8 research outputs found

    L’identità mediterranea nel Patrimonio Architettonico fra permanenza e innovazione / The Mediterranean identity in Architectural Heritage between permanence and innovation

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    I contributo fornisce un quadro delle ricerche del Dottorato in Recupero e fruizione dei contesti antichiThe text focuses the researches of PhD Course on "Recupero e fruizione dei contesti antichi

    The passive cooling system from tradition to innovation: wind Towers

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    The work presented by Golnaz Ighany, tutored by Maria Luisa German\ue0, is a scheme that shows a synthesis of her PhD Research concluded in March 2011. The aim of the research was exploring the potential of using passive cooling systems and natural ventilation with special attention on wind towers. The study was focused on traditional passive cooling strategies which had been used in Middle East and Mediterranean areas. More particularly, the most common types of wind towers were analyzed in relation to different aspects: from the typology analysis to the dimensional one, from materials to systems and construction processes, from \u201clive welfare\u201d to energy efficiency. In parallel, it was conducted analysis on modern passive cooling systems to produce a methodological document that could be useful to builders for the design of technological solutions towards energy efficiency. Jury Comments: A methodology is presented which is logical, clear and easy to understad, leading a possible user though steps that start with analyzing traditional systems, through to contemporary case studies aiming to derive technology, principles and criteria for passive cooling design

    Trattamenti a base di Tio2 nanocristallino ad azione protettiva indiretta fotocatalitica applicati ai Beni Architettonici

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    The research is focused on the definition of a diagnostic program to verify a protective product for stone surfaces. The objective is, in particular, to verify the treatments efficacy of nanocrystalline TiO2 (Titania) with indirect photocatalytic protective action, in the form of thin films made through the sol-gel method, and applied to the stone materials of the Monumental Heritage, through a poly-methodological scientific research, that allow to assess the innovative behaviour towards the fundamental principles of conservation and restoration of the architectural-artistic heritage. To define the research’s program have collaborated Department of Geosciences of University of Padova, ISTM-CNR Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies of Padova, MIUR research Laboratory “C.S.G. Palladio” of Vicenza, “Materiali Nanostrutturati s.r.l.” society of Sassuolo (MO), “Ecochem s.r.l.” society of Vicenza. The program provides verifications in laboratory and in-situ tests on certain Venetian monuments, to experiment the properties of indirect protecting action of nanocrystalline TiO2. The research’s purpose is to try and demonstrate that the application of these nanostructural products has the advantage of being compatible with the environment and coherent with the contemporary challenge of sustainable development of chemistry, of which the applied photochemistry technology could represent a winning solution

    Liberty: sul restauro di Villa Antonietta a Palermo

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    Tra le moltissime costruzioni Liberty a Palermo, quest’articolo descrive Villa Antonietta, un edificio poco noto e di oscura attribuzione. Di recente è stato realizzato un’intervento di restauro; qui per brevità, si descrivono soltanto alcune questioni legate al tema del colore nel Liberty che in questa Villa sono stati riproposti con principio filologico a partire dalle preesistenze presenti a Mondello dove la Villa ha sede

    Delphi: dall'omphalos cosmico al Museo Archeologico

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    The permanent exhibition in the Archaeological Museum, which focuses on the history of the Delphic temenos and the events related to the famous oracle and omphalos, is analyzed through the complex and delicate relationship which the contemporary museum building has established with his context, as the archaeological site of Delphi can be read as an open-air museum, which was able to accumulate and settle inside its perimeter, in a variety of declinations, the architecture and the art of ancient Hellas