10 research outputs found

    Theory-based digital intervention to promote weight loss and weight loss maintenance (Choosing Health): protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Digital behavioural weight loss interventions have the potential to improve public health; however, these interventions are often not adequately tailored to the needs of the participants. This is the protocol for a trial that aims to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Choosing Health programme as a means to promote weight loss and weight loss maintenance among overweight/obese adults. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The proposed study is a two-group randomised controlled trial with a nested interrupted time series (ITS) within-person design. Participants (n=285) will be randomly assigned to either the Choosing Health digital intervention or a control group. For intervention participants, ecological momentary assessment will be used to identify behavioural determinants for each individual in order to tailor evidence-based behaviour change techniques and intervention content.Control group participants will receive non-tailored weight loss advice via e-book and generic emails. The primary outcome is the mean difference in weight loss between groups at 6 months controlled for baseline. Secondary outcomes include blood pressure and percentage of body fat; self-reported measures of physical activity, sitting time, quality of life, cost and theory-derived correlates of weight loss. Secondary outcomes will be measured at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. The primary outcome for ITS will be daily weight loss plan adherence. Data will be analysed using regression and time series analyses. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval was granted by Faculty of Psychology, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw, Poland, approval number 03/P/12/2019. The project results will be disseminated through structured strategy implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. TRIAL REGISTRATION DETAILS: This trial was registered with www.clinicaltrials.gov; registration number NCT04291482

    Involvement in dance among children at late school age and the level of their social development

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    CEL: Celem pracy jest zbadanie aktywności tanecznej dzieci w starszym wieku szkolnym oraz jej wpływu na poziom ich rozwoju społecznego.GŁÓWNY PROBLEM BADAWCZY: Ustalenie związku jaki zachodzi pomiędzy aktywnością tanecznądzieci w starszym wieku szkolnym a poziomem ich rozwoju społecznego. PROBLEMY SZCZEGÓŁOWE: 1.Zależność funkcjonowania dzieci w rolach społecznych od:a. cech społeczno – demograficznych badanych, b.cech podmiotowych badanych,c.aktywności tanecznej badanych,2.Zależność wyników uczniów w nauce szkolnej od:a.cechy społeczno – demograficznych badanych, b.cech podmiotowych badanych, c.aktywności tanecznej badanych,3.Zależność funkcjonowania dzieci w środowisku szkolnym od: a.cech społeczno – demograficznych badanych, b.cech podmiotowych badanych,c.aktywności tanecznej badanych,4.Znaczenie podmiotów środowiska lokalnego w aspekcie organizacji czasu wolnego dzieci i młodzieży. ZASTOSOWANE METODY BADAWCZE: •samodzielnie opracowany kwestionariusz dotyczący zainteresowań i sposobu spędzania czasu wolnego przez uczniów, •kwestionariusz funkcjonowania dzieci w społeczności szkolnej i rówieśniczej przygotowany w oparciu o „Kwestionariusz Skali Oszacowań do Oceny Funkcjonowania Młodzieży w Rolach Społecznych” M. Ignaczaka,•kwestionariusz zachowania się dzieci w społeczności szkolnej przygotowany według wzoru „Kwestionariusza Zachowania się Dziecka w Przedszkolu i Szkole” E. S. Schaefera i M. Aaronson, •kwestionariusz obiektów i instytucji, które pozwalają w konstruktywny sposób zagospodarować czas wolny dzieci i młodzieży w środowisku lokalnym, opracowany według „Kwestionariusza Infrastruktury Profilaktycznej” Z. Gasia. TEREN BADAŃ:Badania zostały przeprowadzone na terenie dwóch szkół podstawowych – Publicznej Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 w Częstochowie oraz Zespołu Szkół w Koniecpolu. GRUPA BADAWCZA:W badaniu wzięły udział dwie 22-osobowe grupy uczniów klas piątych, pochodzących z różnych środowisk oraz ich wychowawczynie. Grupa uczniów ze szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 w Częstochowie liczyła 13 dziewcząt oraz 9 chłopców, a grupa uczniów z Zespołu Szkół w Koniecpolu liczyła 10 dziewcząt oraz 12 chłopców. ORGANIZACJA BADAŃ:Badania dokonane na potrzeby niniejszej pracy zostały przeprowadzone w dniach 7 – 23 marca 2012 roku na populacji wychowawców i uczniów klas piątych uczęszczających do szkół w różnych środowiskach. Przed wykonaniem badań konieczne było uzyskanie zgody na ich przeprowadzenie u dyrektorów obydwu szkół. Do badań wykorzystano opracowane wcześniej i wydrukowane w odpowiedniej ilości kwestionariusze ankiet, które:•uczniowie klas piątych wypełniali samodzielnie i w obecności ankietera, poprzez zaznaczenie jednej z podanych możliwości lub wpisanie własnej wypowiedzi, •wychowawcy obydwu grup wypełniali samodzielnie, nie w obecności ankietera, poprzez wybranie jednej z podanych ocen na skali, odzwierciedlającej aktualną ocenę poszczególnych uczniów w stosunku do różnych sytuacji w społeczności szkolnej. WNIOSKI WYNIKAJĄCE Z BADAŃ:•przejawiane przez dzieci zainteresowania taneczne mają wpływ na poziom ich funkcjonowania w rolach społecznych, •dzieci podejmujące aktywność taneczną łatwiej nawiązują kontakty z rówieśnikami, są bardziej odpowiedzialne, zdolne do współpracy i współdziałania, •aktywność taneczna dzieci ma także duże znaczenie w osiąganych wynikach w nauce szkolnej, •dzieci wykazujące zainteresowanie tańcem lepiej wywiązują się z obowiązków szkolnych, systematycznej uczęszczają do szkoły, szybciej i sprawniej wykonują powierzone zadania, •podejmowana przez dzieci aktywność taneczna ma także duży wpływ na poziom ich funkcjonowania w środowisku szkolnym, •uczniowie deklarujący aktywność taneczną są dojrzalsi emocjonalnie, łatwiej nawiązują kontakty z rówieśnikami i rozwiązują zaistniałe konflikty, a ich stosunki z nauczycielami są poprawne. WYKAZ DOKUMENTACJI GRAFICZNEJ:Niniejsza praca zawiera:•6 rysunków, •19 tabel, •31 wykresów.AIM: The aim of the thesis is to examine involvement in dance of children at late school age, as well as influence of dance on the level of their social development. MAIN RESEARCH PROBLEM: Determining the interrelation between involvement in dance of children at late school age and the level of their social development. DETAILED PROBLEM: 1.Interrelation between the way children function in their social roles and:a.social and demographic characteristics of the respondents, b.subjective characteristics of the respondents,c.involvement of the respondents in dancing activity,2.Interrelation between students’ academic performance at school and:a.social and demographic characteristics of the respondents, b.subjective characteristics of the respondents, c.involvement of the respondents in dancing activity,3.Interrelation between the way children function in the school community and: a.social and demographic characteristics of the respondents, b.subjective characteristics of the respondents,c.involvement of the respondents in dancing activity,4.The importance of entities of local communities in organizing free time activities for children and the youth.RESERACH METHODS: •the author’s own questionnaire regarding children’s interests and ways of spending their free time, •a questionnaire regarding the functioning of children in school and peer community prepared on the basis of “Kwestionariusz Skali Oszacowań do Oceny Funkcjonowania Młodzieży w Rolach Społecznych” by M. Ignaczak.•a questionnaire of children’s behavior in school community prepared on the model of “Classroom behavior Inventory Preschool to Primary” by E. S. Schaefer and M. Aaronson, •a questionnaire of facilities and institutions, which allow for constructive management of free time of children and the youth in a local community, prepared on the basis of “Kwestionariusz Infrastruktury Profilaktycznej” by Z. Gaś. RESEARCH LOCATION:Research was conducted in two primary schools - State Primary School no. 1 in Częstochowa and the School Complex in Koniecpol. RESEARCH GROUP:The group of research participants was composed of two 5th grade classes consisting of 22 students each, of various social backgrounds, as well as their form teachers. The group of students from Primary School no. 1 in Częstochowa included 13 girls and 9 boys, whereas the group from the School Complex in Koniecpol consisted of 10 girls and 12 boys.ORGANISATION OF THE RESEARCH: The research prepared for the purposes of this thesis was conducted from 7th to 23rd March 2012 among form teachers and 5th grade students of various social backgrounds. Before commencement of the survey, it was necessary to obtain consent from the schools’ principals. For the purposes of the research, questionnaires were drawn up prior to conducting the study, printed out in the required amount, and subsequently:•they were filled in by each student individually, in the presence of the researcher, by marking one of the possible answers or providing their written comments, •they were filled in individually by form teachers of both groups, without the presence of the researcher, by choosing one of the values presented on a scale, reflecting the real assessment of students in relation to various situations encountered in their school community. RESEARCH FINDINGS:•interest shown by children in dance influences their functioning in social roles, •children who take up dancing encounter fewer problems in establishing relationships with their peers, they tend to be more responsible and cooperative, •children’s involvement in dance plays a crucial role in academic performance at school, •children who show interest in dancing are more successful in fulfilling their school tasks, systematically attend lessons, are faster and more skillful task achievers, •dance taken up by children has a significant influence on their functioning in a school community, •students who decla

    Dropouts algorithm

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    Intervention content: E-mail database

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    Project measures and questionnaires

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    Intervention content: eBook

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    A theory-based digital intervention to promote weight loss and weight loss maintenance (Choosing Health)

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    Introduction: Digital behaviour change interventions targeting diet and physical activity have the potential for public health gain; however, these interventions are often not adequately tailored to the needs of participants. The aim of this study is to develop and test a digital intervention to help people make sustainable changes to diet and physical activity, and consequently their weight. This hybrid trial aims to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and evaluate implementation of the Choosing Health program as a means to promote weight loss maintenance among overweight/obese adults. Methods and analysis: This study is a two-group randomised controlled trial (RCT) with a nested interrupted time series (ITS) within-person design. Participants (N=285) will be randomly assigned to either the Choosing Health digital intervention or a control group. For intervention participants, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) will be used to identify behavioural determinants for each individual in order to tailor evidence-based behaviour change techniques and intervention content. Control group participants will receive non-tailored factual weight loss advice. The primary outcome is mean difference in weight loss between groups at 6 months. Secondary outcomes include device measured blood pressure, percentage of body fat; self-reported measures of physical activity, sitting time, quality of life, and theory-derived correlates of weight loss. Secondary outcomes will be measured at baseline, 3-, 6- and 12 months. The primary outcome for ITS will be daily weight loss plan adherence. Data will be analysed using regression models and time series analysis. Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approval was granted by Faculty of Psychology, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw, Poland, approval number 03/P/12/2019. The project results will be disseminated through structured strategy implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Health

    The Morality of Food Wasting Behaviour. A Theory-Driven Approach

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    People believe that food wasting behaviour is immoral, but the underlying reasons for this belief remain unclear. Previous research on this issue has lacked a coherent theoretical foundation — the studies often used folk conceptions of morality or mixed it with other constructs. In this project, we initiate systematic research on morality and food wasting behaviour by operationalizing morality according to Morality-as-Cooperation, which provides a systematic taxonomy of moral domains. In two studies, we compared folk moral intuitions (what people think is immoral about wasting food) to theory-driven moral intuitions (what the theory of morality predicts is immoral about wasting food). We then demonstrate how these two approaches to morality allow us to predict food wasting behaviour. Our project highlights the importance of a theory-driven approach in establishing the relationship between morality and food wasting. It supports the claim that those who judge food wasting as immoral waste less — especially those who see food wasting as violations of the Fairness moral domain, which is associated with the fair division of resources. Finally, the project provides a theoretical benchmark for future studies and informs advocates who want to apply moral psychology in persuading people to limit their food wasting behaviour

    Developing the "Choosing Health" Digital Weight Loss and Maintenance Intervention:Intervention Mapping Study

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    Background: Digital health promotion programs tailored to the individual are a potential cost-effective and scalable solution to enable self-management and provide support to people with excess body weight. However, solutions that are widely accessible, personalized, and theory- and evidence-based are still limited. Objective: This study aimed to develop a digital behavior change program, Choosing Health, that could identify modifiable predictors of weight loss and maintenance for each individual and use these to provide tailored support. Methods: We applied an Intervention Mapping protocol to design the program. This systematic approach to develop theory- and evidence-based health promotion programs consisted of 6 steps: development of a logic model of the problem, a model of change, intervention design and intervention production, the implementation plan, and the evaluation plan. The decisions made during the Intervention Mapping process were guided by theory, existing evidence, and our own research—including 4 focus groups (n=40), expert consultations (n=12), and interviews (n=11). The stakeholders included researchers, public representatives (including individuals with overweight and obesity), and experts from a variety of relevant backgrounds (including nutrition, physical activity, and the health care sector). Results: Following a structured process, we developed a tailored intervention that has the potential to reduce excess body weight and support behavior changes in people with overweight and obesity. The Choosing Health intervention consists of tailored, personalized text messages and email support that correspond with theoretical domains potentially predictive of weight outcomes for each participant. The intervention content includes behavior change techniques to support motivation maintenance, self-regulation, habit formation, environmental restructuring, social support, and addressing physical and psychological resources. Conclusions: The use of an Intervention Mapping protocol enabled the systematic development of the Choosing Health intervention and guided the implementation and evaluation of the program. Through the involvement of different stakeholders, including representatives of the general public, we were able to map out program facilitators and barriers while increasing the ecological validity of the program to ensure that we build an intervention that is useful, user-friendly, and informative. We also summarized the lessons learned for the Choosing Health intervention development and for other health promotion programs.peerReviewe