21 research outputs found

    How Internal and External Sources of Knowledge Contribute to Firms’ Innovation Performance

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    This paper investigates the extent to which different knowledge sources contribute to firms’ innovation performance. The empirical analysis estimates the relationships in the structural model of the influence of knowledge sources on innovative performance using data collected through personal interviews at 303 firms. The results reveal that internal sources have the most important influence on firms’ innovative performance and confirm that, in their innovation process, firms mostly rely on knowledge developed through in-house R&D efforts, continuous improvement, and internal education and training programs. The data show that in-house learning is not sufficient for generating innovation and that firms need to supplement internal knowledge with knowledge acquired outside the firm. They mainly need to secure links with firms and institutions in the global environment if they want to secure the inflow of new ideas and approaches that will eventually lead to innovations.knowledge, innovation, structural equation modeling

    Globalen pristop k izobraževanju za industrijo

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    Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is a genetically determined, multisystem disorder. There is no consistent correlation between specific TSC gene mutation and clinical outcome. This fact diminishes the value of prenatal TS genetic testing to future infant’s clinical outcome. Authors have shown how imaging techniques could increase accuracy of prenatal diagnosis. They have described a case of prenatally diagnosed TS by using high frequency real time ultrasound and fetal cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the second half of an uneventful pregnancy. A 25-year old patient has been studied from 27 weeks of gestation and repeating echocardiographic examinations of the female fetus revealed two solid cardiac tumors. One of them arose from the interventricular septum, while the other from the right atrium. Fetal cranial MRI has been performed at 36 weeks of gestation. Identified signal abnormalities, which correspond to brain hamarto¬mas, highly suggested presence of TS in fetus. An infant was born at term by vaginal delivery. At the age of four months West’s syndrome has been diagnosed. In addition, authors discuss an ethical problem that may arise when the fetal tests reveal presence of TS.Tuberozna skleroza (TS) je genetski poremećaj koji se nasljeđuje autosomno dominantno, a hipotetski geni koji svojom mutacijom mogu uzrokovati TS su na kromosomu 9 (TSC 1) i 16 (TSC 2). Pretpostavlja se prevalencija od jednog slučaja TS na 6000 živorođenih, podjednako zahvaća oba spola i sve rase i etničke skupine. Najčešće se dijagnosticira u ranom djetinjstvu zbog neuroloških simptoma – epileptičkih napadaja i različito izraženog mentalnog hendikepa. Bolest je karakterizirana rastom dobroćudnih tumora (angiofibroma) u brojnim organima, primarno u mozgu, očima, srcu, koži i plućima, što otvara realne mogućnosti da se spomenuti poremećaj otkrije i prije rođenja. U radu je opisana 25-godišnja trudnica, prvorotkinja, u čijeg su djeteta pomoću ultrazvuka odnosno magnetske rezonance prenatalno otkriveni tumori srca i mozga. Prigodom ultrazvučnog pregleda u 27. tjednu trudnoće, na poprečnom presjeku kroz fetalni grudni koš, opažene su dvije solidne, homogene i hiperehogene strukture. Jedna, u području interventrikularnog septuma, izgledala je kao njegovo vretenasto odnosno trokutasto zadebljanje od 10 mm u najdebljem dijelu, dok je druga, u ¬području lateralne stijenke desnog atrija uz inserciju trikuspidalnog zaliska, bila sličnih mjera, ali više okruglasta. Obje opisane tumorske tvorbe bile su avaskularne. Rad srca bio je ritmičan i nije bilo poremećaja hemodinamike. Preostala ¬fetalna morfologija bila je uredna. U pupkovini su se nalazile samo dvije krvne žile, pri čemu je promjer jedine umbilikalne arterije iznosio 4 mm. Kontrolnim pregledima ustanovljava se uredan fetalni rast, povećanje spomenutih rabdomioma srca uz očuvanu kontraktilnost i ritmični rad. U 36. tjednu trudnoće učinjen je pomoću magnetske rezonance fetalni ¬kraniogram. Otkriveni hiperintenzivni signal subependimalno, u blizini nukleus kaudatusa odnosno foramena Monroi s desne strane, odgovarao je ekspanzivnoj formaciji (hamartomu) čije je prisustvo sugeriralo postojanje TS u fetusa. Točno u terminu porođeno je vitalno žensko novorođenče urednog fizikalnog odnosno auskultatornog nalaza srca i pluća. U dobi od četiri mjeseca života majka po prvi put primjećuje u svog djeteta iznenadne trzajeve tijela, ruku i nogu, uz plač i vrisak. U neurološkom statusu prevladava generalizirana mišićna hipotonija, dok su refleksi uredni. EEG-ski se otkrivaju žarišna izbijanja lijevo temporoparijetalno s generalizacijom po tipu hipsaritmije. Postavljena je dijagnoza tuberozne skleroze i West-ova sindroma. CT mozga pokazuje progresiju cerebralnih promjena, a ultrazvučni nalazi blažu regresiju ¬rabdo¬mioma srca. Opisani slučaj dokazuje da se uz kombiniranu uporabu navedenih slikovnih dijagnostičkih metoda može računati s prenatalnom dijagnozom i onih relativno rijetkih genetskih poremećaja koji se klinički manifestiraju i uobičajeno dijagnosticiraju tek u dječjoj dobi. Autori raspravljaju o etičkom problemu priopćavanja medicinskih informacija ¬nakon što se postavi prenatalna dijagnoza TS

    Magnetic and crystal structure of the antiferromagnetic skyrmion candidate GdSb0.71Te1.22

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    GdSb0.46Te1.48, a nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal with Dirac nodes at the Fermi level, has a rich magnetic phase diagram with one of the phases predicted to be an antiferromagnetic skyrmion state. In the current work, we investigate GdSb0.71Te1.22 through bulk magnetization measurements, single-crystal, and powder synchrotron X-ray diffraction, as well as single-crystal hot-neutron diffraction. We resolve a weak orthorhombic distortion with respect to the tetragonal structure and charge density wave (CDW) satellites due to incommensurate modulations of the crystal structure. At 2 K the magnetic structure is modulated with two propagation vectors, kI = (0.45 0 0.45) and kII = (0.4 0 0), with all their arms visible. While kI persists up to the transition to the paramagnetic state at TN = 11.9 K, kII disappears above an intermediate magnetic transition at T1 = 5 K. Whereas magnetic field applied along the c-axis has only a weak effect on the intensity of antiferromagnetic reflections, it is effective in inducing an additional ferromagnetic component on Gd atoms. We refine possible magnetic structures of GdSb0.71Te1.22 and discuss the possibility of hosting magnetic textures with non-trivial 3D+ 2 topologies in the GdSb1−xTe1+x series.ISSN:0925-8388ISSN:1873-466

    Model ravnanja s koristnimi predlogi

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    This paper presents the results of a research project financed by the Chamber of commerce and industry of Slovenia. The main purpose of the project was to propose a model for useful suggestions management, including concrete suggestions for businesses. This is based on (a) an in-depth literature review, (b) case studies of three innovative, export orientated Slovenian companies and (c) the results of the implementation of this model in two Slovenian companies (as a pilot project). Concrete suggestions for businesses regarding the useful suggestions management process, the implementation itself, the rewarding and monitoring of useful suggestions activity and potential adaptations of the model to changes within the company are presented. Since the paper focuses on the implementation of useful suggestions management, offering a rich insight into the concrete processes involved in both developing such policies and carrying them out, companies may achieve great business value by implementing this proposed model.V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskovalnega projekta, ki ga je financirala Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije. Glavni namen projekta je bil predlagati model ravnanja s koristnimi predlogi, ki vključuje konkretne predloge za vpeljavo modela v podjetje. Model ravnanja s koristnimi predlogi temelji na: (a) podrobnem pregledu literature, (b) študijah primerov treh slovenskih izvozno usmerjenih podjetij in (c) rezultatih vpeljave modela v dve slovenski podjetji (kot pilotni projekt). V članku so predstavljeni konkretni predlogi za podjetja, ki so potrebni za uspešno vpeljavo modela upravljanja s koristnimi predlogi. Opisani so postopki vpeljave modela, različni načini nagrajevanja in spremljanja koristnih predlogov ter potencialne prilagoditve modela, ki so potrebne za posamezno podjetje. Model ima veliko uporabno vrednost, saj ponuja konkretne predloge glede načina vpeljave sistema ravnanja s koristnimi predlogi

    The influence of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, creativity, experiences and social networks on business opportunity recognition

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    V članku so predstavljeni izsledki raziskave, v kateri smo se osredotočili na dejavnike, ki vplivajo na prepoznavanje poslovnih priložnosti. Raziskava je bila izvedena med 514 direktorji oz. odgovornimi osebami v podjetjih, ki delujejo v predelovalni dejavnosti ter imajo od 5 do 49 zaposlenih. Rezultati kažejo, da so med posamezniki tisti z boljšim poznavanjem trga, z večjo podjetniško samoučinkovitostjo, z več šibkimi vezmi v socialni mreži, z večjo socialno mrežo ter z več izkušnjami bolj uspešni pri prepoznavanju poslovnih priložnosti.In this article we present research on factors which influence opportunity recognition. The results of research performed among 514 managers and leading representatives of Slovenian processing companies having from 5 to 49 employees are presented. Results show that, concerning individuals, those with better market knowledge, better self-efficacy, a bigger social network, weaker ties in their social network, and more experience are better able to recognize opportunities

    Vpliv absorpcijske sposobnosti podjetij na produktne in procesne inovacije

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    The innovativeness of an organization has an important impact on its profitability as well as on the competitiveness of a country\u27s economy as a whole. Since the innovativeness of Slovenian organizations is low, it is important that managers and industrial policy makers know which factors influence an organizations\u27 innovation. One of these factors is supposed to be the organizational absorptive capacity. Absorptive capacity is one of the most important concepts that have emerged in the field of organizational research in the past years. Absorptive capacity is defined as the set of organizational routines and processes through which an organization identifies and values new external information, and then acquires it, assimilates it and applies it to commercial ends. The results of this research confirm the strong and positive impact of Slovenian organizations\u27 absorptive capacity on process innovation and the even bigger positive influence on the organizations\u27 product innovation.Inovativnost podjetij ima pomemben vpliv tako na dobičkonosnost podjetij kot tudi na konkurenčnost gospodarstva kot celote. Ker so slovenska podjetja nizko inovativna, je tako za njihove managerje kot tudi za oblikovalce in nosilce industrijske politike pomembno poznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na inovativnost podjetij. Eden izmed teh dejavnikov naj bi bila tudi absorpcijska sposobnost podjetij, ki je eden od najpomembnejših konceptov, ki so se pojavili na področju organizacijskih raziskav v zadnjih letih. Absorpcijska sposobnost je skupek organizacijskih rutin in procesov, s katerimi podjetja prepoznavajo in ovrednotijo nove zunanje informacije, jih pridobivajo, asimilirajo in aplicirajo za komercialno uporabo. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo, da ima absorpcijska sposobnost slovenskih podjetij močan pozitiven vpliv na procesne inovacije in še večji pozitiven vpliv na produktne inovacije podjetij