67 research outputs found

    Parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar

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    Wild ruminants and wild boar belong to the order Artiodactyla, the suborders Ruminantia and Nonruminantia and are classified as wild animals for big game hunting, whose breeding presents a very important branch of the hunting economy. Diseases caused by protozoa are rarely found in wild ruminants in nature. Causes of coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystiosis, giardiasis, babesiosis, and theileriosis have been diagnosed in deer. The most significant helminthoses in wild ruminants are fasciosis, dicrocoeliasis, paramphistomosis, fascioloidosis, cysticercosis, anoplocephalidosis, coenurosis, echinococcosis, pulmonary strongyloidiasis, parasitic gastroenteritis, strongyloidiasis and trichuriasis, with certain differences in the extent of prevalence of infection with certain species. The most frequent ectoparasitoses in wild deer and doe are diseases caused by ticks, mites, scabies mites, and hypoderma. The most represented endoparasitoses in wild boar throughout the world are coccidiosis, balantidiasis, metastrongyloidiasis, verminous gastritis, ascariasis, macracanthorhynchosis, trichinelosis, trichuriasis, cystecercosis, echinococcosis, and less frequently, there are also fasciolosis and dicrocoeliasis. The predominant ectoparasitoses in wild boar are ticks and scabies mites. Knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar is of extreme importance for the process of promoting the health protection system for animals and humans, in particular when taking into account the biological and ecological hazard posed by zoonotic infections

    Application of 3ds Max for 3D Modelling and Rendering

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    In this article, the application of 3ds Max for 3D modelling and rendering of a car model is described. The process of creating a 3D car model is explained as well as setting up the references, working with editable poly, details in car interior, using turbosmooth and symmetry modifier. The manner which materials are applied to the model are described as well as lighting the scene and\ud setting up the render. The rendering methods and techniques are described, too. Final render results from several rendering plugins, such as V-ray, Mental Ray, Iray, Scanline, Maxwell, Corona, Octane and LuxRender are presented and compared

    Interpolation and Extrapolation of Precipitation Quantities in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to indicate the problems with filling the missing data in precipitation database using interpolation and extrapolation methods. Investigated periods were from 1981 to 2010 for Northern (Autonomous Province of Vojvodina) and Proper Serbia and from 1971 to 2000 for Southern Serbia (Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohia). Database included time series from 78 meteorological stations that had less than 20% of missing data. Interpolation was performed if station had missing data for five consecutive months or less. If station had missing data for six consecutive months or more, extrapolation was performed. For every station with mising data correlation with at least three surrounding stations was performed. The lowest acceptable value of correlation coefficient for precipitation was set at 0,30

    Parazitske infekcije divljih preživara i divljih svinja

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    Wild ruminants and wild boar belong to the order Artiodactyla, the suborders Ruminantia and Nonruminantia and are classified as wild animals for big game hunting, whose breeding presents a very important branch of the hunting economy. Diseases caused by protozoa are rarely found in wild ruminants in nature. Causes of coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystiosis, giardiasis, babesiosis, and theileriosis have been diagnosed in deer. The most significant helminthoses in wild ruminants are fasciosis, dicrocoeliasis, paramphistomosis, fascioloidosis, cysticercosis, anoplocephalidosis, coenurosis, echinococcosis, pulmonary strongyloidiasis, parasitic gastroenteritis, strongyloidiasis and trichuriasis, with certain differences in the extent of prevalence of infection with certain species. The most frequent ectoparasitoses in wild deer and doe are diseases caused by ticks, mites, scabies mites, and hypoderma. The most represented endoparasitoses in wild boar throughout the world are coccidiosis, balantidiasis, metastrongyloidiasis, verminous gastritis, ascariasis, macracanthorhynchosis, trichinelosis, trichuriasis, cystecercosis, echinococcosis, and less frequently, there are also fasciolosis and dicrocoeliasis. The predominant ectoparasitoses in wild boar are ticks and scabies mites. Knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar is of extreme importance for the process of promoting the health protection system for animals and humans, in particular when taking into account the biological and ecological hazard posed by zoonotic infections.Divlji preživari i divlje svinje pripadaju redu Artiodactyla, podredovi Ruminantia i Nonruminantia i svrstani su u divljač visokog lova, a njihovo gajenje predstavlja veoma značajnu granu lovne privrede. Kod divljih preživara u prirodi retko se sreću bolesti izazvane protozoama. Kod jelena su dijagnostikovani uzročnici kokcidioze, kriptosporidioze, toksoplazmoze, sarkocistioze, đardioze, babezioze i tajlerioze. Najznač ajnije helmintoze divljih preživara su fascioloza, dikrocelioza, paramfistomoza, fascioloidoza, cisticerkoza, anoplocefalidoza, cenuroza, ehinokokoza, plućna strongilidoza, parazitski gastroenteritis, strongiloidoza i trihurioza, sa izvesnim razlikama u visini prevalencije infekcije pojedinim vrstama. Najčešće ektoparazitoze jelenske i srneće divljač i su oboljenja prouzrokovana vašima, krpeljima, šugarcima i hipodermama. Najzastupljenije endoparazitoze divljih svinja širom sveta su kokcidioza, balantidioza, metastrongilidoza, verminozni gastritis, askarioza, makrakantorinhoza, trihineloza, trihurioza, cisticerkoza, ehinokokoza, a ređe to mogu biti fascioloza i dikrocelioza. Od ektoparazitoza, kod divljih svinja dominiraju vašljivost i šuga. Poznavanje etiologije i epizootiologije parazitskih infekcija divljih preživara i divljih svinja, od izuzetnog je značaja za proces unapređenja sistema zaštite zdravlja životinja i ljudi, naročito ako se uzme u obzir biološki i ekološki rizik uslovljen zoonoznim infekcijama

    Resistance to antimicrobials drugs and control measures of Salmonella spp in the poultry industry

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    The worldwide prevalence of multiple resistant Salmonella spp is described. Clonally distributed Salmonella Enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 are among the most pathogenic strains for humans. Recently there have been reports on the prevalence of ST “like” monophasic 4(5),12:i strains in some countries. Vaccination strategy and antimicorbial agent therapy is also briefly discussed. Products of animal origin must be safe and without the risk of antimicrobial resistance. Subsequently, the good management practice at farm level and HACCP in feed factories are required to cope with salmonella infections. Poultry producers in developed countries have been motivated to participate in salmonella control programs, because of public awareness on safe food and risks in the food chain. Export of poultry and poultry products is more successful in the regions where Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium have been eradicated. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31071

    Dermatomycosis: A potential source of zoonotic infection in cities

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    Skin infections in animals and humans represent a complex syndrome that is, from etiological point of view, often hard to solve. Skin is one of the largest organs and plays an important role in the organism of mammals. Depending on the age, it presents 5-8% of total body mass in humans, 12% of adult animals, and even up to 24% in newly born animals. The population of pets and stray dogs in cities provides a possibility for contacts between animals and/or humans, which is a mode of transmission for some diseases. Fungal diseases in dogs caused by dermatophyte are zoonosis, contagious infections that affect dogs and cats, but also other animals, as well as humans. There has been an overall increase in the number of the cases caused by anthropophilic fungi from the strain of Microsporum spp. and Trichophyton spp. Our research was related to animals with different changes on skin manifested by hairless surfaces, dandruff, red skin and extensive pruritus. The objective of our examination was the analyses of scarified samples and swob from canine skin with the aim to determine whether the changes were caused by dermatophytosis. Our aim was to point out the possibility of transmission of mycotic infections from animals to humans in households. For this mycological examination swobs and skin scarifications from dogs, were used. The samples were streaked on Sabo and dextrose agar and incubated at 25°C for at least 21 days. In one year period 81 samples were collected out of which 11 (13.58%) were positive for dermatophyte. In all samples Microsporum canis was isolated. The findings of Microsporum canis in 13.58% of the examined samples indicate the importance of mycological skin disorder in pets. Having in mind that this is a zoonosis, the findings point to a possibility of exposing the humans to fungal infection, affecting almost all pet owners, especially in urban environment

    Characterization of tetracycline resistance of salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar infantis isolated from poultry in the northern part of Serbia

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    Resistance to tetracycline was studied in Salmonella Infantis isolated from 28 poultry farms in the Northern part of Serbia (The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina). A total of 18 isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid (NAL) and tetracycline (TET). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) to TET, ranged from 1-256 mg/L. Namely, 13 isolates exhibited MIC to TET at 256 mg/L, in four of the isolates, the MIC was 128 mg/L and one isolate had MIC 64 mg/L. Ten isolates were exhibiting a MIC of 1mg/L. It was evident that Salmonella Infantis had also spread to breeders and layers. In this work, we detected the tetA gene and the corresponding tetR gene (encoding the repressor protein) as well as the truncated transposon Tn1721, which are responsible for the resistance to TET. The presence of the non conjugative transposons from the conjugative plasmid has facilitated the spread of resistance to TET in Salmonella. It was concluded that higher biosecurity practice in poultry farming presents the best option to eliminate infections caused by Salmonella spp. from poultry flocks in Serbia. A rational use of antimicrobials is necessary to prevent any further spread of Salmonella Infantis resistant clones

    Ispitivanje uticaja nekih imunosupresivnih faktora na pojavu kampilobakterioze živine

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    Campylobacteria are widely distributed in domestic and wild animals. Avian species are the most common host of campylobacteria, thus an important source for human infection caused by this organism. Campylobacteriosis in animals frequently proceeds without clinical symptoms, which may be due to the different virulence of the agent, as well as to the immune status of the infected animal. In this trial we investigated the effects of the vaccine against infective bursal disease (IBD) on occurrence and clinical manifestation of campylobacteriosis in conditions of controlled experimental infection with the strain Campylobacter jejuni. The immunosuppressive effects of a live attenuated vaccine against IBD on development of clinically manifest campylobacteriosis in perorally challenged chickens were assessed. The investigation was performed on 90 chickens in experimental conditions. The presence of Campylobacter jejuni was confirmed by reisolation, while identification of the organism was performed on the basis of its morphological, cultural and biochemical characteristics. Specific antibody titer and humoral immune response to C. jejuni specific antibodies were monitored using the complement fixation reaction method. Clinical symptoms of the disease were observed in chickens infected with Campylobacter jejuni and vaccinated against infective bursal disease. Pathomorphological findings revealed changes in the intestines and liver, from which Campylobacter jejuni was isolated. C. jejuni specific antibodies were detected in the infected birds in the third week post infection, with titer values ranging from 1:4 to 1:16. Results of our research strongly imply an immunosuppressive effect of the IBD vaccine on development of campylobacteriosis, which is supported by the clinical and morphological findings, i.e. isolation of the agent and detection of specific antibodies.Kampilobakterije su kod domaćih i divljih životinja široko rasprostranjeni mikroorganizmi, a živina je jedan od glavnih nosilaca kampilobakterija i važan izvor infekcija ljudi. Klinički simptomi kampilobakterioze kod živine se relativno retko javljaju, a razloge treba tražiti u različitoj virulenciji uzročnika i u imunološkom statusu inficiranih jedniki. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj vakcine protiv infektivnog burzitisa živine na nastanak i kliničku pojavu kampilobakterioze, posle veštačke infekcije terenskim sojem Campylobacter jejuni. Ispitivanje je izvršeno na 90 pilića u eksperimentalnim uslovima. Prisustvo Campylobacter jejuni u organizmu veštački inficiranih pilića dokazivano je reizolacijom uzročnika, a identifikacija izolovanih bakterija vršena je na osnovu njihovih morfoloških, kulturelnih i biohemijskih osobina. Prisustvo titra specifičnih antitela i kretanje humoralnog imunskog odgovora na antigene Campylobacter jejuni kod pilića u ogledu praćeno je primenom reakcije vezivanja komplementa (RVK). Kod pilića inficiranih sojem Campylobacter jejuni i imunizovanih vakcinom protiv infektivnog burzitisa uočeni su klinički znaci bolesti. Patomorfološkim ispitivanjem utvrđene su promene na crevima i jetri pilića iz kojih je izolovan Campylobacter jejuni. Specifična antitela za C. jejuni dokazana su kod inficiranih jedinki u trećoj nedelji od veštačke infekcije, a vrednosti njihovog titra su iznosile od 1:4 do 1:16. Rezultati ovih ispitivanja su potvrdili imunospresivno delovanje vakcine protiv infektivnog burzitisa koje je imalo za rezultat klinički manifestnu kampilobakteriozu. Infekcija je potvrđena na osnovu kliničkih simptoma i patomorfoloških promena, izolacijom uzročnika, kao i na osnovu vrednosti titra specifičnih antitela utvrđenih u uzorcima krvnih seruma oglednih pilića

    Epizootiološki značaj Salmonella spp. izolovanih u različitim vidovima živinarske proizvodnje u Južnobačkom i Sremskom okrugu

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    Salmonella causes local and systemic infections of poultry, which may lead to substantial direct and indirect economic losses, presenting also significant risk to human health. The aim of this study was to monitor the occurrence of certain serotypes of Salmonella spp. isolated on poultry farms in Southern Bačka and Srem regions in the period from 2010 to 2014, as recommended by the Book of rules of early detection, diagnostic, prevention of spreading and eradication of Salmonella spp. We analyzed the results obtained from the laboratory for clinical bacteriology to determine number of salmonella cases. From all samples that have been submitted for bacteriology analysis, salmonellas were isolated from 7.3% samples. Salmonella infantis was isolated from 50.3% of all salmonella-positive samples, mostly from materials supplied from broiler farms. Salmonella enteritidis was most frequently isolated in broiler chickens at the rate of 48.2%. There is an increasing trend in the occurrence of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella infantis on poultry farms from year to year. Our research revealed the highest incidence of salmonella isolates in broilers that died during transportation or within the first three days upon arrival of chickens. During the five-year research period, 65 samples from parent flocks (63 from broiler breeders and 2 from parent flocks of layers) were salmonella positive, which makes 8.03% of all positive isolates. It is most likely that salmonella infection occurs due to infection of parent flocks and young chickens are infected trough both vertical and horizontal transmission. .Salmonele kod živine izazivaju infekcije lokalnog i sistemskog karaktera, dovodeći do značajnih kako direktnih tako i indirektnih ekonomskih gubitaka u industrijskom živinarstvu i predstavljaju opasnost po zdravlje ljudi. Cilj ovog rada bio je monitoring određenih sojeva Salmonella spp. propisanih Pravilnikom o utvrđivanju mera za rano otkrivanje, dijagnostiku, sprečavanje širenja, suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje infekcija živine određenim serotipovima salmonella, na teritoriji Sremskog i Južnobačkog okruga u periodu od 2010. do 2014. godine. Analizirali smo rezultate ispitivanja laboratorije za kliničku bakteriologiju. Od ukupno ispitanih bakterijskih infekcija iz kliničkog materijala u ovom petogodišnjem periodu, salmonele su izolovane u 7,3% slučajeva. Ustanovljeno je da je Salmonella infantis izolovana u 50,3% svih pozitivnih uzoraka, najčešće iz materijala dostavljenih sa farmi brojlerskih pilića. Salmonella enteritidis izolovana je u 48,2%, takođe najčešće kod brojlerskih pilića. Prisutan je trend porasta izolata Salmonella enteritidis i Salmonella infantis iz godine u godinu. Našim istraživanjem ustanovili smo da je najviše pozitivnih uzoraka bilo kod brojlera, u transportnim uginućima i uginućima iz prva tri dana starosti. Kod roditeljskih jata bilo je pozitivno 65 uzoraka u ovom petogodišnjem periodu (63 kod teške linije i 2 kod lake linije), što iznosi 8,03 % od svih pozitivnih izolata. Pretpostavlja se da je do infekcije salmonelama moglo doći usled horizontalne i vertikalne infekcije preko roditeljskih jata.

    Prisustvo termofilnih Campylobacter vrsta kod brojlera i svinja na nekim klanicama u republici Srbiji

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    Examinations were carried out during the period from January 2006 until March 2007 on a total of 449 samples of the cecum of broilers and the cecum and the colon of pigs. These samples included 251 samples originating from broilers and 198 samples of pig cecums and colons. All the listed samples were obtained by scraping the surface of these parts of the digestive system of broilers and pigs. At the site of sampling, the diluted material was sown on a medium (Karmali agar), in order to get individual colonies. After sowing, the bases were placed in anaerobic jars in which microaerophilic conditions were achieved using Campy Pak, BBL bags. On arrival at the laboratory, the jars containing the sown bases were placed in a thermostat, at a temperature of 42oC for 48 hours for the purpose of incubation. Following incubation, the grown colonies were examined macroscopically, and then microscopic preparations were made from them, which were stained with 2% carbol fuchsin after drying and fixation. Those isolates which were in the form of a comma, the letter S, or gull's wings in the microscopic preparations were considered Campylobacter species (Figures 1 and 2). The isolated thermophilic campylobacteria were identified using conventional and commercial biochemical tests API Campy, manufactured by Bio Mérieux, France. With the application of these microbiological methods, thermophilic Campylobacter species were isolated from 203 (80.88%) of the 251 samples of broiler cecums. Furthermore, thermophilic campylobacteria were isolated from 153 (77.27%) of the 198 samples from the cecum and colon of pigs taken within these investigations. The obtained results indicate that there is a somewhat greater prevalence of these bacteria among the broilers. However, such a high percentage of both broilers and pigs colonized by thermophilic Campylobacter species could pose a serious problem, in particular when it is known that infections of humans caused by the consumption of insufficiently thermally processed meat of broilers or pigs are not infrequent.Ispitivanjima obavljenim u periodu od januara 2006. godine do marta 2007. godine ukupno je pregledano 449 uzoraka cekuma brojlera i cekuma i kolona svinja. Od navedenog broja 251 uzorak je poticao od brojlera, a 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja. Svi navedeni uzorci dobijeni su struganjem površine navedenih delova digestivnog sistema brojlera i svinja. Materijal je na mestu uzorkovanja zasejavan sa razređenjem na podlogu (Karmali agar), radi dobijanja pojedinačnih kolonija. Nakon zasejavanja podloge su odlagane u lonce za anaerobe, u kojima su mikroaerofilni uslovi postignuti primenom Campy Pak, BBL kesica. Lonci sa zasejanim podlogama po dopremanju u laboratoriju stavljani su u termostat na temperaturu od 42oC tokom 48 časova radi inkubiranja. Nakon inkubacije izrasle kolonije su pregledane makroskopski, a zatim su od njih pripremani mikroskopski preparati koji su nakon sušenja i fiksiranja bojeni 2% karbol fuksinom. Oni izolati koji su na mikroskopskim preparatima imali oblik zareza, latinskog slova S ili galebovih krila smatrani su Campylobacter vrstama (slika 1 i 2). Identifikacija izolovanih termofilnih kampilobakterija vršena je primenom klasičnih i komercijalnih biohemijskih testova API Campy, proizvođača Bio Mérieux, Francuska. Primenom navedenih mikrobioloških metoda od 251. uzorka iz cekuma brojlera iz 203 (80,88%) izolovane su termofilne Campylobacter vrste. Takođe, od 198 uzoraka iz cekuma i kolona svinja koji su bili obuhvaćeni ispitivanjem termofilne kampilobakterije su izolovane iz 153 (77,27%). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na nešto veću prevalenciju ovih bakterija kod brojlera. Međutim, ovako visok procenat kolonizovanih, kako brojlera, tako i svinja termofilnim Campylobacter vrstama može predstavljati ozbiljan problem, posebno ako se zna da infekcije ljudi izazvane konzumiranjem nedovoljno termički obrađenog mesa brojlera i svinja nisu tako retke