36 research outputs found

    Bilateral ovaryan kapiller hemanjiom

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    Hemanjiomlar kadın genital traktusunun benign ve nadir tümörleri olup çoğu asemptomatiktir. Elli iki yaşındaki kadın hasta, uterusundaki 7 cm çapındaki intramural leiyomyom ile post menapozal kanamadan dolayı hastanemize başvurdu. Laboratuvarımıza gönderilen total abdominal histerektomi ve bilateral salpingo-ooferektomi materyaline bilateral ovaryan kapiller hemanjiom tanısı kondu. Primer bilateral ovaryan kapiller hemanjiom çok nadir görülmesinden dolayı bu olguyu sunmayı uygun bulduk.Hemangiomas are benign and rare tumors of female genital tract and most of them are asymptomatic. A 52-year-old woman applied to our hospital due to postmenopausal bleeding with 7 cm diameter intramural leiomyoma of the uterus. Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo -oophorectomy material was sent to our laboratory and it was diagnosed as bilateral ovarian capillary hemangioma. Herein we reported this case because of the extremely rare incidence of primary bilateral ovarian capillary hemangiomas

    Significance of ki-67, Bcl-2 and C-erbB2 markers in benign, premalign and malign prostatic lesions

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada benign, premalign ve malign prostat lezyonlarında Ki-67, bcl-2 ve c-erbB2 belirteçlerinin önemi ve karsinomun histolojik derecelendirmesinde belirteçlerin yararlılığı incelendi.Hastalar ve Yöntem: 1998-2008 yılları arasında 38 benign prostat hiperplazisi (BPH), 35 adenokarsinom (PCA) ve 16 prostatik intraepitelyal neoplazi (PİN) tanısı almış 89 olguya ait örneklere immünohistokimyasal olarak Ki-67, bcl-2 ve cerb-B2 uygulandı ve pozitif hücrelerin yüzdesine göre immünboyanmalar skorlandı.Bulgular: Ki-67 ile benign lezyonlarda düşük oranda boyanma oranı, karsinomlarda daha yüksek oranda boyanma oranı bulundu. Karsinomlarda Gleason derecesi yüksek olan olguların Ki-67 boyanma oranı, derecesi düşük olanlara göre yüksek bulunarak, Ki-67 immünboyanmasının Gleason skoruyla ilişkili olduğu gösterildi. Bcl-2 ile benign ve premalign lezyonlarda bazal tabakada yüksek oranda boyanma gözlenirken, malign lezyonlarda hiç boyanma saptanmadı. C-erbB2 ile ilginç olarak olguların hiçbirinde boyanma görülmedi.Sonuç: Sonuç olarak Ki-67nin malign lezyonlarda artan histolojik grade ile ilişkili olduğu gözlendi. Ayrıca Ki-67nin benign ve premalign lezyonların ayırıcı tanısında yararlı olabileceği kanısına varıldı. Bcl-2nin bazal tabaka belirteci olarak klasik belirteçlere ek olarak yararlı olabileceği düşünüldü.Background: In this study, we studied the importance of Ki-67, bcl-2 and c-erbB2 markers in benign, premalign and malign prostate lesions, and the usefulness of these markers for histologic grading of carcinoma.Methods: We applied Ki-67, bcl-2 and c-erbB2 as immunohistochemical markers to the samples from a total of 89 cases including 38 diagnosed benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 35 adenocarcinoma (PCA), 16 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) in the years between 1998 and 2008, and we scored immunostains according to the percentage of positive cells.Results: Lower staining proportion was found for Ki-67 in benign lesions, with higher staining proportion in carcinoma. Our results demonstrate that Ki-67 immunostains are related to Gleason score. Among cases in which there is a high Gleason score, stain proportion was found to be much higher than with low Gleason score. However, bcl-2 immunstains indicated considerable stain at the basal layer, with benign and premalign lesions, but there was no sign of staining in malign lesions at all. Interestingly there was no staining of any cases for c-erbB2.Conclusion: Consequently, it was observed that Ki-67 is related to increased histological grade in malign lesions. We concluded that Ki-67 is usefull in the differential diagnosis of benign and premalign lesions. Also bcl-2 is thought to be useful as basal layer marker in addition to classical markers

    High mobility group box protein-1 (HMGB-1) as a new diagnostic marker in patients with acute appendicitis

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    <p/> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this prospective study was therefore to evaluate the diagnostic value of preoperative serum High Mobility Group Box Protein-1 (HMGB-1) levels in patients with Acute Appendicitis (AA) who show normal white blood cell count (WBC) counts.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Our study was carried out from October 2010 through November 2010 and included 20 healthy control group participants and 60 patients who presented at the emergency department of Erzurum Training and Research Hospital in Turkey with acute abdominal pain complaints, who were pathologically diagnosed with AA after laparotomy, and who agreed to participate in the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 60 patients who underwent appendectomies, 36 were male and 24 were female, and of the healthy group, 12 were male and 8 female. The age averages of the patients in Groups 1, 2 and 3 were, respectively, 31.3+15.4, 34.0+16.3 and 31.0+13.1 years. The WBC averages of Groups 1, 2 and 3 were, respectively, 7.41+2.02 (x10<sup>9</sup>/L), 15.71+2.85 (x10<sup>9</sup>/L) and 8.51+1.84 (x10<sup>9</sup>/L). The HMGB-1 levels for Groups 1 (healthy persons), 2 (AA patients with high WBC counts ) and 3 (AA patients with normal WBC counts) were, respectively, 21.71 ± 11.36, 37.28+13.37 and 36.5 ± 17.73 ng/ml. The average HMGB-1 level of the patients with AA was 36.92 ± 15.43 ng/ml while the average HMGB-1 value of the healthy group was 21.71 ± 11.36 ng/ml.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The significantly higher levels of HMGB-1 in AA patients compared to healthy persons infer that HMGB-1 might be useful in the diagnosis of AA. Use of HMGB-1, especially in patients with normal WBC counts, will reduce the number of unnecessary explorations.</p

    Cerebellar malignant fibrous histiocytoma

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    Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is uncommon within the central nervous system. MFH is a malignant tumor composed of a mixture of fibroblastic and histiocytic cells, and is also known as pleomorphic fibrous xanthoma, malignant fibrous xanthoma, and pleomorphic fibrous histiocytoma. It is a pleomorphic sarcoma originally found in soft tissue and there are few reported cases within the central nervous system, in particular the cerebellum. To the best of my knowledge, this is third case arising from the cerebellum. This tumor is difficult to diagnose and may be difficult to treat

    Ki-67 and Bcl-2 in colorectal polyps with breast cancer

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    Background: The most common second primary cancer in women who survive breast cancer is colorectal cancer. Population cohort studies suggest that the risk of colorectal cancer is also high in female relatives of women with breast cancer compared to the general population. The histological distinction between a large hyperplastic polyp and a serrated adenoma is not straightforward and there is probably no sharp division between hyperplastic polyposis and ′serrated adenomatous polyposis′. Aim: The aim of the study was to define the distribution of Ki-67 and Bcl-2 protein in hyperplastic colorectal polyps of women with breast cancer. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, controlled study was conducted in 40 women with and without breast cancer who had hyperplastic colorectal polyps. The patients were divided into two groups: Group A (a control group of women without breast cancer, n = 20) and Group B (a study group of women with breast cancer, n = 20). The expression of Ki-67 and Bcl-2 protein was assessed on the basis of quantity of immunostaining, by counting antigen positive cells, in comparison with normal mucosa. Student′s t-test and the chi-square test were used to analyse Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression, respectively. Results: Statistical significance was established at P < 0.05. The mean percentage of Ki-67 stained nuclei in Groups A and B was 25.11 ± 2.07 and 41.51 ± 1.86, respectively (P < 0.003), whereas the percentage of cases with cells expressing Bcl-2 in Groups A and B was 15% and 85%, respectively (P < 0.002). Conclusions: In the present study, greater proliferative activity and greater expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 was found in the hyperplastic colorectal polyps of women with breast cancer

    Assessment as both pathologic, clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical of pregnancy-associated breast carcinoma

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    Introduction: Pregnancy-associated breast carcinoma (PABC) is stated as breast carcinoma (BC) diagnosed during pregnancy or within one or two years after delivery. It is rare during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: Thirteen cases of PABC occurring during the second and third trimester of pregnancy obtained from the computer database in hospital records during the year 2009/2016 are reported. The preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin and stained as immunohistochemical for ER, PR, Ki-67 and HER2/neu expression were evaluated under light microscope. Discussion and Results: All patients were performed lumpectomy and sentinel lymphadenectomy. Surgical materials were sent to frozen. In the frozen study 4 patients (31%) who had not tumors in sentinel lymph node were not performed axillary lymphadenectomy. 9 patients (69%) who had tumors in sentinel lymph node were performed axillary lymphadenectomy and breast-conserving surgery. All patients were identified as invasive ductal carcinoma with pathologicaly examination. The patients ranged in age from 26 to 42 years (mean age 35 and median age 34 years). The diagnosis was made in 5 cases during pregnancy and in the other 8 cases during lactation. Maternal age during pregnancy was mean 36 years and median 35 years. 2 patients were diagnosed in the third trimester and 3 patient was diagnosed in the second trimester, with mean gestational ages of 24.2 weeks and median gestational ages of 22 weeks. Maternal age during lactation was mean 34.4 years and median 33.5 years. According to Modified Scarff-Bloom-Richardson System 8 patients (61.5%) during pregnancy and lactation were grade 2 and 5 patients (38.5%) were grade 3. At presentation, 7 patients (54%) were classified as having American Joint Committee on Cancer clinical Stage II disease, 6 (46%) were classified as having Stage III disease in all patients. Conclusion: Late diagnosis of PABC in which advanced the stage of the disease is confirmed by my observation

    Cutaneous ciliated cyst in the subcutaneous area

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    A 25-year-old woman was seen for a painless subcutaneous mass of 2 years duration. On excisional biopsy, a collapsed cystic structure lined by stratified, ciliated, columnar epithelium was noted. These linning cells did not produce mucin. Immunohistochemical staining for progesterone receptor, estrogen receptor and epithelial membrane antigen was positive, whereas it was negative for carcinoembryonic antigen. Findings were consistent with cutaneous ciliated cyst (CCC). CCCs are rare, predominantly occurring on the lower extremities of young women. Most of them have been regarded as Mullerian remnants. A case of a CCC in the subcutaneous area is reported

    Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma of left parotid gland

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    Acquired capillary hemangioma of the eyelid in a 49-year-old woman from Turkey

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    A 49-year-old woman developed a dark brown nodular mass in the lower eyelid. The lesion had grown fast for 2 months and then had remained stable in size. Excisional biopsy was performed. Histopathological examination of an excisional biopsy specimen pointed to proliferative vessels lined by increased endothelial cells without nuclear atypism. The nodular mass evaluated as a capillary hemangioma

    Böbreğin primer karsinoid tümörü

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    Böbreğin primer karsinoid tümörü, ilk olarak 1966 yılında Rensick ve arkadaşları tarafından bildirilen çok nadir bir neoplazmdır. Literatürü kapsamlı şekilde 2006 yılına kadar gözden geçiren Murali ve arkadaşları 51 vakanın, Romero ve arkadaşları ise 56 vakanın bildirildiğini bulmuşlardır. Nöroendokrin hücreler normal erişkinlerin böbrek parankiminde bulunmadığından dolayı bu tümörün patojenezi tam olarak açıklanamamıştır. Klinik açıdan diğer böbrek tümörlerine benzediğinden dolayı teşhis güçlüğü vardır. Biz 55 yaşındaki erkek hastanın sağ böbreğindeki primer karsinoid tümörü rapor ettik.Primary renal carcinoid tumor is an exceedingly rare neoplasm which was first reported by Rensick et al. in 1966. In a recent comprehensive review of the literature, Murali et al. and Romero et al. reviewed the literature up to 2006 and found 51 and 56 cases, respectively, reported in the literature. The pathogenesis of this tumor is uncertain because neuroendocrine cells are not found in normal adult renal parenchyma. The clinical presentation is similar to other renal tumors thus posing diagnostic dilemmas for clinicians. We report a case of primary carcinoid tumor of the right kidney in a 55-year-old male patient