7 research outputs found

    Electrical impedance tomography measured at two thoracic levels can visualize the ventilation distribution changes at the bedside during a decremental positive end-expiratory lung pressure trial

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    Introduction: Computed tomography of the lung has shown that ventilation shifts from dependent to nondependent lung regions. In this study, we investigated whether, at the bedside, electrical impedance to

    Bedside measurement of changes in lung impedance to monitor alveolar ventilation in dependent and non-dependent parts by electrical impedance tomography during a positive end-expiratory pressure trial in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients

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    Introduction: As it becomes clear that mechanical ventilation can exaggerate lung injury, individual titration of ventilator settings is of special interest. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has been proposed as a bedside, regional monitoring tool to guide these settings. In the present study we evaluate the use of ventilation distribution change maps (ΔfEIT maps) in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with or without lung disorders during a standardized decremental positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) trial.Methods: Functional EIT (fEIT) images and PaO2/FiO2ratios were obtained at four PEEP levels (15 to 10 to 5 to 0 cm H2O) in 14 ICU patients with or without lung disorders. Patients were pressure-controlled ventilated with constant driving pressure. fEIT images made before each reduction in PEEP were subtracted from those recorded after each PEEP step to evaluate regional increase/decrease in tidal impedance in each EIT pixel (ΔfEIT maps).Results: The response of regional tidal impedance to PEEP showed a significant difference from 15 to 10 (P = 0.002) and from 10 to 5 (P = 0.001) between patients with and without lung disorders. Tidal impedance increased only in the non-dependent parts in patients without lung disorders after decreasing PEEP from 15 to 10 cm H2O, whereas it decreased at the other PEEP steps in both groups.Conclusions: During a decremental PEEP trial in ICU patients, EIT measurements performed just above the diaphragm clearly visualize improvement and loss of ventilation in dependent and non-dependent parts, at the bedside in the individual patient

    End-expiratory lung volume during mechanical ventilation: a comparison with reference values and the effect of positive end-expiratory pressure in intensive care unit patients with different lung conditions

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    Introduction: Functional residual capacity (FRC) reference values are obtained from spontaneous breathing patients, and are measured in the sitting or standing position. During mechanical ventilation FRC is determined by the level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and it is therefore better to speak of end-expiratory lung volume. Application of higher levels of PEEP leads to increased end-expiratory lung volume as a result of recruitment or further distention of already ventilated alveoli. The aim of this study was to measure end-expiratory lung volume in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients with different types of lung pathology at different PEEP levels, and to compare them with predicted sitting FRC values, arterial oxygenation, and compliance values. Methods: End-expiratory lung volume measurements were performed at PEEP levels reduced sequentially (15, 10 and then 5 cmH2O) in 45 mechanically ventilated patients divided into three groups according to pulmonary condition: normal lungs (group N), primary lung disorder (group P), and secondary lung disorder (group S). Results: In all three groups, end-expiratory lung volume decreased significantly (P < 0.001) while PEEP decreased from 15 to 5 cmH2O, whereas the ratio of arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen fraction did not change. At 5 cmH2O PEEP, end-expiratory lung volume was 31, 20, and 17 ml/kg predicted body weight in groups N, P, and S, respectively. These measured values were only 66%, 42%, and 34% of the predicted sitting FRC. A correlation between change in end-expiratory lung volume and change in dynamic compliance was found in group S (P < 0.001; R2 = 0.52), but not in the other groups. Conclusions: End-expiratory lung volume measured at 5 cmH2O PEEP was markedly lower than predicted sitting FRC values in all groups. Only in patients with secondary lung disorders were PEEP-induced changes in end-expiratory lung volume the result of derecruitment. In combination with compliance, end-expiratory lung volume can provide additional information to optimize the ventilator settings

    Lung volume calculated from electrical impedance tomography in ICU patients at different PEEP levels

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    Purpose: To study and compare the relationship between end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and changes in end-expiratory lung impedance (EELI) measured with electrical impedance tomography (EIT) at the basal part of the lung at different PEEP levels in a mixed ICU population. Methods: End-expiratory lung volume, EELI and tidal impedance variation were determined at four PEEP levels (15-10-5-0 cm H2O) in 25 ventilated ICU patients. The tidal impedance variation and tidal volume at 5 cm H2O PEEP were used to calculate change in impedance per ml; this ratio was then used to calculate change in lung volume from change in EELI. To evaluate repeatability, EELV was measured in quadruplicate in five additional patients. Results: There was a significant but relatively low correlation (r = 0.79; R2= 0.62) and moderate agreement (bias 194 ml, SD 323 ml) between ΔEELV and change in lung volume calculated from the ΔEELI. The ratio of tidal impedance variation and tidal volume differed between patients and also varied at different PEEP levels. Good agreement was found between repeated EELV measurements and washin/washout of a simulated nitrogen washout technique. Conclusion: During a PEEP trial, the assumption of a linear relationship between change in global tidal impedance and tidal volume cannot be used to calculate EELV when impedance is measured at only one thoracic level just above the diaphragm

    Assessment of ventilation inhomogeneity during mechanical ventilation using a rapid-response oxygen sensor-based oxygen washout method

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    Ventilatory inhomogeneity indexes in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients could be of importance to optimize ventilator settings in order to reduce additional lung injury. The present study compared six inhomogeneity indexes calculated from the oxygen washout curves provided by the rapid oxygen sensor of the LUFU end-expiratory lung volume measurement system. Inhomogeneity was tested in a porcine model before and after induction of acute lung injury (ALI) at four different levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP; 15, 10, 5 and 0 cm H2O). The following indexes were assessed: lung clearance index (LCI), mixing ratio, Becklake index, multiple breath alveolar mixing inefficiency, moment ratio and pulmonary clearance delay. LCI, mixing ratio, Becklake index and moment ratio were comparable with previous reported values and showed acceptable variation coefficients at baseline with and without ALI. Moment ratio had the highest precision, as calculated by the variation coefficients. LCI, Becklake index and moment ratio showed comparable increases in inhomogeneity during decremental PEEP steps before and after ALI. The advantage of the method we introduce is the combined measurement of end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and inhomogeneity of lung ventilation with the LUFU fast-response medical-grade oxygen sensor, without the need for external tracer gases. This can be combined with conventional breathing systems. The moment ratio and LCI index appeared to be the most favourable for integration with oxygen washout curves as judged by high precision and agreement with previous reported findings. Studies are under way to evaluate the indexes in critically ill patient