56 research outputs found

    Topological Supersymmetry Breaking as the Origin of the Butterfly Effect

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    Previously, there existed no clear explanation why chaotic dynamics is always accompanied by the infinitely long memory of perturbations (and/or initial conditions) known as the butterfly effect (BE). In this paper, it is shown that within the recently proposed approximation-free supersymmetric theory of stochastic (partial) differential equations (SDE), the BE is a derivable consequence of (stochastic) chaos, a rigorous definition of which is the spontaneous breakdown of topological supersymmetry that all SDEs possess. It is also discussed that the concept of ergodicy must be refined under the condition of the spontaneous breakdown of pseudo-time-reversal symmetry when the model has "physical" states of multiple eigenvalues that survive the physical limit of the infinitely long temporal propagation.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Topological field theory of dynamical systems

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    Here, it is shown that the path-integral representation of any stochastic or deterministic continuous-time dynamical model is a cohomological or Witten-type topological field theory, i.e., a model with global topological supersymmetry (Q-symmetry). As many other supersymmetries, Q-symmetry must be perturbatively stable due to what is generically known as non-renormalization theorems. As a result, all (equilibrium) dynamical models are divided into three major categories: Markovian models with unbroken Q-symmetry, chaotic models with Q-symmetry spontaneously broken on the mean-field level by, e.g., fractal invariant sets (e.g., strange attractors), and intermittent or self-organized critical (SOC) models with Q-symmetry dynamically broken by the condensation of instanton-antiinstanton configurations (earthquakes, avalanches etc.) SOC is a full-dimensional phase separating chaos and Markovian dynamics. In the deterministic limit, however, antiinstantons disappear and SOC collapses into the "edge of chaos". Goldstone theorem stands behind spatio-temporal self-similarity of Q-broken phases known under such names as algebraic statistics of avalanches, 1/f noise, sensitivity to initial conditions etc. Other fundamental differences of Q-broken phases is that they can be effectively viewed as quantum dynamics and that they must also have time-reversal symmetry spontaneously broken. Q-symmetry breaking in non-equilibrium situations (quenches, Barkhausen effect, etc.) is also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Transfer operators and topological field theory

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    The transfer operator (TO) formalism of the dynamical systems (DS) theory is reformulated here in terms of the recently proposed supersymetric theory of stochastic differential equations (SDE). It turns out that the stochastically generalized TO (GTO) of the DS theory is the finite-time Fokker-Planck evolution operator. As a result comes the supersymmetric trivialization of the so-called sharp trace and sharp determinant of the GTO, with the former being the Witten index, which is also the stochastic generalization of the Lefschetz index so that it equals the Euler characteristic of the (closed) phase space for any flow vector field, noise metric, and temperature. The enabled possibility to apply the spectral theorems of the DS theory to the Fokker-Planck operators allows to extend the previous picture of the spontaneous topological supersymmetry (Q-symmetry) breaking onto the situations with negative ground state's attenuation rate. The later signifies the exponential growth of the number of periodic solutions/orbits in the large time limit, which is the unique feature of chaotic behavior proving that the spontaneous breakdown of Q-symmetry is indeed the field-theoretic definition and stochastic generalization of the concept of deterministic chaos. In addition, the previously proposed low-temperature classification of SDEs, i.e., thermodynamic equilibrium / noise-induced chaos ((anti)instanton condensation, intermittent) / ordinary chaos (non-integrability of the flow vector field), is complemented by the discussion of the high-temperature regime where the sharp boundary between the noise-induced and ordinary chaotic phases must smear out into a crossover, and at even higher temperatures the Q-symmetry is restored. The Weyl quantization is discussed in the context of the Ito-Stratonovich dilemma.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figure

    Bogoliubov-like mode in the Tonks-Girardeau Gas

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    We reformulate 1D boson-fermion duality in path-integral terms. The result is a 1D counterpart of the boson-fermion duality in the 2D Chern-Simons gauge theory. The theory is consistent and enables, using standard resummation techniques, to obtain the long-wave-length asymptotics of the collective mode in 1D boson systems at the Tonks-Girardeau regime. The collective mode has the dispersion of Bogoliubov phonons: ω(q)=qρˉU(q)/m\omega(q)=q \sqrt{\bar\rho U(q)/m}, where ρˉ\bar\rho is the bosons density and U(q)U(q) is a Fourier component of the two-body potential.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Stochastic Dynamics and Combinatorial Optimization

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    Natural dynamics is often dominated by sudden nonlinear processes such as neuroavalanches, gamma-ray bursts, solar flares \emph{etc}. that exhibit scale-free statistics much in the spirit of the logarithmic Ritcher scale for earthquake magnitudes. On phase diagrams, stochastic dynamical systems (DSs) exhibiting this type of dynamics belong to the finite-width phase (N-phase for brevity) that precedes ordinary chaotic behavior and that is known under such names as noise-induced chaos, self-organized criticality, dynamical complexity \emph{etc.} Within the recently formulated approximation-free supersymemtric theory of stochastics, the N-phase can be roughly interpreted as the noise-induced "overlap" between integrable and chaotic deterministic dynamics. As a result, the N-phase dynamics inherits the properties of the both. Here, we analyze this unique set of properties and conclude that the N-phase DSs must naturally be the most efficient optimizers: on one hand, N-phase DSs have integrable flows with well-defined attractors that can be associated with candidate solutions and, on the other hand, the noise-induced attractor-to-attractor dynamics in the N-phase is effectively chaotic or a-periodic so that a DS must avoid revisiting solutions/attractors thus accelerating the search for the best solution. Based on this understanding, we propose a method for stochastic dynamical optimization using the N-phase DSs. This method can be viewed as a hybrid of the simulated and chaotic annealing methods. Our proposition can result in a new generation of hardware devices for efficient solution of various search and/or combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: revtex4-

    Digital Memcomputing: from Logic to Dynamics to Topology

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    Digital memcomputing machines (DMMs) are a class of computational machines designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems. A practical realization of DMMs can be accomplished via electrical circuits of highly non-linear, point-dissipative dynamical systems engineered so that periodic orbits and chaos can be avoided. A given logic problem is first mapped into this type of dynamical system whose point attractors represent the solutions of the original problem. A DMM then finds the solution via a succession of elementary instantons whose role is to eliminate solitonic configurations of logical inconsistency ("logical defects") from the circuit. By employing a supersymmetric theory of dynamics, a DMM can be described by a cohomological field theory that allows for computation of certain topological matrix elements on instantons that have the mathematical meaning of intersection numbers on instantons. We discuss the "dynamical" meaning of these matrix elements, and argue that the number of elementary instantons needed to reach the solution cannot exceed the number of state variables of DMMs, which in turn can only grow at most polynomially with the size of the problem. These results shed further light on the relation between logic, dynamics and topology in digital memcomputing

    Introduction to Supersymmetric Theory of Stochastics

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    Many natural and engineered dynamical systems, including all living objects, exhibit signatures of what can be called spontaneous dynamical long-range order (DLRO). This order's omnipresence has long been recognized by the scientific community, as evidenced by a myriad of related concepts, theoretical and phenomenological frameworks, and experimental phenomena such as turbulence, 1/f1/f noise, dynamical complexity, chaos and the butterfly effect, the Richter scale for earthquakes and the scale-free statistics of other sudden processes, self-organization and pattern formation, self-organized criticality, etc. Although several successful approaches to various realizations of DLRO have been established, the universal theoretical understanding of this phenomenon remained elusive. The possibility of constructing a unified theory of DLRO has emerged recently within the approximation-free supersymmetric theory of stochastics (STS). There, DLRO is the spontaneous breakdown of the topological or de Rham supersymmetry that all stochastic differential equations (SDEs) possess. This theory may be interesting to researchers with very different backgrounds because the ubiquitous DLRO is a truly interdisciplinary entity. The STS is also an interdisciplinary construction. This theory is based on dynamical systems theory, cohomological field theories, the theory of pseudo-Hermitian operators, and the conventional theory of SDEs. Reviewing the literature on all these mathematical disciplines can be time-consuming. As such, a concise and self-contained introduction to the STS, the goal of this paper, may be useful.Comment: 44 pages; 13 figures; revtex 4-1; improved format, typos, ref

    Hydrodynamic Tensor-DFT with correct susceptibility

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    In a previous work we developed a family of orbital-free tensor equations for DFT [J. Chem. Phys. 124, 024105 (2006)]. The theory is a combination of the coupled hydrodynamic moment equations hierarchy with a cumulant truncation of the one-body electron density matrix. A basic ingredient in the theory is how to truncate the series of equation of motion for the moments. In the original work we assumed that the cumulants vanish above a certain order (N). Here we show how to modify this assumption to obtain the correct susceptibilities. This is done for N=3, a level above the previous study. At the desired truncation level a few relevant terms are added, which, with the right combination of coefficients, lead to excellent agreement with the Kohn-Sham Lindhard susceptibilities for an uninteracting system. The approach is also powerful away from linear response, as demonstrated in a non-perturbative study of a jellium with a repulsive core, where excellent matching with Kohn-Sham simulations is obtained while the Thomas Fermi and von-Weiszacker methods show significant deviations. In addition, time-dependent linear response studies at the new N=3 level demonstrate our previous assertion that as the order of the theory is increased, new additional transverse sound modes appear mimicking the RPA transverse dispersion region.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Topological supersymmetry breaking: Definition and stochastic generalization of chaos and the limit of applicability of statistics

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    The concept of deterministic dynamical chaos has a long history and is well established by now. Nevertheless, its field theoretic essence and its stochastic generalization have been revealed only very recently. Within the newly found supersymmetric theory of stochastics (STS), all stochastic differential equations (SDEs) possess topological or de Rahm supersymmetry and stochastic chaos is the phenomenon of its spontaneous breakdown. Even though the STS is free of approximations and thus is technically solid, it is still missing a firm interpretational basis in order to be physically sound. Here, we make a few important steps toward the construction of the interpretational foundation for the STS. In particular, we discuss that one way to understand why the ground states of chaotic SDEs are conditional (not total) probability distributions, is that some of the variables have infinite memory of initial conditions and thus are not "thermalized", i.e., cannot be described by the initial-conditions-independent probability distributions. As a result, the definitive assumption of physical statistics that the ground state is a steady-state total probability distribution is not valid for chaotic SDEs.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, revtex 4-

    A Liouville equation for systems which exchange particles with reservoirs: transport through a nano-device

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    A Redfield-like Liouville equation for an open system that couples to one or more leads and exchanges particles with them is derived. The equation is presented for a general case. A case study of time-dependent transport through a single quantum level for varying electrostatic and chemical potentials in the leads is presented. For the case of varying electrostatic potentials the proposed equation yields, for the model study, the results of an exact solution.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure