4 research outputs found

    Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of thermal waters of Okayama Prefecture, Japan

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    Hydrogen and oxygen isotope rations of thermal waters from 46 spas in Okayama Prefecture range from -62.6 to -29.2% in δD and from -10.0 to -4.4% in δ18O, respectively. The isotope rations indicate that all but one of the thermal water in Okayama prefecture are meteoric in origin. The Ofuku thermal water is the only exception, which is probably a mixture of seawater and meteoric water with the ratio of about 1. Sulfur isotope rations of dissolvel sulfate in the thermal waters range from -6.2 ti 59.3% in δ34S. The high δ34S values observed in some thermal waters may be due to bacterial reduction of sulfate

    A Comparison Study of the Sorted Collection System and the System Factor Differences between Zentsuuji and Hiroshima Cities

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    排出源分別収集を行っている善通寺市と広島市において調査・研究を行ったところ, 送出される資源化物送出原単位および資源分別率で善通寺市の方がより良いシステムであることがわかった。その要因として, 善通寺市には地区環境推進会や集積場毎の環境推進会といった市民の顔の見えるトップダウン・ボトムアップ型の意志伝達・協力システムの存在とその活動があり, これが集積場における効率的な分別収集のキーポイントになっていることが判明した。Sorted waste collected from family homes was studied in Hiroshima and Zentsuuji Cities. The Zentsuuji City system was found to be better than that of Hiroshima City based on the amount of outgoing resourceable material and sorted rate of resourceable waste. The reason for this is that in Zentsuuji City there are associations for environmental promotion which create top-down and bottom-up type cooperation among citizens. The associations are the key factor in the effective sorted collection at collecting stations in Zentsuuji City