7 research outputs found

    CX3CL1 modulator in the inflammatory processes of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia characterized by the accumulation of β-amyloid plaques, tau tangles, neuroinflammation, and synaptic/neuronal loss, the latter being the strongest correlating factor with memory and cognitive impairment. Through an in vitro study on a neuron-astrocyte-microglia (NAM) co-culture system and on Blood Brain barrier organ on chip (BBB-oC) model, we have analyzed the effects of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from non-AD and AD patients. Moreover, we tested the effect of sCX3CL1 purify protein on BBB-oC. Before to evaluate the effect of the CSF samples, they are characterized for the canonical markers of AD and for the presence of sCX3CL1, the results showed an increase of presence of sCX3CL1 in AD CSF compared to non-AD CSF. After the treatment with the CSF samples the NAM co-cultures were investigate through optical microscopy, and for expression of proteins and enzyme through immunofluorescence analyses, Zymography analyses and Q-PCR analyses. The results showed the activation and up-regulation of factors involved in inflammation pathways including CX3CL1, MMPs and involved in the process of hyperphosphorylation of tau and in the formation of amyloid fragment. Morphology analyses, immunofluorescence analyses and Real Time PCR analyses showed the damage of the blood brain barrier in the BBB-oC model treated with sCX3CL1 purify protein and AD CSF. After carrying out the preliminary in vitro studies, Alzheimer was induced in rats through intracerebroventricular microinjection of Streptozotocin (STZ). The induction of AD was confirmed by dot blot and western blot analyses that showed the presence of the canonical markers in animal model. Other elements, including CX3CL1, were evaluated by western blot analysis and Real Time PCR analyses to identify elements that may be up and downregulated in the metabolic pathways after the induction of Alzheimer’s disease

    Cerebrospinal and Blood Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease: Did Mild Cognitive Impairment Definition Affect Their Clinical Usefulness?

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    Despite Alzheimer's Disease (AD) being known from the times of Alois Alzheimer, who lived more than one century ago, many aspects of the disease are still obscure, including the pathogenesis, the clinical spectrum definition, and the therapeutic approach. Well-established biomarkers for AD come from the histopathological hallmarks of the disease, which are A beta and phosphorylated Tau protein aggregates. Consistently, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Amyloid beta (A beta) and phosphorylated Tau level measurements are currently used to detect AD presence. However, two central biases affect these biomarkers. Firstly, incomplete knowledge of the pathogenesis of diseases legitimates the search for novel molecules that, reasonably, could be expressed by neurons and microglia and could be detected in blood simpler and earlier than the classical markers and in a higher amount. Further, studies have been performed to evaluate whether CSF biomarkers can predict AD onset in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients. However, the MCI definition has changed over time. Hence, the studies on MCI patients seem to be biased at the beginning due to the imprecise enrollment and heterogeneous composition of the miscellaneous MCI subgroup. Plasma biomarkers and novel candidate molecules, such as microglia biomarkers, have been tentatively investigated and could represent valuable targets for diagnosing and monitoring AD. Also, novel AD markers are urgently needed to identify molecular targets for treatment strategies. This review article summarizes the main CSF and blood AD biomarkers, underpins their advantages and flaws, and mentions novel molecules that can be used as potential biomarkers for AD

    CX3CL1 Pathway as a Molecular Target for Treatment Strategies in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a scourge for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals due to the progressive character of the disease and the lack of effective treatments. AD is considered a proteinopathy, which means that aetiological and clinical features of AD have been linked to the deposition of amyloid β (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated tau protein aggregates throughout the brain, with Aβ and hyperphosphorylated tau representing classical AD hallmarks. However, some other putative mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of the disease have been proposed, including inflammation in the brain, microglia activation, impaired hippocampus neurogenesis and alterations in the production and release of neurotrophic factors. Among all, microglia activation and chronic inflammation in the brain gained some attention, with researchers worldwide wondering whether it is possible to prevent and stop, respectively, the onset and progression of the disease by modulating microglia phenotypes. The following key points have been established so far: (i) Aβ deposition in brain parenchyma represents repeated stimulus determining chronic activation of microglia; (ii) chronic activation and priming of microglia make these cells lose neuroprotective functions and favour damage and loss of neurons; (iii) quiescent status of microglia at baseline prevents chronic activation and priming, meaning that the more microglia are quiescent, the less they become neurotoxic. Many molecules are known to modulate the quiescent baseline state of microglia, attracting huge interest among scientists as to whether these molecules could be used as valuable targets in AD treatment. The downside of the coin came early with the observation that quiescent microglia do not display phagocytic ability, being unable to clear Aβ deposits since phagocytosis is crucial for Aβ clearance efficacy. A possible solution for this issue could be found in the modulation of microglia status at baseline, which could help maintain both neuroprotective features and phagocytic ability at the same time. Among the molecules known to influence the baseline status of microglia, C-X3-chemokine Ligand 1 (CX3CL1), also known as Fractalkine (FKN), is one of the most investigated. FKN and its microglial receptor CX3CR1 are crucial players in the interplay between neurons and microglia, modulating the operation of some neural circuits and the efficacy and persistence of immune response against injury. In addition, CX3CL1 regulates synaptic pruning and plasticity in the developmental age and in adulthood, when it strongly impacts the hippocampus neurogenesis of the adult. CX3CL1 has an effect on Aβ clearance and tau phosphorylation, as well as in microglia activation and priming. For all the above, CX3CL1/CX3CR1 signalling has been widely studied in relation to AD pathogenesis, and its biochemical pathway could hide molecular targets for novel treatment strategies in AD. This review summarizes the possible role of CX3CL1 in AD pathogenesis and its use as a potential target for AD treatment

    The Cytokine CX3CL1 and ADAMs/MMPs in Concerted Cross-Talk Influencing Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Neuroinflammation plays a fundamental role in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases. It could therefore be said that neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative pathologies is not a consequence but a cause of them and could represent a therapeutic target of neuronal degeneration. CX3CL1 and several proteases (ADAMs/MMPs) are strongly involved in the inflammatory pathways of these neurodegenerative pathologies with multiple effects. On the one hand, ADAMs have neuroprotective and anti-apoptotic effects; on the other hand, they target cytokines and chemokines, thus causing inflammatory processes and, consequently, neurodegeneration. CX3CL1 itself is a cytokine substrate for the ADAM, ADAM17, which cleaves and releases it in a soluble isoform (sCX3CL1). CX3CL1, as an adhesion molecule, on the one hand, plays an inhibiting role in the pro-inflammatory response in the central nervous system (CNS) and shows neuroprotective effects by binding its membrane receptor (CX3CR1) present into microglia cells and maintaining them in a quiescent state; on the other hand, the sCX3CL1 isoform seems to promote neurodegeneration. In this review, the dual roles of CX3CL1 and ADAMs/MMPs in different neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (MH), and multiple sclerosis (MS), are investigated

    High Cerebrospinal Fluid CX3CL1 Levels in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients but Not in Non-Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of cognitive decline worldwide, occurring in about 10% of people older than 65 years. The well-known hallmarks of AD are extracellular aggregates of amyloid β (Aβ) and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) of tau protein. The evidence that Aβ overproduction leads to AD has paved the way for the AD pathogenesis amyloid cascade hypothesis, which proposes that the neuronal damage is sustained by Aβ overproduction. Consistently, AD cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers used in clinical practice, including Aβ 1–42, Aβ 1–40, Aβ 42/40 ratio, and pTau, are related to the amyloid hypothesis. Recently, it was suggested that the Aβ deposition cascade cannot fully disclose AD pathogenesis, with other putative players being involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. Among all, one of the most studied factors is inflammation in the brain. Hence, biomarkers of inflammation and microglia activation have also been proposed to identify AD. Among them, CX3 chemokine ligand 1 (CX3CL1) has taken center stage. This transmembrane protein, also known as fractalkine (FKN), is normally expressed in neurons, featuring an N-terminal chemokine domain and an extended mucin-like stalk, following a short intra-cytoplasmatic domain. The molecule exists in both membrane-bound and soluble forms. It is accepted that the soluble and membrane-bound forms of FKN evoke differential signaling within the CNS. Given the link between CX3XL1 and microglial activation, it has been suggested that CX3CL1 signaling disruption could play a part in the pathogenesis of AD. Furthermore, a role for chemokine as a biomarker has been proposed. However, the findings collected are controversial. The current study aimed to describe the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of CX3XL1 and classical biomarkers in AD patients

    Effects of Cerebrospinal Fluids from Alzheimer and Non-Alzheimer Patients on Neurons–Astrocytes–Microglia Co-Culture

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, characterized by the accumulation of β-amyloid plaques, tau tangles, neuroinflammation, and synaptic/neuronal loss, the latter being the strongest correlating factor with memory and cognitive impairment. Through an in vitro study on a neurons–astrocytes–microglia (NAM) co-culture system, we analyzed the effects of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from AD and non-AD patients (other neurodegenerative pathologies). Treatment with CSF from AD patients showed a loss of neurofilaments and spheroids, suggesting the presence of elements including CX3CL1 (soluble form), destabilizing the neurofilaments, cellular adhesion processes, and intercellular contacts. The NAM co-cultures were analyzed in immunofluorescence assays for several markers related to AD, such as through zymography, where the expression of proteolytic enzymes was quantified both in cell extracts and the co-cultures’ conditioned medium (CM). Through qRT-PCR assays, several genes involved in the formation of β-amyloid plaque, in phosphorylation of tau, and in inflammation pathways and MMP expression were investigated

    Microglial Activation and Priming in Alzheimer’s Disease: State of the Art and Future Perspectives

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    Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia, having a remarkable social and healthcare burden worldwide. Amyloid β (Aβ) and protein Tau aggregates are disease hallmarks and key players in AD pathogenesis. However, it has been hypothesized that microglia can contribute to AD pathophysiology, as well. Microglia are CNS-resident immune cells belonging to the myeloid lineage of the innate arm of immunity. Under physiological conditions, microglia are in constant motion in order to carry on their housekeeping function, and they maintain an anti-inflammatory, quiescent state, with low expression of cytokines and no phagocytic activity. Upon various stimuli (debris, ATP, misfolded proteins, aggregates and pathogens), microglia acquire a phagocytic function and overexpress cytokine gene modules. This process is generally regarded as microglia activation and implies that the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines is counterbalanced by the synthesis and the release of anti-inflammatory molecules. This mechanism avoids excessive inflammatory response and inappropriate microglial activation, which causes tissue damage and brain homeostasis impairment. Once the pathogenic stimulus has been cleared, activated microglia return to the naïve, anti-inflammatory state. Upon repeated stimuli (as in the case of Aβ deposition in the early stage of AD), activated microglia shift toward a less protective, neurotoxic phenotype, known as “primed” microglia. The main characteristic of primed microglia is their lower capability to turn back toward the naïve, anti-inflammatory state, which makes these cells prone to chronic activation and favours chronic inflammation in the brain. Primed microglia have impaired defence capacity against injury and detrimental effects on the brain microenvironment. Additionally, priming has been associated with AD onset and progression and can represent a promising target for AD treatment strategies. Many factors (genetics, environmental factors, baseline inflammatory status of microglia, ageing) generate an aberrantly activated phenotype that undergoes priming easier and earlier than normally activated microglia do. Novel, promising targets for therapeutic strategies for AD have been sought in the field of microglia activation and, importantly, among those factors influencing the baseline status of these cells. The CX3CL1 pathway could be a valuable target treatment approach in AD, although preliminary findings from the studies in this field are controversial. The current review aims to summarize state of the art on the role of microglia dysfunction in AD pathogenesis and proposes biochemical pathways with possible targets for AD treatment