41 research outputs found

    Spin relaxation mechanism in Silver nanowires covered with MgO protection layer

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    Spin-flip mechanism in Ag nanowires with MgO surface protection layers has been investigated by means of nonlocal spin valve measurements using Permalloy/Ag lateral spin valves. The spin flip events mediated by surface scattering are effectively suppressed by the MgO capping layer. The spin relaxation process was found to be well described in the framework of Elliott-Yafet mechanism and then the probabilities of spin-filp scattering for phonon or impurity mediated momentum scattering is precisely determined in the nanowires. The temperature dependent spin-lattice relaxation follows the Bloch-Gr\"uneisen theory and falls on to a universal curve for the monovalent metals as in the Monod and Beuneu scaling determined from the conduction electron spin resonance data for bulk.Comment: 18 pages, 3figure

    Spin relaxation characteristics in Ag nanowire covered with various oxides

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    We have studied spin relaxation characteristics in a Ag nanowire covered with various oxide layers of Bi2O3, Al2O3, HfO2, MgO or AgOx by using non-local spin valve structures. The spin-flip probability, a ratio of momentum relaxation time to spin relaxation time at 10 K, exhibits a gradual increase with an atomic number of the oxide constituent elements, Mg, Al, Ag and Hf. Surprisingly the Bi2O3 capping was found to increase the probability by an order of magnitude compared with other oxide layers. This finding suggests the presence of an additional spin relaxation mechanism such as Rashba effect at the Ag/Bi2O3 interface, which cannot be explained by the simple Elliott-Yafet mechanism via phonon, impurity and surface scatterings. The Ag/Bi2O3 interface may provide functionality as a spin to charge interconversion layer.Comment: 11pages, 1table, and 3figure

    Effect of anisotropic spin absorption on the Hanle effect in lateral spin valves

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    We have succeeded in fully describing dynamic properties of spin current including the different spin absorption mechanism for longitudinal and transverse spins in lateral spin valves, which enables to elucidate intrinsic spin transport and relaxation mechanism in the nonmagnet. The deduced spin lifetimes are found independent of the contact type. From the transit-time distribution of spin current extracted from the Fourier transform in Hanle measurement data, the velocity of the spin current in Ag with Py/Ag Ohmic contact turns out much faster than that expected from the widely used model.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 9 pages (supplementary information

    Experimental Verification of Comparability between Spin-Orbit and Spin-Diffusion Lengths

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    We experimentally confirmed that the spin-orbit lengths of noble metals obtained from weak anti-localization measurements are comparable to the spin diffusion lengths determined from lateral spin valve ones. Even for metals with strong spin-orbit interactions such as Pt, we verified that the two methods gave comparable values which were much larger than those obtained from recent spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements. To give a further evidence for the comparability between the two length scales, we measured the disorder dependence of the spin-orbit length of copper by changing the thickness of the wire. The obtained spin-orbit length nicely follows a linear law as a function of the diffusion coefficient, clearly indicating that the Elliott-Yafet mechanism is dominant as in the case of the spin diffusion length.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Revisiting the measurement of the spin relaxation time in graphene-based devices

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    A long spin relaxation time (tausf) is the key for the applications of graphene to spintronics but the experimental values of tausf have been generally much shorter than expected. We show that the usual determination by the Hanle method underestimates tausf if proper account of the spin absorption by contacts is lacking. By revisiting series of experimental results, we find that the corrected tausf are longer and less dispersed, which leads to a more unified picture of tausf derived from experiments. We also discuss how the correction depends on the parameters of the graphene and contacts

    5d transition metal oxide IrO2 as a material for spin current detection

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    Devices based on a pure spin current (a flow of spin angular momentum) have been attracting increasing attention as key ingredients for low-dissipation electronics. To integrate such spintronics devices into charge-based technologies, an electric detection of spin current is essential. Inverse spin Hall effect converts a spin current into an electric voltage through spin-orbit coupling. Noble metals such as Pt and Pd, and also Cu-based alloys, owing to the large direct spin Hall effect, have been regarded as potential materials for a spin-current injector. Those materials, however, are not promising as a spin-current detector based on inverse spin Hall effect. Their spin Hall resistivity rho_SH, representing the performance as a detector, is not large enough mainly due to their low charge resistivity. Here we demonstrate that heavy transition metal oxides can overcome such limitations inherent to metal-based spintronics materials. A binary 5d transition metal oxide IrO2, owing to its large resistivity as well as a large spin-orbit coupling associated with 5d character of conduction electrons, was found to show a gigantic rho_SH ~ 38 microohm cm at room temperature, one order of magnitude larger than those of noble metals and Cu-based alloys and even comparable to those of atomic layer thin film of W and Ta

    Tunneling Devices with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Electrodes on Atomically Thin van der Waals Heterostructures

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    We report the fabrication of perpendicular ferromagnetic electrodes for tunneling devices consist of van der Waals heterostructure. We found MgO/Co/Pt films on Hexagonal BN shows perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) with the easy axis perpendicular to the substrate. Vacuum annealing enhances the perpendicular anisotropy. The easy axis along the perpendicular direction persists up to room temperature with the Pt layer thickness ranges from 1.5 to 5 nm. We employed the PMA electrodes to construct tunneling devices on graphene and monolayer WSe2, where spin injection characteristics and field effect transistor behavior were demonstrated without strong Schottky barrier formation

    Spin injection characteristics of Py/graphene/Pt by gigahertz and terahertz magnetization dynamics driven by femtosecond laser pulse

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    Spin transport characteristics of graphene has been extensively studied so far. The spin transport along c-axis is however reported by rather limited number of papers. We have studied spin transport characteristics through graphene along c-axis with permalloy(Py)/graphene(Gr)/Pt by gigahertz (GHz) and terahertz (THz) magnetization dynamics driven by femtosecond laser pulses. The relatively simple sample structure does not require electrodes on the sample. The graphene layer was prepared by chemical vapor deposition and transferred on Pt film. The quality of graphene layer was characterized by Raman microscopy. Time resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect is used to characterize gigahertz magnetization dynamics. Magnetization precession is clearly observed both for Pt/Py and Pt/Gr/Py. The Gilbert damping constant of Pt/Py was 0.015, indicates spin pumping effect from Py to Pt. The Gilbert damping constant of Pt/Gr/Py is found to be 0.011, indicates spin injection is blocked by graphene layer. We have also performed the measurement of THz emission for Pt/Py and Pt/Gr/Py. While the THz emission is clearly observed for Pt/Py, a strong reduction of THz emission is observed for Pt/Gr/Py. With these two different experiments, and highly anisotropic resistivity of graphite, we conclude that the vertical spin transport is strongly suppressed by the graphene layer.Comment: Submitted to AIP adv (MMM

    Increased Curie temperature and enhanced perpendicular magneto anisotropy of Cr2Ge2Te6/NiO heterostructure

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    Magnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals materials has received significant attention recently. The Curie temperature reported for those materials, however, has been so far remained relatively low. Here, we measure magneto-optical Kerr effects (MOKE) under perpendicular magnetic field for van der Waals ferromagnet Cr2Ge2Te6 as well as its heterostructure with antiferromagnetic insulator NiO. We observe a notable increase in both Curie temperature and magnetic perpendicular anisotropy in Cr2Ge2Te6/NiO heterostructures compared to those in Cr2Ge2Te6. Measurements on the same exfoliated Cr2Ge2Te6 flake (on a SiO2/Si substrate) before and after depositing NiO show that the hysteresis loop can change into a square shape with larger coercive field for Cr2Ge2Te6/NiO. The maximum Curie temperature (TC) observed for Cr2Ge2Te6/NiO reaches ~120 K, is nearly twice the maximum TC ~ 60 K reported for Cr2Ge2Te6 alone. Both enhanced perpendicular anisotropy and increased Curie temperature are observed for Cr2Ge2Te6 flakes with a variety of thicknesses ranging from ~5 nm to ~200 nm. The results indicate that magnetic properties of two-dimensional van der Waals magnets can be engineered and controlled by using the heterostructure interface with other materials

    Van der Waals Heterostructure Magnetic Josephson Junction

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    When two superconductors are connected across a ferromagnet, the spin configuration of the transferred Cooper pairs can be modulated due to magnetic exchange interaction. The resulting supercurrent can reverse its sign across the Josephson junction (JJ) [1-4]. Here we demonstrate Josephson phase modulation in van der Waals heterostructures when Cooper pairs from superconducting NbSe2_2 tunnel through atomically thin magnetic insulator (MI) Cr2_2Ge2_2Te6_6. Employing a superconducting quantum interference device based on MI JJs, we probe a doubly degenerate non-trivial JJ phase (Ï•\phi) originating from the magnetic barrier. This Ï•\phi-phase JJ is formed by momentum conserving tunneling of Ising Cooper pairs [5] across magnetic domains in the Cr2_2Ge2_2Te6_6 barrier. The doubly degenerate ground states in MI JJs provide a two-level quantum system that can be utilized as a new disipationless component for superconducting quantum devices, including phase batteries [6], memories [7,8], and quantum Ratchets [9,10]