26 research outputs found

    Topical Imiquimod for Management of Recurrent Lentigo Maligna Melanoma in Situ

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    Topical imiquimod is a medication approved for the treatment of external genital and perianal warts, actinic keratosis, and superficial basal cell carcinoma. There have also been reports of its successful use in patients with lentigo maligna melanoma in situ. An 80-year-old female patient was diagnosed with lentigo maligna melanoma in situ which was then surgically removed. After several recurrences, nonsurgical treatment using topical 5% imiquimod was introduced. At 9-month follow-up the skin was completely healed with no evidence of cancer recurrence. In select cases, topical imiquimod seems to be an effective alternative to surgical treatment of melanoma in situ (MIS). Further studies are necessary to assess the successfulness of this treatment method

    Zgodnje prepoznavanje melanoma kože

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    Prekanceroze kože

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    Rak na koži

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    Klinična slika malignih tumorjev kože

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    Vloga dermoskopije v diagnostiki pigmentiranih sprememb kože

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    Vloga histopatologa pri odkrivanju malignih tumorjev kože

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    Malignant melanoma in childhood

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    Maligni melanom je v otroÅ”ki dobi zelo redka oblika malignega obolenja. Zanesljiva diagnoza pomeni izziv tako za kliniko kot za patohistologa. Čeprav oba postavita diagnozo melanom silno redko gre kljub vsemu nemalokrat v resnici za benigno pigmentno spremembo. Nekateri podatki in vpraÅ”anja v zvezi z melanomi v otroÅ”tvu so obravnavani v prispevku.Malignant melanoma in childhood is a very rare malignancy. The accurate diagnosis of melanoma in infants and children present a challenging problem for clinicians and pathologists. It is often "overdiagnosed". Some datas and questions are disscussed


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