23 research outputs found

    Epidemiological and Economic Evaluation of a Pilot Prostate Cancer Screening Program

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    Background. Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer, and the sixth most common killer among men worldwide (Aubry et al., 2013). This research was motivated by the fact that PCa screening continues to be a controversial topic in the Kazakh medical community. This study aimed at description of how newly diagnosed PCa patients are managed in Pavlodar region of the Kazakhstan Republic and at presentation of a budget impact analysis (BIA) for PCa screening program. Also, we aimed to provide a comparative analysis of pricing system on medical services applied in both private and public healthcare sectors of the Kazakhstan Republic. Methods. New cases of PCa have been retrospectively analyzed for the period from January 2013 to December 2017 based on the information obtained from information system "Policlinic" maintained by the Pavlodar regional branch of the Republican Center for Electronic Health and from Cancer Registry of Pavlodar Regional Oncology Center. All data were analyzed with the help of SPSS 20.0 software. Results. The mean age of PCa patients was 68.34 years (SD = 8.559). The government of Kazakhstan invested 20,437,000 KZT (Kazakhstani tenge) in 2017 equivalently 61,188 USD - to fund a pilot study for examination of 9638 men. From 2013 to 2017, out of 49,334 men residing in Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan 1,248 men were diagnosed with prostate diseases, including 130 PCa cases. The PCa detection rate was equal to two cases per month. Only 22.8% of all PCa cases identified in the region within specified time period were revealed as a result of the government-funded PCa screening program. The average prostate cancer detection rate among the target group of Pavlodar region within the period of 5 years was equal to 0.23%. Conclusion. Based on the fact that the PCa screening program failed to enable adequate detection of new PCa cases, we would not recommend to continue this type of screening unless it is undergone careful revision and replanning

    Анализ условий размещения на дорогах и характеристик железнодорожных переездов Республики Казахстан

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    Road traffic accidents of vehicles with a rolling stock of railways lead to the most serious consequences. Many level crossings are places of long delays of vehicles both before and after the traffic. In this case and in many others, the intersections of highways with railways sharply limit the capacity of the highway. Level crossings require the utmost attention of the traffic organization, since they must include not only devices for the movement of cars, but also pedestrian and sidings. Despite the fact that the problem of road traffic accidents at level crossings is not new, research and analysis of statistics in this area continues around the world. The paper considers the level crossings on the Republican highways of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Research has been carried out on ways to improve traffic safety at such crossings. The situation at the level crossings of the roads of Republican significance, as well as possible restrictions and regulatory requirements, have been studied in the paper. The paper presents results of a detailed collection of data at the facilities, which will serve as the basis for the development of a detailed program for improving the regulatory and technical base of the road sector in Kazakhstan to improve the safety of  road transport infrastructure, taking into account existing standards. Recommendations are given for the implementation and generalization of advanced international experience in organizing road traffic at railway crossings, which will contribute to the adaptation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the development of transport and communications.Дорожно-транспортные происшествия автомобилей с подвижным составом железных дорог приводят к наиболее тяжелым последствиям. Многие железнодорожные переезды являются местами длительных задержек транспортных средств как до, так и после дорожно-транспортного происшествия. Во многих случаях пересечения автомобильных дорог с железнодорожными путями резко ограничивают пропускную способность автомобильной дороги. Железнодорожные переезды требуют самого пристального внимания службы организации дорожного движения, поскольку должны включать не только устройства для движения автомобилей, но также пешеходные и запасные пути. Несмотря на то что проблема дорожно-транспортных происшествий на железнодорожных переездах не является новой, во всем мире продолжаются исследования и анализы статистики в данной области. В статье рассмотрены железнодорожные переезды на республиканских автомобильных дорогах Казахстана. Выполнены исследования направлений повышения безопасности движения на таких переездах. Изучены ситуации на железнодорожных переездах дорог республиканского значения, а также возможные ограничения и нормативные требования. Приведены результаты детального сбора данных на объектах, что послужит основанием для совершенствования нормативно-технической базы дорожного сектора Казахстана по улучшению безопасности дорожно-транспортной инфраструктуры с учетом существующих стандартов. Даны рекомендации по внедрению и обобщению передового международного опыта в организации дорожного движения на железнодорожных переездах, что будет способствовать адаптации Республики Казахстан в условиях развития транспорта и коммуникаций


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    Spectroscopic properties of mixed Langmuir-Blodgett films of rhodamine dyes and poly(N,N-diallyl-N-octadecylamine-alt-maleic acid)

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    Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of poly(N,N-diallyl-N-octadecylamine-alt-maleic acid) as well as mixed films consisting of polyampholyte and two amphiphilic fluorophores - alkyl substituted rhodamine dyes - were prepared and investigated. The pi-A isotherm of the polyampholyte at air-water interface is typical for monolayer in the liquid state. Mixed monolayers of polyampholyte and rhodamine amphiphiles show improved packing of the hydrophobic chains. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic studies of the mixed LB films reveal the aggregation of dyes in the densely packed multilayer films. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V