13 research outputs found

    Health Evaluations of Natural Picea jezoensis : A case study in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido

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    亜寒帯林における森林衰退現象のモニタリング調査・研究の一環として,ヤツバキクイムシによる虫害木が発生している東京大学北海道演習林の標高400m~850mの天然林においてエゾマツを対象に調査を行った。前報のトドマツと同様に観察木を設定し,着葉,葉の色調,着果による健全度調査を開始した。さらに,健全木,衰弱木,虫害木を各2本ずつ伐倒し,着葉・着果の状況,伸長および肥大成長量の解析を行った。その結果,トドマツ衰退木にみられた樹冠梢端部の集中的な疎化現象は認められなかった。最近20年間における伸長・肥大成長量は健全木は優れ,衰弱木は減退していたが,虫害木の成長は衰弱木よりも旺盛であった。エゾマツの枯損はヤツバキクイムシの加害によって急速に進行し,着葉量,葉の色調などに基づく健全度や成長量からこれを予測することは困難であることがわかった。衰弱木に対する菌類調査およびナラタケ病調査からは,病原性の菌類とナラタケ病菌は検出されなかった。したがって,この衰退の原因は菌類(病原菌)によるものではなく,他の要因によるものと思われた。Continuous observations of forest decline in sub-arctic coniferous forest were started in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido in 1991, and the health condition of Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis) growing in the forest damaged by spruce beetles (Ips typograhpus japonicus) was investigated between 400m and 850m above sea level in the same area. The health condition of Yezo spruce trees was investigated by an assessment of volume and color of needles, in a similar way to that in an investigation of Todo-fir in a previous report (Yamamoto et al., 1991). According to this information, the trees were classified into two categories: normal and abnormal. To analyze the volume of needles, cone bearing and stem growth of sample trees, two trees from both the normal and abnormal categories and insect damaged trees were cut. In addition, the presence of pathogenic fungi on these trees was investigated. Concentric defoliation of the crown top was not found in the sample trees. Height and diameter increment of the normal trees were larger than those of abnormal ones during the latest twenty years. However, insect damaged trees grew larger than abnormal trees. Based on this information, we estimated that healthy grown trees were killed by the spruce beetles within a few months. Consequently, it is difficult to predict insect damage on the basis of health indicators and stem growth. No pathogenic fungus or the mycelial mat of Armillariella-root rot were found. Therefore, it was considered that the decline of Yezo spruce observed on the sample trees was caused by factors other than pathogenic fungi

    Constructing the Volume Table for Artificial Spruce Stands of University Forest in Hokkaido : Making a computerized system for construction of the volume table

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    東京大学北海道演習林ヨーロッパトウヒ林に適用する目的で材積表を調製した。現行の北海道演習林トウヒ材積表は,1950年代に,当時40年生前後の資料木を用いて調製されたもので,現在70年生を超える林木に適用すると過小な値を示すことがわかったためである。新しい材積表の調製に当たっては,1987・1988年の二か年にわたり,当演習林内のヨーロッパトウヒ造林地全域より資料を収集した。正形数による分散分析の結果,本演習林のヨーロッパトウヒにおいては地形・標高・胸高直径・林齢による樹幹形の差が認められた。正形数,胸高形数,重回帰式の3つの方法により,二変数材積表を調製した。この3種の材積表の精度を比較したところ,胸高形数と重回帰式はほぼ同程度であった。理論上一般性を有する胸高形数による二変数材積表を採用することにした。採用された胸高形数による材積式は以下のとおりである。V=G・H・fb fb=1/(1.60123+0.0137dBH)ただし,V:幹材積,G:胸高断面積,H:樹高,fb:胸高形数,dBH:胸高直径次に,地位別に樹高曲線を決定した。樹高曲線式はヨーロッパトウヒに対して,最も適合度のよかったネスルンド式を採用した。樹高曲線式を用いて,胸高直径から樹高を求め,この二変数材積表を一変数材積表に変換した。一変数材積表の精度を調べるために,収集した資料木の実材積と一変数材積表による推定材積を比較したところ,単木レベルでは,±10%以内に76.5%の資料木が,±5%以内に42.9%の資料木が収まった。また,資料木全体の推定値は,実材積の100.218%であった。この結果は,材積表の精度としては満足できるものであった。This paper reports on the construction of the volume table for artificial Spruce (Picea abies) stands of the University Forest in Hokkaido. The present volume table underestimates over 70 years old trees because it was constructed uging under 40 years old trees. The analysis of variance on the normal form factor shows that geographical features, altitude, diameter at breast height and age have influence on the tree form of the Spruce stands in the University Forest. Three kinds of two-way volume table were constructed using the normal form factor, the breast height form factor and the multiple regression formula. Though the comparison between the three kinds of volume table shows that the breast height method and the multiple regression method have a higher degree of accuracy, the breast height method is accepted because of its universal idea. The volume formula with the breast height form factor is as follows. V=G・B・fb fb=1/(1.60123+0.0137DBH) where V=stem volume G=basal area H=tree height fb=breast height form factor DBH=diameter at breast height Next, the height-diameter curve formula are calculated by each site classes using the Naslund formula which shows best goodness of fit to the measured results. The two-way volume table is transformed into the one-way volume table with the height-diameter curve. The comparison of the measured volume with the calculated results shows that the one-way volume table satisfies the standard of volume table. Because 76.5% of measured trees are estimated within 10% difference and 42.9% are estimated within 5% difference and the total volume is estimated 0.218% difference

    The Influence of Large-sized Wheel-type Forestry Machines on the Residual Forest Land : A case study of selection cutting operations on a natural forest in Hokkaido

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    北海道の天然林内において,フェラーバンチャおよびグラップルスキッダによる材積伐採率54%の択伐作業および全木集材作業が林地,残存木,天然更新,植生などに与える影響について,伐採時とその後4年間にわたり調査を行った。その結果,1)残存木本数の54%になんらかの損傷が生じ,地表面積の56%が攪乱された。2)小径木は致命的損傷となる確率が高く,中・大径木では部分的損傷に留まることが多い。3)伐採木からの距離が近いほど損傷を受ける確率が高い。4)伐採4年後に健全な状態にある樹木は伐採前の蓄積の14%にすぎず,30%は枯死したか衰弱した状態にある。5)伐出に伴う地表攪乱は,ダケカンバの更新には効果が期待されるが,針葉樹の後継木確保のためには不十分である。以上のことから,大形車両系林業機械による択伐作業と全木集材では残存した森林に対する影響が大きく,針葉樹は成長を増進できずに衰弱して,広葉樹が優占する疎林となる。地表は攪乱されるものの,回復の早いクマイザサに覆われるため,針葉樹の天然更新は期待できない。持続的森林経営のためには後継樹の植え込みが必要である。大形機械による伐出作業を促進するためには損傷木の発生を少なくするため,伐採木周辺の残存木に配慮して,フェラーバンチャの伐採木までの移動方法や伐倒方法,グラップルスキッダの走行ルートを改善する必要がある。A continuous research program into the influence of selection cutting and whole tree logging using a feller buncher and a grapple skidder on forest land, residual trees, natural regeneration and vegetation has been carried out over four years after cutting in a natural forest in Hokkaido. The results obtained were as follows: 1) 54% of the residual trees suffered from some damage and 56% of the surface of the forest land was disturbed. 2) In the case of small trees, the probability of fatal damage was high. Middle or large trees were damaged partially. 3) The closer to the felled tree, the higher the probability of damage. 4) The volume of healthy trees was only 14% of the stand volume before cutting, 30% of the stand volume was dead or declining because of logging damage. 5) The surface idsturbance by logging is expected to allow the natural regeneration of Betula ermanii, but it is not sufficient to ensure a coniferous succession. Accordingly, in case of selection cutting operations and whole tree logging using a large-sized wheel-type forestry machine, the influence is too severe on the residual stands. In particular, coniferous trees declined and in the future the forest will be an open forest covered with broad-leaved tress. The natural regeneration of conifers is not expected in spite of surface disturbance by logging because of the quick recovery of Sasa senanensis. So artificial planting of succeeding trees is needed for sustainable forest management. In order to promote the mechanization of logging operations, improvements in the routes of machine movement and the method of tree felling considering residual trees are indispensable