19 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral sub-pixel target detection using hybrid algorithms and Physics Based Modeling

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    This thesis develops a new hybrid target detection algorithm called the Physics Based-Structured InFeasibility Target-detector (PB-SIFT) which incorporates Physics Based Modeling (PBM) along with a new Structured Infeasibility Projector (SIP) metric. Traditional matched filters are susceptible to leakage or false alarms due to bright or saturated pixels that appear target-like to hyperspectral detection algorithms but are not truly target. This detector mitigates against such false alarms. More often than not, detection algorithms are applied to atmospherically compensated hyperspectral imagery. Rather than compensate the imagery, we take the opposite approach by using a physics based model to generate permutations of what the target might look like as seen by the sensor in radiance space. The development and status of such a method is presented as applied to the generation of target spaces. The generated target spaces are designed to fully encompass image target pixels while using a limited number of input model parameters. Evaluation of such target spaces shows that they can reproduce a HYDICE image target pixel spectrum to less than 1% RMS error (equivalent reflectance) in the visible and less than 6% in the near IR. Background spaces are modeled using a linear subspace (structured) approach characterized by basis vectors found by using the maximum distance method (MaxD). The SIP is developed along with a Physics Based Orthogonal Projection Operator (PBosp) which produces a 2 dimensional decision space. Results from the HYDICE FR I data set show that the physics based approach, along with the PB-SIFT algorithm, can out perform the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Spectral Matched Filter (SMF) on both exposed and fully concealed man-made targets found in hyperspectral imagery. Furthermore, the PB-SIFT algorithm performs as good (if not better) than the Mixture Tuned Matched Filter (MTMF)

    Target Detection in a Structured Background Environment Using an Infeasibility Metric in an Invariant Space

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    This paper develops a hybrid target detector that incorporates structured backgrounds and physics based modeling together with a geometric infeasibility metric. More often than not, detection algorithms are usually applied to atmospherically compensated hyperspectral imagery. Rather than compensate the imagery, we take the opposite approach by using a physics based model to generate permutations of what the target might look like as seen by the sensor in radiance space. The development and status of such a method is presented as applied to the generation of target spaces. The generated target spaces are designed to fully encompass image target pixels while using a limited number of input model parameters. Background spaces are modeled using a linear subspace (structured) approach characterized by endmembers found by using the maximum distance method (MaxD). After augmenting the image data with the target space, 15 endmembers were found, which were not related to the target (i.e., background endmembers). A geometric infeasibility metric is developed which enables one to be more selective in rejecting false alarms. Preliminary results in the design of such a metric show that an orthogonal projection operator based on target space vectors can distinguish between target and background pixels. Furthermore, when used in conjunction with an operator that produces abundance-like values, we obtained separation between target, ackground, and anomalous pixels. This approach was applied to HYDICE image spectrometer data

    Comparison of Basis-Vector Selection Methods for Target and Background Subspaces as Applied to Subpixel Target Detection

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    This paper focuses on comparing three basis-vector selection techniques as applied to target detection in hyperspectral imagery. The basis-vector selection methods tested were the singular value decomposition (SVD), pixel purity index (PPI), and a newly developed approach called the maximum distance (MaxD) method. Target spaces were created using an illumination invariant technique, while the background space was generated from AVIRIS hyperspectral imagery. All three selection techniques were applied (in various combinations) to target as well as background spaces so as to generate dimensionally-reduced subspaces. Both target and background subspaces were described by linear subspace models (i.e., structured models). Generated basis vectors were then implemented in a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) detector. False alarm rates (FAR) were tabulated along with a new summary metric called the average false alarm rate (AFAR). Some additional summary metrics are also introduced. Impact of the number of basis vectors in the target and background subspaces on detector performance was also investigated. For the given AVIRIS data set, the MaxD method as applied to the background subspace outperformed the other two methods tested (SVD and PPI)

    Matched Filter Stochastic Background Characterization for Hyperspectral Target Detection

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    Algorithms exploiting hyperspectral imagery for target detection have continually evolved to provide improved detection results. Adaptive matched filters can be used to locate spectral targets by modeling scene background as either structured (geometric) with a set of endmembers (basis vectors) or as unstructured (stochastic) with a covariance or correlation matrix. These matrices are often calculated using all available pixels in a data set. In unstructured background research, various techniques for improving upon scene-wide methods have been developed, each involving either the removal of target signatures from the background model or the segmentation of image data into spatial or spectral subsets. Each of these methods increase the detection signal-to-background ratio (SBR) and the multivariate normality (MVN) of the data from which background statistics are calculated, thus increasing separation between target and non-target species in the detection statistic and ultimately improving thresholded target detection results. Such techniques for improved background characterization are widely practiced but not well documented or compared. This paper provides a review and comparison of methods in target exclusion, spatial subsetting and spectral pre-clustering, and introduces a new technique which combines these methods. The analysis provides insight into the merit of employing unstructured background characterization techniques, as well as limitations for their practical application

    Geometric basis-vector selection meth ods and subpixel target detection as applied to hyperspectral imagery

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    Abstract-In this paper, we compare three basis-vector selection methods as applied to subpixel target detection. This is a continuation of previous research in which a similar comparison was performed based on an AVIRIS image. Our goal is to find out to what extent our previous observations apply more broadly to other images, more specifically, a HYDICE image used in this paper. Our target detection approach is based on generating a radiance target region using a physical model to generate radiance spectra as observed under a wide range of atmospheric, illumination, and viewing conditions. The advantage of this approach is that the resulting target detection is invariant to those changing conditions. For the purpose of target detection, we use a structured model to describe each image spectra as a linear combination of the target and background basis-vectors, and then we apply a matched subspace detector. Finally, we find ROC curves to describe the relationship between the detection rate (DR) and the false alarm rate (FAR). Due to a large number of cases considered, we use summary metrics to represent our results. The obtained results are quite different from those obtained in [1] for the AVIRIS image. The best method for generating the background basis vectors in the AVIRIS image was the MaxD method, while the SVD method proved to be best for the HYDICE image used in this paper. Further research is needed to find out the reasons for these differences. It is not surprising that different methods are optimal for different types of data. However, it would be useful to be able to recognize the optimal method without assuming knowledge of the targets in the image

    A Vicarious Technique for Understanding and Diagnosing Hyperspectral Spatial Misregistration

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    Pushbroom hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems intrinsically measure our surroundings by leveraging 1D spatial imaging, where each pixel contains a unique spectrum of the observed materials. Spatial misregistration is an important property of HSI systems because it defines the spectral integrity of spatial pixels and requires characterization. The IEEE P4001 Standards Association committee has defined laboratory-based methods to test the ultimate limit of HSI systems but negates any impacts from mounting and flying the instruments on airborne platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) or drones. Our study was designed to demonstrate a novel vicarious technique using convex mirrors to bridge the gap between laboratory and field-based HSI performance testing with a focus on extracting hyperspectral spatial misregistration. A fast and simple extraction technique is proposed for estimating the sampled Point Spread Function’s width, along with keystone, as a function of wavelength for understanding the key contributors to hyperspectral spatial misregistration. With the ease of deploying convex mirrors, off-axis spatial misregistration is assessed and compared with on-axis behavior, where the best performance is often observed. In addition, convex mirrors provide an easy methodology to exploit ortho-rectification errors related to fixed pushbroom HSI systems, which we will show. The techniques discussed in this study are not limited to drone-based systems but can be easily applied to other airborne or satellite-based systems