30 research outputs found
Vidnost in prepoznavnost policijskih vozil
Intervencijska vozila v Sloveniji niso dobro označena. Z upoštevanjem izkušenj drugih držav in znanstvenih spoznanj s področja psihologije prometa in barv, bi lahko policijska vozila označili tako, da bi bila bolj vidna in prepoznavna. V članku na kratko predstavljava bistvena strokovna spoznanja o označevanju intervencijskih vozil in podajava osnutek novega načina barvnega označevanja policijskih vozil
Neke psihološke i pravne karakteristike korištenja neubrojivosti u obrani na suđenjima za ratne zločine u Europi
In trials against war criminals, the defendants often plead not guilty by reason of insanity in an effort to avoid assuming responsibility for the charged acts. The paper discusses the history of the insanity defence and some factors that might explain why war crimes are committed. The authors concentrate primarily on the psychological elements of insanity and the reasons for extreme violence appearing at the individual level. Persons charged with war crimes often use post-traumatic stress disorder as the basis for an insanity defence. The authors also consider insanity from the perspective of international criminal law. By explicitly and precisely defining insanity, the Rome Statute moved away from the general provisions employed by the Nuremberg Tribunal, while at the same time making a clear distinction between insanity and incapacity for trial. Insanity may be a complete defence resulting in exclusion of the criminal act and exclusion of the offender’s culpability.Na suđenjima ratnim zločincima optuženici su se često izjašnjavali da nisu krivi zbog neubrojivosti u nastojanju da izbjegnu preuzimanje odgovornosti za kaznena djela za koja su optuženi. Rad razmatra povijest korištenja neubrojivosti za obranu i neke čimbenike koji bi mogli objasniti zašto su neki ratni zločini počinjeni. Autori se usredotočuju prvenstveno na psihološke elemente neubrojivosti i razloge za ekstremno nasilje, koje se pojavljuje na individualnoj razini. Osobe koje se terete za ratne zločine često koriste posttraumatski stresni poremećaj kao osnovu za korištenje neubrojivosti u obrani. Autori također razmatraju neubrojivost iz perspektive međunarodnog kaznenog prava. Rimski statut se sa izričitim i preciznim definiranjem neubrojivosti odmaknuo od općih odredaba, upotrjebljenih na Nürnberškom sudu, u isto vrijeme čineći jasnu razliku između neubrojivosti i nesposobnosti za suđenje. Neubrojivost može činiti cjelovitu obranu, koja rezultira isključenjem kaznenog djela i isključenjem krivnje počinitelja
Critical review of the use of the Rorschach in European courts
In relation to the admissibility of evidence obtained using projective personality tests arose in F v. Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatam (2018). The Court of Justice of the European Union has held that an expert’s report can only be accepted if it is based on the international scientific community’s standards, but has refrained from stipulating what these standards are. It appears timely for European psychologists to decide what standards should be applied to determine whether or not a test is appropriate for psycholegal use. We propose standards and then apply them to the Rorschach because it was used in this case and is an exemplar of projective tests. We conclude that the Rorschach does not meet the proposed standards and that psychologists should abstain from using it in legal proceedings even in the absence of a clear judicial prohibition
The Art of Immersion with Smell and Sensorial Theatre Language
In recent decades, the trend or the need for an experience of the effect of immersion
into theatre events, other branches of art, tourism, everyday business and private life
has become quite evident. We are used to audio-visual communication, which, from the
Renaissance onwards, became the dominant channel for delivering messages, while other
senses became less important.
Until the middle of the 20th century, the role of smell in theatre practices was neglected,
and more important senses took over the place of communication and staging. Rarely
it was used as a direct prop, but always very carefully, because, according to many
experts, it cannot be controlled like sound and light. However, we have forgotten that
the smell, especially in combination with the sound, can have a strong emotional impact
on a spectator. Like the other senses, the scent recreates the context of memories and
can evoke an intense reliving of emotions and events. It can also provoke an evaluation
or re-evaluation of the past, thereby affecting the perception of the present. Reality is
perceived through the adaptation of sensory information, which is shaped and interpreted
under the influence of past experiences. Experiences create expectations, and expectations
create our subjective reality considering everyday life and theatrical performance. This
relationship is especially noticeable in sensorial theatre.
In the last decade, an effort has been made to bring scents and other tools of sensorial
theatre back to the stage, just as – according to foreign sources – they were an important
part of events in antiquity. In this way, the stage can be enriched with an additional
dimension of communication and expression. The paper presents various methods and
experiments on the use of scent and other tools of sensorial theatre, evaluating their
phenomenology and effectiveness from the perspective of the performing arts and
psychological science
Police interrogation practice in Slovenia
Interrogation techniques are well explored, but in Slovenia it has remained unknown what interrogation techniques are used and what the basic characteristics of suspect interrogations are. The Slovenian interrogation manual proposes some coercive interrogation techniques and neglects their weaknesses. The aim of the current study was to examine Slovenian police officers’ beliefs as to the basic characteristics of their interrogations and whether techniques proposed by the manual are used in practice to begin to provide some insight into what actually happens in such interrogations. A survey instrument was used to obtain selfreport data from a sample of criminal investigators. From 86 completed questionnaires it was found that a typical interrogation of a suspect lasts around 90 minutes and is not recorded. Interviewers typically use three interrogation techniques namely (i) conducting interrogations in isolation; (ii) identifying contradictions in the suspect’s story; and (iii) confronting the suspect with evidence. Findings suggest that some coercive interrogation techniques are used in practice (e.g. offering moral justifications, alluding to have evidence of guilt, good cop/bad cop routine, and minimization). The study is the first insight into the practices of Slovenian investigators when questioning suspects. Differences among general, white-collar and organized crime investigators are also discussed
Connection between Eysenck\u27s personality traits and memory recall
Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti stopnjo povezanosti med osebnostnimi potezami in količino ter točnostjo spominskega priklica, kar bi omogočilo oblikovanje modela za napovedovanje verodostojnosti pričanja očividcev kaznivih dejanj. Raziskovalne hipoteze temeljijo na dosedanjih raziskovalnih in teoretičnih pričakovanjih: visok nevroticizem, psihoticizem in visoka introvertnost so povezani z manjšo točnostjo in količino spominske obnove. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 280 študentov, starih od 18 do 21 let. Po uporabi osebnostnega vprašalnika EPQ-R so si udeleženci ogledali posnetek telesnega napada na žensko, ki se je končal z ropom. Po sedmih dnevih sem s čeklisto ugotavljal točnost in količino spominske obnove. Ugotovil sem, da psihoticizem ni povezan s točnostjo in količino spominske obnove. Ekstravertnost pri moških ne korelira z merjenimi značilnostmi spominske obnove, pri ženskah pa je pozitivno povezana le s količino spominske obnove. Visok nevroticizem je pri ženskah povezan z manj točno in količinsko siromašnejšo obnovo. Pri moških je visok nevroticizem povezan le z manjšo količino obnovljenih podatkov. Kaže, da lahko pri ekstravertnih ženskah pričakujemo večjo količino spontano navedenih informacij o dogodku, pri tem ni upravičeno pričakovati bolj točne spominske obnove. Dobljeni korelacijski koeficienti so nizki in sklepam, da uporabnega modela za napovedovanje verodostojnosti pričanja ni mogoče izoblikovati. Šibkost raziskave je manjša reprezentativnost vzorca, saj je povprečna vrednost osebnostne poteze ekstravertnost nižja od normativnih vrednosti. Ugotovitve raziskave so pomembne za učinkovitejše presojanje verodostojnosti pričanja očividcev, prispevajo pa tudi k razjasnitvi odnosov med osebnostnimi potezami in spominsko obnovo. Prednost raziskave je v višji ekološki veljavnosti, saj je izvedena na način, ki posnema dogajanje v resničnosti.The research examines the efficiency of episodic memory in the context of eyewitness memory. The purpose of the research was to ascertain the connection between personality traits and memory recall, what may allow us to form a model of reliability prediction of eyewitness testimony. It was hypothesized that high neuroticism, psychoticism and high introversion are connected with low accuracy and quantity of memory recall. Participants were undergraduate students (N = 280) between the ages of 18 and 21. Personality traits were measured by Eysencks\u27 Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). After the application of questionnaire a video about a robbery assault on a female was shown. Seven days later the accuracy and quantity of memory recall were tested with an extensive checklist. It was established that extraversion is not correlated with memory recall in men, while in females a positive correlation was found. Among females, high neuroticism was correlated negatively with the accuracy and quantity of memory recall, and in men only a negative correlation with quantity of memory recall was found. All correlation coefficients were weak, therefore it was impossible to form an applicable model of reliability prediction of eyewitness testimony. The main weakness of the research presented was the sample anomaly, which was evident in noticeable deviation in the average level of extraversion when it was compared with the expected standard for the Slovenian population
Igor Areh's Quick Files
The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity
Investigative interview protocols with children as alleged victims of sexual abuse
Namen prispevka:
V članku je kratek pregled osnovnih načel izvedbe preiskovalnih intervjujev z otroki, ki so v vlogi domnevnih žrtev spolnih zlorab. Opisane so najpogostejše oblike preiskovalnih protokolov, ki strukturirajo potek izvedbe intervjujev, predstavljene so tudi njihove prednosti in slabosti. Podrobneje je predstavljen protokol NICHD, ki je v tujini med najbolj uporabljenimi.
Podatki o načinih izvedbe protokolov preiskovalnih intervjujev so zbrani iz različnih strokovnih virov.
V praksi preiskovanja spolnih zlorab se uporabljajo različne oblike preiskovalnih protokolov, v katerih se uporabljajo intervjuji, ki so bolj ali manj podobni kognitivnemu intervjuju. V primerjavi s klasičnim policijskim intervjujem ali informativnim razgovorom sodobni protokoli preiskovalnih intervjujev omogočajo, da pridobimo večjo količino bolj verodostojnih podatkov in tako zmanjšujejo verjetnost vložitve zmotnih kazenskih ovadb. V Sloveniji se prikazani protokoli ne uporabljajo.
Članek ni podrobna predstavitev protokolov preiskovalnih intervjujev, zato je uporaben le kot sredstvo za osveževanje ali širjenje strokovnega znanja.
Praktična uporabnost:
Avtor je skušal nazorno prikazati različne oblike protokolov in opozoriti na razlike med njimi. Uporaba protokolov, kot je na primer NICHD, ali vsaj njihovo posnemanje v preiskovalni praksi, lahko pomembno prispeva k večji točnosti in veljavnosti preiskovanja spolnih zlorab otrok, obenem pa tudi bistveno zmanjšuje nivo sekundarne viktimizacije žrtev.
V slovenskem prostoru je malo napisanega o protokolih preiskovalnih intervjujev, kar še posebej velja za objave v strokovnih revijah z recenzentskimi postopki. Avtor skuša zapolniti vrzel in opozoriti na pomembne sodobne raziskovalne ugotovitve in v tujini uveljavljene prakse.Purpose:
The paper represents short and critical introduction of several investigation protocols which are used in cases of alleged child sexual abuse. Most commonly used protocols are briefly and critically presented. NICHD interview protocol is described more in detail.
Data is gathered from several professional and scientific sources.
There are many different investigative protocols and they all include the use of an interview which is more or less similar to cognitive interview. In comparison to standard investigative interview used by criminal investigators, modern protocols facilitate memory recall with higher accuracy of data gathered. Protocols presented in the paper are not used in Slovenia.
Research Limitations/Implications:
Investigative interview protocols are only briefly presented, the paper is useful for refreshing and expanding the knowledge and not for the training.
Practical Implications:
Author tried to briefly demonstrate several forms of investigative protocols. Following the logic implemented in today’s interview protocols like NICHD could lead us to a higher accuracy and efficiency in criminal investigation and it also reduces the possibility of false accusations.
There is lack of knowledge about investigative interview protocols in Slovenia. With this paper author tried to fill the gap and he also put’s stress on today’s important research findings and practice
2007-or9-Forensic assessments in Slovenia: The prevalent usage of questionable psychological tools
Forensic assessments in Slovenia: The prevalent usage of questionable psychological tool
Police interrogations through the prism of science
Several approaches can be employed for information gathering from human sources, differing in their theoretical basis, goals, realisation, and ethical acceptability. The paper critically presents and compares two prevalent approaches to suspect interrogation used by the police. The older, prevalent interrogation approach focuses on obtaining suspects’ incriminating statements and admissions, which severely elevates the risk of false confessions. Consequently, this interrogation approach is termed accusatorial or coercive since suspects are forced to admit to a crime. The newer interrogation approach is the information-gathering approach, also known as the investigative interview. It focuses on gathering accurate information in order to exclude or accuse a suspect in a criminal investigation. In comparison with coercive interrogation models, the information-gathering approach has a lower probability of false confessions since suspects are exposed to significantly lower levels of psychological pressure. Moreover, it is ethically more acceptable, has scientific grounds, enables the gathering of more accurate information, and has been found to be at least as effective as the coercive approach in criminal investigations. The investigative interview relies mainly on findings from social psychology. An analysis of coercive interrogation models reveals that they have no scientific basis and as such rely mainly on uncorroborated common-sense assumptions from authorities. In developed countries, coercive interrogation models are increasingly being replaced by the information-gathering approach, a trend connected with the enforcement of high human rights standards and a higher awareness of risks associated with coercive interrogation methods by the general public, academia, and professionals alike