6 research outputs found
Proof-of-Principle Experiment for FEL-Based Coherent Electron Cooling,”
Abstract Coherent electron cooling (CEC) has a potential to significantly boost luminosity of high-energy, highintensity hadron-hadron and electron-hadron colliders. In a CEC system, a hadron beam interacts with a cooling electron beam. A perturbation of the electron density caused by ions is amplified and fed back to the ions to reduce the energy spread and the emittance of the ion beam. To demonstrate the feasibility of CEC we propose a proof-of-principle experiment at RHIC using SRF linac. In this paper, we describe the setup for CeC installed into one of RHIC's interaction regions. We present results of analytical estimates and results of initial simulations of cooling a gold-ion beam at 40 GeV/u energy via CeC
Abstract A new BPM (Beam Position Monitor) electronics is under development and in good progress at NSLS-II. This in-house BPM receiver with many new features is comparable to commercial solution. BPM data for fast orbit feedback (FOFB) is one of the most important physics applications. The procedure to use BPM for FOFB is introduced firstly. Then, different BPM data flows associated with different physics requirements and applications are discussed. And control implementation of BPM system for physics applications is presented