43 research outputs found

    The magnetic formalism; new results

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    We review recent results on the magnetic pseudo-differential calculus both in symbolic and in CC^*-algebraic form. We also indicate some applications to spectral analysis of pseudo-differential operators with variable magnetic fields

    Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators

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    In previous papers, a generalization of the Weyl calculus was introduced in connection with the quantization of a particle moving in Rn\mathbb R^n under the influence of a variable magnetic field BB. It incorporates phase factors defined by BB and reproduces the usual Weyl calculus for B=0. In the present article we develop the classical pseudodifferential theory of this formalism for the standard symbol classes Sρ,δmS^m_{\rho,\delta}. Among others, we obtain properties and asymptotic developments for the magnetic symbol multiplication, existence of parametrices, boundedness and positivity results, properties of the magnetic Sobolev spaces. In the case when the vector potential AA has all the derivatives of order 1\ge 1 bounded, we show that the resolvent and the fractional powers of an elliptic magnetic pseudodifferential operator are also pseudodifferential. As an application, we get a limiting absorption principle and detailed spectral results for self-adjoint operators of the form H=h(Q,ΠA)H=h(Q,\Pi^A), where hh is an elliptic symbol, ΠA=DA\Pi^A=D-A and AA is the vector potential corresponding to a short-range magnetic field

    An efficient Monte Carlo method for calculating ab initio transition state theory reaction rates in solution

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    In this article, we propose an efficient method for sampling the relevant state space in condensed phase reactions. In the present method, the reaction is described by solving the electronic Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the solute atoms in the presence of explicit solvent molecules. The sampling algorithm uses a molecular mechanics guiding potential in combination with simulated tempering ideas and allows thorough exploration of the solvent state space in the context of an ab initio calculation even when the dielectric relaxation time of the solvent is long. The method is applied to the study of the double proton transfer reaction that takes place between a molecule of acetic acid and a molecule of methanol in tetrahydrofuran. It is demonstrated that calculations of rates of chemical transformations occurring in solvents of medium polarity can be performed with an increase in the cpu time of factors ranging from 4 to 15 with respect to gas-phase calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. To appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Eigenfunctions decay for magnetic pseudodifferential operators

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    We prove rapid decay (even exponential decay under some stronger assumptions) of the eigenfunctions associated to discrete eigenvalues, for a class of self-adjoint operators in L2(Rd)L^2(\mathbb{R}^d) defined by ``magnetic'' pseudodifferential operators (studied in \cite{IMP1}). This class contains the relativistic Schr\"{o}dinger operator with magnetic field