6 research outputs found

    A study on self-efficacy which students have just before graduation ; a comparison between students of nursing universities and those of junior colleges

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    看護学生の卒業直前の自己効力感を明らかにし,入職後の教育や指導などへの示唆を得る目的で,看護大学4年生と看護短期大学3年生に一般性自己効力感尺度による調査を行った.その結果,看護学生の自己効力感は一般学生よりも高く,大学生は短大生よりも高い傾向が認められ,入職時には自己効力感をより高める教育や指導の重要性が示唆された.We conducted a survey of fourth-year students at a university nursing program and third-year students at a nursing junior college, using a general self-efficacy scale. Our purpose was to investigate self-efficacy beliefs among nursing students immediately before graduation and find out what sort of education and guidance should be offered to nurses after they are employed. This survey revealed that nursing students has higher self-efficacy belief than other university students and that self-efficacy tended to be even higher among university nursing program students than among junior college nursing students. The result suggest that education and guidance are important for improving even more the self-efficacy of newly employed nurses