139 research outputs found

    コウクウ ホケン ガッカ ニオケル コウクウ ホケンガク キョウイク

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    The School of Oral Health and Welfare, The University of Tokushima Faculty of Dentistry was established in 2007 as a school for dental hygienists who can contribute to aged society and play leading roles as experts of oral health sciences and welfare. The graduates of our school can take qualifying examinations for not only dental hygienists but also for certified social workers. The aims of the curriculum in our school are not to train ordinary dental hygienists but to train specialized dental hygienists, researchers or educators who have high technical skills toward oral health sciences and welfare. Furthermore, new educational programs encompassing PBL (problem based learning) in tutorial classes and practices in a welfare facility for the elderly have been carried out to improve human hospitality and communication skill of the students. In the future, we intend to establish the harmonized educational system encompassing oral health science and welfare so that the graduates would be competent to have professional mind and contribute to the national health promotion

    トクシマ ダイガク ビョウイン ニュウイン カンジャ ノ シカテキ ニーズ : コウクウ カンリ センター ニオケル ウケイレ ジョウキョウ カラ

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    Tokushima University Hospital Oral Health Management Center was created in April 2006 in order that medical inpatients could be easily referred to the dental section. From April 2007 to August 2009, among the 658 inpatients referred by the Oral Health Management Center, 210 requested professional oral healthcare. Requests for professional oral healthcare are currently increasing. Among 244 patients who asked for a bedside visit, 184 requested professional oral healthcare. Most inpatients were referred from the Division of Blood Internal Medicine; and the second Division referring numerous inpatients was that of Neurological Disorders. The increased tendency for professional oral healthcare requests might be related to the closer working relations among NST staff in the hospital, and/or better knowledge regarding the importance of oral health by medical doctors and nurses. The needs for dental services for inpatients varies. It is important for dental professionals to cooperate with medical care staff, and to be capable of dealing with various general conditions


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between chewing behavior and oral conditions in elementary school children based on an intervention study. The subjects were allocated into an intervention group (5th grade students, n=81) and a control group (5th grade students, n=39) in 2 elementary schools in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. Eating habits were self-reported using a questionnaire in both groups. The PMA index (Schour-Massler index) of each subject in the intervention group was assessed. The school lunch program “Chewing 30” was performed 5 times per year using a chewing counter. After the completion of the program, a significant difference in behavior change regarding “sufficient chewing” was observed between the intervention and control groups (p<0.01). The participants in the intervention group were sub-divided into 2 groups based on the change of “sufficient chewing”. The PMA index of the non-improved group significantly increased (p<0.05), while that of the improved group showed no significant difference. These results suggest an association between insufficient chewing behavior and gingival inflammation in elementary school children. The program “Chewing 30” might be effective to prevent gingival inflammation in addition to promoting sufficient chewing. 本研究では,小学生の咀嚼習慣と口腔内状態との関連性を介入研究にて調査することを目的とした.  徳島県内にある2つの小学校のうち,1校の5年生(81名)を介入群とし,他校の5年生(39名)をコントロール群として,食習慣に関する保健調査を実施した.介入群では,児童それぞれのPMA index(Schour-Massler index)を評価した.さらに,1年間を通して計5回学校給食時に咀嚼計を用いた「噛ミング30学習」を実施した.  介入終了後,“よく嚙む” 項目においてコントロール群と介入群では有意な差が認められた(p<0.01).“よく嚙む” 項目の変化の有無により,介入群を2つのグループに分類した.“よく嚙む” 項目の非改善群ではPMA index中央値が有意に増加していた(p<0.05)が,改善群ではPMA index中央値の増加は認められなかった.  これらの結果は,小学生において,不十分な咀嚼習慣と歯肉の炎症に関連性があることを示している.「噛ミング30学習」は,よく嚙むことを促すだけでなく,歯肉炎の予防にも効果がある可能性が示唆された

    ヘルシンキ メトロポリア オウヨウ カガク ダイガク エノ タンキ リュウガク ニオケル カツドウ ホウコク

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    We visited Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences from August 14th to 22nd as a short-term study abroad supported by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). We participated in the basic and clinical training of the oral hygiene course. Furthermore, we also visited the institution for elderly in Espoo and the orthopedic hospital in Helsinki. We reported the outline of the study abroad here

    キャリア ケイセイ シエン キョウイク プログラム ノ カイハツ ト キョウイク コウカ ノ ヒョウカ : チーム イリョウ タイケン ガクシュウ ノ ジッセンテキ ケンキュウ オ トオシテ

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    我々は歯学部学生のキャリア形成支援のための教育プログラム「チーム医療体験学習」を開発し, 歯学部の2,3,4年次の学生を対象として実施した。本プログラムは,グループワークによる事前学 習とチーム医療の現場体験を2つの柱とし,学生の歯科医療職としてのキャリア意識を強化することを 目的とした。プログラム終了時のアンケートから,学生には歯科専門職としての将来の姿勢や目指す方 向性が具体化すると同時に幅広い知識を身につけたいといった学習に対する動機付が強化されるなど 明らかな教育成果が認められた。プログラム実施前後のアンケートの分析結果から, 「チーム医療体験 学習」が歯学部学生のキャリア形成支援教育の手法として有効なプログラムである可能性が示唆された。We prepared career advancement program “Experience learning in medical team treatment" towards the second,third and fouth year students of dental school. This program consits of prior learning concerned with 'Team treatment and Dental profession' and experience learning in medical team treatment at Tokushima University Hospital. The purpose of this program was to rouse career conciousness as a dental profession. This program provided students with career image which they want to be in the future. Besides,they were motivated to study more widely to approach their own image. In this paper,we evaluated the effects of the program“The experience learning in medical team treatment" on career advancement of dental school students. As a result,it is suggested that this program might be fruitful as career advancement on dental students

    チイキ コウレイシャ トノ フクシ タイケン ガクシュウ ノ キョウイク コウカ ト チイキ コウケン ジギョウ トシテノ ヒョウカ

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    本研究の目的は,地域高齢者との福祉体験学習における学生への教育効果と、地域貢献事業としての評価をすることである。徳島大学歯学部では,医療人を志すものとしての自覚を持つことを目的とした取り組みを県内16カ所の施設で合計28回実施した。これは,学生が口腔保健指導「お口の健康長寿教室」において,高齢者を対象とした口腔機能訓練の補助者として体験学習するものである。学習後のレポートから, 到達目標とした地域貢献の在り方や歯科専門職としての役割を認識する学生が多くを占めた。一方,地域貢献事業として評価するため,参加職員への調査を行った結果,利用者への役立ちに加え,多くの施設職員の理解も深まったとのアンケート結果が得られた。以上から,本取り組みは学生への教育目標「医療人としての自覚を持つ」に沿った成果が得られており,また,施設職員の口腔機能向上プ口グラムへの盤解の深まりから,今後の継続が期待される。The purose of this study is to evaluate the educational effect by the welfare-experience learning program with aged people in community,and to evaluate this program as the regional contribution. This program is to aim at having a consciousness of becoming the dental professional in the University of Tokushima,Faculty of Dentistry,and they were carried out with 16 institutions (a total of 28 times).This program makes students accompany the oral health guidance"long-life oral healthy classroom",and they carried out the experience study as on auxiliary person of the variaus functional oral-training for elderly people.By the investigation of the student's report, there are students who recognized the achievement objectives which are roles of the way concerning regional contribution as dental professionals in community. On the other hand,the questionnaire to the participating persoonnel was conducted in order to evalaote this program as the regional contrtbution. As a result,this program is useful to elderly people and the understanding of institution personnel is also deepened this practice. As mentioned above,the result of having is suitable for the educational goal "to have a consciousness of becoming the dental professional". Furthermore,this program was considered that future continuation is also expected by deepening of an understanding to the personnel's functional oral-training program