~D.~Alexander et al.), thus the same outflow may be responsible for both the fast optical rise and the radio emission -- the first time this connection has been observed in a TDE. The light curve rise begins 29±229 \pm 2 days before maximum light, peaking when the photosphere reaches the radius where optical photons can escape. The photosphere then undergoes a sudden transition, first cooling at constant radius then contracting at constant temperature. At the same time, the blueshifts disappear from the spectrum and Bowen fluorescence lines (N III) become prominent, implying a source of far-UV photons, while the X-ray light curve peaks at 1041\approx 10^{41} erg s1^{-1}. Assuming that these X-rays are from prompt accretion, the size and mass of the outflow are consistent with the reprocessing layer needed to explain the large optical to X-ray ratio in this and other optical TDEs, possibly favouring accretion-powered over collision-powered outflow models.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Single-lens mass measurement in the high-magnification microlensing event Gaia19bld located in the Galactic disc

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    This work was supported from the Polish NCN grants: Preludium No. 2017/25/N/ST9/01253, Harmonia No. 2018/30/M/ST9/00311, MNiSW grant DIR/WK/2018/12, Daina No. 2017/27/L/ST9/03221, and by the Research Council of Lithuania, grant No. S-LL-19-2. The OGLE project has received funding from the NCN grant MAESTRO 2014/14/A/ST9/00121 to AU. We acknowledge the European Commission’s H2020 OPTICON grant No. 730890. YT acknowledges the support of DFG priority program SPP 1992 “Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets” (WA 1047/11-1). EB and RS gratefully acknowledge support from NASA grant 80NSSC19K0291. Work by AG was supported by JPL grant 1500811. Work by JCY was supported by JPL grant 1571564. SJF thanks Telescope Live for access to their telescope network. NN acknowledges the support of Data Science Research Center, Chiang Mai University. FOE acknowledges the support from the FONDECYT grant nr. 1201223. MK acknowledges the support from the NCN grant No. 2017/27/B/ST9/02727.Context. Microlensing provides a unique opportunity to detect non-luminous objects. In the rare cases that the Einstein radius θE and microlensing parallax πE can be measured, it is possible to determine the mass of the lens. With technological advances in both ground- and space-based observatories, astrometric and interferometric measurements are becoming viable, which can lead to the more routine determination of θE and, if the microlensing parallax is also measured, the mass of the lens.  Aims. We present the photometric analysis of Gaia19bld, a high-magnification (A approximate to 60) microlensing event located in the southern Galactic plane, which exhibited finite source and microlensing parallax effects. Due to a prompt detection by the Gaia satellite and the very high brightness of I = 9.05 mag at the peak, it was possible to collect a complete and unique set of multi-channel follow-up observations, which allowed us to determine all parameters vital for the characterisation of the lens and the source in the microlensing event.  Methods. Gaia19bld was discovered by the Gaia satellite and was subsequently intensively followed up with a network of ground-based observatories and the Spitzer Space Telescope. We collected multiple high-resolution spectra with Very Large Telescope (VLT)/X-shooter to characterise the source star. The event was also observed with VLT Interferometer (VLTI)/PIONIER during the peak. Here we focus on the photometric observations and model the light curve composed of data from Gaia, Spitzer, and multiple optical, ground-based observatories. We find the best-fitting solution with parallax and finite source effects. We derived the limit on the luminosity of the lens based on the blended light model and spectroscopic distance.  Results. We compute the mass of the lens to be 1.13 ± 0.03 M⊙ and derive its distance to be 5.52-0.64+0.35 kpc. The lens is likely a main sequence star, however its true nature has yet to be verified by future high-resolution observations. Our results are consistent with interferometric measurements of the angular Einstein radius, emphasising that interferometry can be a new channel for determining the masses of objects that would otherwise remain undetectable, including stellar-mass black holes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Single-lens mass measurement in the high-magnification microlensing event Gaia 19bld located in the Galactic disc

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    CONTEXT: Microlensing provides a unique opportunity to detect non-luminous objects. In the rare cases that the Einstein radius θ_{E} and microlensing parallax π_{E} can be measured, it is possible to determine the mass of the lens. With technological advances in both ground- and space-based observatories, astrometric and interferometric measurements are becoming viable, which can lead to the more routine determination of θ_{E} and, if the microlensing parallax is also measured, the mass of the lens. AIMS: We present the photometric analysis of Gaia19bld, a high-magnification (A ≈ 60) microlensing event located in the southern Galactic plane, which exhibited finite source and microlensing parallax effects. Due to a prompt detection by the Gaia satellite and the very high brightness of I = 9.05 mag at the peak, it was possible to collect a complete and unique set of multi-channel follow-up observations, which allowed us to determine all parameters vital for the characterisation of the lens and the source in the microlensing event. METHODS: Gaia19bld was discovered by the Gaia satellite and was subsequently intensively followed up with a network of ground-based observatories and the Spitzer Space Telescope. We collected multiple high-resolution spectra with Very Large Telescope (VLT)/X-shooter to characterise the source star. The event was also observed with VLT Interferometer (VLTI)/PIONIER during the peak. Here we focus on the photometric observations and model the light curve composed of data from Gaia, Spitzer, and multiple optical, ground-based observatories. We find the best-fitting solution with parallax and finite source effects. We derived the limit on the luminosity of the lens based on the blended light model and spectroscopic distance. RESULTS: We compute the mass of the lens to be 1.13 ± 0.03 M_{⊙} and derive its distance to be 5.52_{−0.64}^{+0.35} kpc. The lens is likely a main sequence star, however its true nature has yet to be verified by future high-resolution observations. Our results are consistent with interferometric measurements of the angular Einstein radius, emphasising that interferometry can be a new channel for determining the masses of objects that would otherwise remain undetectable, including stellar-mass black holes

    The tidal disruption event AT2018hyz-I. Double-peaked emission lines and a flat Balmer decrement

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    We present results from spectroscopic observations of AT 2018hyz, a transient discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernova survey at an absolute magnitude of M-V similar to -20.2 mag, in the nucleus of a quiescent galaxy with strong Balmer absorption lines. AT 2018hyz shows a blue spectral continuum and broad emission lines, consistent with previous TDE candidates. High cadence follow-up spectra show broad Balmer lines and He I in early spectra, with He II making an appearance after similar to 70-100 d. The Balmer lines evolve from a smooth broad profile, through a boxy, asymmetric double-peaked phase consistent with accretion disc emission, and back to smooth at late times. The Balmer lines are unlike typical active galactic nucleus in that they show a flat Balmer decrement (H alpha/H beta similar to 1.5), suggesting the lines are collisionally excited rather than being produced via photoionization. The flat Balmer decrement together with the complex profiles suggests that the emission lines originate in a disc chromosphere, analogous to those seen in cataclysmic variables. The low optical depth of material due to a possible partial disruption may be what allows us to observe these double-peaked, collisionally excited lines. The late appearance of He II may be due to an expanding photosphere or outflow, or late-time shocks in debris collisions

    An elliptical accretion disk following the tidal disruption event AT 2020zso

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    Aims. The modelling of spectroscopic observations of tidal disruption events (TDEs) to date suggests that the newly formed accretion disks are mostly quasi-circular. In this work we study the transient event AT 2020zso, hosted by an active galactic nucleus (AGN; as inferred from narrow emission line diagnostics), with the aim of characterising the properties of its newly formed accretion flow.Methods. We classify AT 2020zso as a TDE based on the blackbody evolution inferred from UV/optical photometric observations and spectral line content and evolution. We identify transient, double-peaked Bowen (N III), He I, He II, and H alpha emission lines. We model medium-resolution optical spectroscopy of the He II (after careful de-blending of the N III contribution) and H alpha lines during the rise, peak, and early decline of the light curve using relativistic, elliptical accretion disk models.Results. We find that the spectral evolution before the peak can be explained by optical depth effects consistent with an outflowing, optically thick Eddington envelope. Around the peak, the envelope reaches its maximum extent (approximately 10(15) cm, or similar to 3000-6000 gravitational radii for an inferred black hole mass of 5-10 x 10(5) M-circle dot) and becomes optically thin. The H alpha and He II emission lines at and after the peak can be reproduced with a highly inclined (i  = 85 +/- 5 degrees), highly elliptical (e  = 0.97 +/- 0.01), and relatively compact (R-in = several 100 R-g and R-out = several 1000 R-g) accretion disk.Conclusions. Overall, the line profiles suggest a highly elliptical geometry for the new accretion flow, consistent with theoretical expectations of newly formed TDE disks. We quantitatively confirm, for the first time, the high inclination nature of a Bowen (and X-ray dim) TDE, consistent with the unification picture of TDEs, where the inclination largely determines the observational appearance. Rapid line profile variations rule out the binary supermassive black hole hypothesis as the origin of the eccentricity; these results thus provide a direct link between a TDE in an AGN and the eccentric accretion disk. We illustrate for the first time how optical spectroscopy can be used to constrain the black hole spin, through (the lack of) disk precession signatures (changes in inferred inclination). We constrain the disk alignment timescale to > 15 days in AT2020zso, which rules out high black hole spin values (a  < 0.8) for M-BH  similar to  10(6) M-circle dot and disk viscosity alpha  greater than or similar to  0.1.</p

    Real-time Discovery of AT2020xnd: A Fast, Luminous Ultraviolet Transient with Minimal Radioactive Ejecta

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    The many unusual properties of the enigmatic AT2018cow suggested that at least some subset of the empirical class of fast blue optical transients (FBOTs) represents a genuinely new astrophysical phenomenon. Unfortunately, the intrinsic rarity and fleeting nature of these events have made it difficult to identify additional examples early enough to acquire the observations necessary to constrain theoretical models. We present here the Zwicky Transient Facility discovery of AT2020xnd (ZTF20acigmel, the "Camel") at z=0.243, the first unambiguous AT2018cow analog to be found and confirmed in real time. AT2018cow and AT2020xnd share all key observational properties: a fast optical rise, sustained high photospheric temperature, absence of a second peak attributable to ejection of a radioactively-heated stellar envelope, extremely luminous radio, millimetre, and X-ray emission, and a dwarf-galaxy host. This supports the argument that AT2018cow-like events represent a distinct phenomenon from slower-evolving radio-quiet supernovae, likely requiring a different progenitor or a different central engine. The sample properties of the four known members of this class to date disfavour tidal disruption models but are consistent with the alternative model of an accretion powered jet following the direct collapse of a massive star to a black hole. Contextual filtering of alert streams combined with rapid photometric verification using multi-band imaging provides an efficient way to identify future members of this class, even at high redshift