6 research outputs found

    Global Economic Recession: The Place of Biotechnology

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    Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a leading cause of congenital infections worldwide Women infected for the first time during pregnancy are especially likely to transmit CMV to their fetuses and has been proposed as a risk factor for preterm birth. The seroprevalence of CMV in adults and the incidence of congenital CMV infection are highest in developing countries (1 to 5% of births) 90% of infected infants are asymptomatic at birth and are not recognized as at risk for CMV-associated infection. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence rate of CMV infection among pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic. In this study, Two-hundred and eighty eight (288) pregnant women were enrolled. Questionnaires were issued to volunteer subjects after due consent was sought, to determine demographic and other relevant data. 5mls of blood was collected by venous puncture from the antecubital fossa and dispensed into plain containers; sera were collected after centrifugation of the blood. Sera obtained were screened for the presence of CMV (IgM) antibodies using ELISA technique (Clinotec Laboratories Canada).Result showed that out of the 288 women tested, 54 (18.8%) were positive for CMV antibodies while 234 (81.2%) tested negative. With regards to age group distribution, women within 15 – 20 years had a prevalence rate of 4.5%, 21 – 30 years both had 3.5%, 31 – 35 had 3.1%, 36 – 40 years had 1.3% while 41 – 45 years had a prevalence rate of 2.8%, all the age groups had no statistical significant (P>0.05) result. With regards to trimester of the volunteer subjects screened, 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester subjects recorded a prevalence rate of 3.1%, 9.4% and 6.2% respectively which was statistically significant (P0.05).Occupational status of subjects studied recorded no statistical significant (P0.05) result obtained showed that unemployed subjects recorded a prevalence of 5.6% compared to the self-employed with 4.9%, farmers recorded 3.8%, while students had a prevalence of 1.7% however subjects who are civil servants recorded a prevalence of 2.8%. Location of volunteer subjects studied showed that pregnant in rural areas had a prevalence rate of 12.2% while those living in urban areas recorded 6.6% prevalence without any statistical significant (P0.05).Records from this study indicates the of presence of CMV (Igm) antibodies amongst the subjects screened. Hence the need for early detection of the virus in pregnant women

    Studies on the Serological Markers of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Children in Riyom LGA, North Central Nigeria

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    Background: Globally, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been identified as one of the most common infectious diseases of major health concern. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of Hepatitis B virus infection among Children in selected communities at Riyom L.G.A. of Plateau State Nigeria. Methodology: Two hundred (200) sera samples were collected from Pupils attending Primary Schools at three locations of study and analyzed using the HBs Ag Monolisa ELISA kit and the HBV-5 panel test for the qualitative assessment of the markers of hepatitis B virus infection in human serum, plasma and whole blood. Result: Overall result from the total samples assayed showed that, 58(29.0%) were seropositive, [{P value of 0.020}: P 0.05]. Gender consideration of subjects screened showed that male subjects had a prevalence of 19.0% compared to 10.0% for Females [{P value of 0.0435}: P 0.05]. while subjects with traditional method of circumcision recorded a higher prevalence of 9.5% [{P value of 0.3120}:P< 0.05].Considering markers for HBV infection, findings showed that the highest rate of positivity recorded with the HBsAg showed 25% among children screened, HBeAg recorded 4.0%. Anti-HBs which indicate antibody to the HBsAg showed 35(17.5%) positivity while, Anti-HBe positivity recorded 15.0%.Similarly, Anti-HBc Positivity showed a record of 13.5% positivity. Conclusion: The result obtained from this study showed a higher prevalence of the Hepatitis B Virus at our locations of study compared to similar studies conducted earlier within our location of study. It is strongly suggested that accurate diagnosis with effective screening of pregnant mothers be intensified, while the need for timely vaccination of children at risk be promptly embarked upon

    Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antibodies among HIV Seropositive women attending a Rehabilitation centre.

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    Co-infection with human immunodeficiency Virus HIV and (HCV) is becoming a major global problem, leading to increased morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries. This research hence examines the risk factors and transmission of HIV and HCV co-infection. Two hundred and ninety (290) subjects were screened, with HCV global immunochromatographic test kit. Possible risk factors to co-infectious status of subject were determined using a well-structured questionnaire. Out of the 290 sera tested, 25 (8.6%) were positive for HCV antibodies. Considering Age of subjects screened, females aged 11-20 years recorded a high positivity of 3.1 %,( X2 = 2.755, P-value = 0.839; P>0.05).Marital status of subjects showed that single subjects recorded 13(4.5%), (X2 = 0.679,P-value = 0.712 ; P > 0.05)positivity compared to married subjects with 4.1%. There were no significant correlations between HCV infection with Age and Marital Status; P - values = 0.839 and 0.712 respectively (i.e P > 0.05). Significant correlation was found between HCV antibodies and educational status, (Value x2 = 7.957,P-value = 0.047; P < 0.05).However, Volunteers with secondary school level of education recorded 10(3.4%) positivity. The result obtained showed that Seroprevalence to HCV antibodies in this study was high, hence the need for its early diagnosis among HIV patients is strongly advocated to reduce the risk of further complications among these subjects

    Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection among Adult Females in Omu-Aran South-West Nigeria

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    Background: Urinary tract infection is caused by the presence and replication of microorganisms in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infection is a major health problem among females especially among pregnant women and this is caused by the physiological makeup of the female urinary tract. Objective: This study was designed to assess the epidemiology of UTIs present amidst pregnant women and females residing in the Omu-Aran community. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 individuals were involved of which 50 were pregnant women while the remaining 50 were non-pregnant females. Semi-structured questionnaires were distributed to all participants to obtain their data. Samples of urine (early morning midstream) were collected in universal bottles from participants. The urine specimens were cultured on four different agar plates which were; cystein lactose electrolyte deficient agar, blood agar, MacConkey agar and nutrient agar for significant bacteria growth. Microscopic and macroscopic examination was also carried out on the samples for possible detection of infections

    Sero-Epidemiological Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Apparently Healthy Young Adults in Omuaran-Community

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) infection is an important public health concern all over the globe. As a result of its asymptomatic nature, its prevalence among apparently healthy individuals becomes relevant for studies. Hence the prevalence survey of hepatitis B virus was conducted among apparently healthy young individuals. A total of two hundred samples were screened from volunteer subjects for Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg), using the one step immune-chromatographic test strip manufactured by Dia Spot® Diagnostics. Questionnaires were administered to obtain relevant information and demographic data. Overall result showed that 11 (5.5%) of the subjects tested were found to be positive. The highest prevalence was found among subjects aged 22-26 years with 7.8% prevalence compared to those aged 12-21 years with 4.4% prevalence (P=0.1012); (p˃0.05). Based on demographic factors, female workers tend to demonstrate high positivity of 12.5% compared to male with 10.0% prevalence, (P=0.4929); (p˃0.05). Subjects involved with risky behavioral pattern by the use of unsterilized objects recorded a high prevalence of 5.3%, (P=0.5748); (p˃0.05) among female subjects. Serum Alanine amino-tranferases result showed no significant difference among the positive subjects. The results showed some measure of prevalence among the study population. It therefore becomes pertinent that the community be enlightened on the possible risk of infection by the virus. Efforts should be made to ensure vaccination against this infectious agent is intensified