27 research outputs found

    Al-Fihrist: Kasyaf al-dauriyat al-'arabiyah

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    al-Fihrisat al-Ibn al-Nadim

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    Al-mountakhabat wal-mountakathat min Kitab taʾrikh al-houkama, extraits, par Mohammad ibn ʿAli ibn Mohammad al-Khatibi al-Zauzani, du Taʾrikh al-houkama, histoire des philosophes, par le kadi Djamal al-Din Aboul-Hasan ʿAli ibn Yousouf ibn Ibrahim al-Kifti ; on lit à la fin du volume (folios 115 verso-119 recto) une biographie d'Avicenne, un extrait de l'histoire de Sâʿid ibn Ahmad ibn Sâʿid al-Maliki al-Andalousi (taʿalikat min Kitab al-taʿrif bi-tabakat al-oumam, folios 119 verso-127 verso), et un extrait (folios 128 verso-130 recto) du Kitab al-fihrist d'Ibn al-Nadim (min Kitab al-fihrist fi akhbar al-mousanna fin taʿlif Mohammad ibn Ishak al-Nadim al-maʿrouf bi Abil-Faradj ibn Abi Yaʿkoub).

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    Kitab al-fihrist fi akhbar al-mousannifinTabakat al-oumamTaʾrikh al-oumamAl-Taʿrif bi tabakat al-oumamTaʾrikh al-houkamaNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Copié à Constantinople par ʿArifi Hosaïn en 1155 de l'hégire / 1742.Lieu de copie : Constantinopl

    Mawlas: Freed slaves and converts in early Islam

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    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind: Light and luminous being in Islamic theology

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    For theologians, to conceive of God in terms of light has some undeniable advantages, allowing a middle-of-the road position between the two extremes of thinking about God in terms of a purely disembodied, unfathomable, unsensible being, and of crediting Him with a body, possibly even a human(oid) body. This paper first reviews the reasons why God, in early medieval Islam, was never fully theorized in terms of light. It then proceeds to discuss light-related narratives in two major, late-medieval compilations of hadiths about the afterlife, by al-Suyuti (Ash’ari, Egypt, d. 1505) and al-Majlisi (Persia, d. 1699), suggesting that eschatology was the area in which God’s light continued to shine in Islam, and the backdoor through which a theology of light, in the thought of al-Suhrawardi (Syria, d. 1191) and his followers, made a triumphant re-entry into Islamic thought