4 research outputs found

    Capital social y pymes internacionalizadas de Bizkaia

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    Ezagutzaren gizarte berri honetan, gizarte kapitalak izugarrizko garrantzia du, bai garapenaren teorikoentzat eta baita Europan sustapen ekonomiko eta sozialaz arduratzen diren erakundeentzat ere. Ikerketaren ikuspegia bat edo bestea izanik, gizarte kapitala kontzeptua konfidantza eta elkarrekikotasunean oinarritutako harreman sozial horizontalez arduratzen da. Artikulu honek, Bizkaiko herrialde historikoan, gizarte kapitalarekin erlazionatutako zenbait galdera erantzuteko asmoa du. Era berean, Bizkaian, eta zehazki internazionalitatutako ETEetan, gizarte kapitalak garapenean nola eragiten duen aztertzeko helburua duen uneko ikerketa aurkezten du.In the knowledge society new scenario, social capital takes interest not only for the Development theoreticians but also for the European economic and social promotion institutions. Independently of what is the research perspective, the social capital concept refers to horizontal social relations based on trust and reciprocity. The present article tries to give an answer to some questions related with social capital in Biscay¿s territory. The article displays the research ongoing, which studies how the social capital affects to Biscay¿s development, and particularly to internationalised SMEs.En el nuevo escenario de la sociedad del conocimiento, el capital social cobra un gran interés no sólo para los teóricos del desarrollo sino para las instituciones de promoción económica y social en Europa. Independientemente de cual sea la perspectiva de estudio, el concepto de capital social se refiere a las relaciones sociales de tipo horizontal basadas en la confianza y la reciprocidad. El presente artículo pretende dar respuesta a algunas interrogantes relacionadas con el capital social en el territorio histórico de Bizkaia. El artículo presenta la investigación en curso, que estudia cómo afecta el capital social al desarrollo en Bizkaia, y en particular de sus pymes internacionalizadas

    Capital social y pymes internacionalizadas de Bizkaia

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    Ezagutzaren gizarte berri honetan, gizarte kapitalak izugarrizko garrantzia du, bai garapenaren teorikoentzat eta baita Europan sustapen ekonomiko eta sozialaz arduratzen diren erakundeentzat ere. Ikerketaren ikuspegia bat edo bestea izanik, gizarte kapitala kontzeptua konfidantza eta elkarrekikotasunean oinarritutako harreman sozial horizontalez arduratzen da. Artikulu honek, Bizkaiko herrialde historikoan, gizarte kapitalarekin erlazionatutako zenbait galdera erantzuteko asmoa du. Era berean, Bizkaian, eta zehazki internazionalitatutako ETEetan, gizarte kapitalak garapenean nola eragiten duen aztertzeko helburua duen uneko ikerketa aurkezten du.In the knowledge society new scenario, social capital takes interest not only for the Development theoreticians but also for the European economic and social promotion institutions. Independently of what is the research perspective, the social capital concept refers to horizontal social relations based on trust and reciprocity. The present article tries to give an answer to some questions related with social capital in Biscay¿s territory. The article displays the research ongoing, which studies how the social capital affects to Biscay¿s development, and particularly to internationalised SMEs.En el nuevo escenario de la sociedad del conocimiento, el capital social cobra un gran interés no sólo para los teóricos del desarrollo sino para las instituciones de promoción económica y social en Europa. Independientemente de cual sea la perspectiva de estudio, el concepto de capital social se refiere a las relaciones sociales de tipo horizontal basadas en la confianza y la reciprocidad. El presente artículo pretende dar respuesta a algunas interrogantes relacionadas con el capital social en el territorio histórico de Bizkaia. El artículo presenta la investigación en curso, que estudia cómo afecta el capital social al desarrollo en Bizkaia, y en particular de sus pymes internacionalizadas

    La industria vasca en la era post-carbono: la transición hacia la competitividad sostenible

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    The mitigation of climate change (CC) and responding to potential energy shortage (ES) are two important factors that highlight the need for a change in the concept of «competition for sustainability». The problems entailed by CC and EE hypotheses provide firms with an opportunity to jump to a new level in competitiveness, rather than representing merely financial and social costs. The latest generation of policies established since Kyoto in regard to the environment and what has become known as the «Porter hypothesis» allocate a core role to innovation as a mainstay of sustainable competitiveness. This paper reflects on the strengths and weaknesses of Basque industry in the face of a low-carbon economy. Some of the most notable policies implemented by the Basque public authorities are also outlined.sustainable competitiveness, Basque industry, climate change, energy consumption, eco-innovation

    Retos y oportunidades para la transición de la edificación hacia la sostenibilidad en la CAPV

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    In terms of its share of GDP, the number of jobs that it provides and its environmental repercussions, building is a key industry in the current transition towards sustainability in society. The challenges of climate change translate in the building industry as a need to drastically reduce energy consumption in buildings and incorporate renewables. The huge number of players involved in the process and the close interdependence between them mean that the problem must be tacked from the viewpoint of building industry clusters. Although the industry has traditionally been conservative in its view of innovation, it has begun to realise the importance of eco-innovation in recent years. There is now a wide range of products, construction systems and lines of technological research that may in the medium term result in zero carbon buildings. To reinforce the competitiveness of the industry in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country the public authorities need to create a favourable context through policies to foster eco-innovation.building cluster, energy efficiency, renewables, eco-innovation policies, Basque Country, sustainability