194 research outputs found

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    Case report: Diagnostic reconceptualization in the DSM-V on somatoform disorders

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    Psychosomatic disorders are among the most common psychiatric disorders in general practice, with a prevalence of 16%. These patients often turn to different general practitioners and/or non-psychiatric specialists for long periods of time and represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, as the possible organic component makes it complex and difficult to manage. The reported case is a 24-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of Somatic Symptoms Disorder and multiple psychiatric comorbidities. The purpose of this study is to review the reconceptualization of Somatoform Disorders’ DSM-5 diagnosis, which can be useful for psychiatrists and non-psychiatric physicians for the approach and management of these patients

    Challenges in the COVID-19 vaccination era: Prioritization of vaccines among essential workers in Mexico

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    The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic gave rise to a massive global health concern that has placed an unprecedented strain on healthcare systems, education and economy. The recent vaccine roll-out gave humanity a glimpse of hope. However, more than 50% of the vaccine supply has been acquired by high-income countries, forcing low- and middle-income countries to prioritize who should be vaccinated. In Mexico, the first phase of the vaccination program prioritized healthcare personnel working in front-line COVID-19 public institutions. The second phase was planned for the remaining healthcare workers attending at both COVID and non-COVID areas. The government, however, aiming to reopen schools, decided to vaccinate teachers instead. This raised several concerns, since Mexico tops the ranking of deaths among healthcare workers due to COVID-19 worldwide. Furthermore, the possible framing of vaccines as a political tool has caused commotion among the Mexican people and media, especially since 2021 is the Midterm Election year in Mexico, and the Teachers’ Union has historically played an essential role in this matter. Therefore, it is relevant to share the vaccination experience in resource-constrained settings to provide help and advice to reach an optimal strategy and deflate this pandemic

    Evaluación del grado de aceptación de un producto integrador en las UA de Física por el estudiante de la FIME

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    La física como ciencia básica es parte fundamental del desarrollo de los estudiantes de ingeniería que permiten potencializar o incrementar las habilidades de los mismos, en el contexto de la resolución de problemas actuales. El desarrollo y creación de prototipos como proyecto integrador contribuye a la implementación de conocimientos adquiridos en la asignatura de tal modo que, mediante esta actividad, se atrae la atención de los estudiantes hacia la investigación y resolución de problemas de campo abierto. Además, coadyuvar al desarrollo académico del alumnado, que le permiten adquirir habilidades de trabajo en equipo inter y multidisciplinario, siendo esto la base para la creación de un proyecto final que impacta de manera directa en la ponderación de las asignaturas

    \u3cem\u3eAcacia cochliacantha\u3c/em\u3e Control in Buffel Grass Pastures at Alamos, Sonora, Mexico

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    Chirahui (Acacia cochliacantha) is an aggressive tall-shrub which invades buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) in the short jungle area of Southern Sonora, Mexico. As brush invasion takes over the pastures buffelgrass forage production declines and spiny brush species interferes with cattle grazing (Martin et al., 1995). Manual brush control practices are common in the area but are normally ineffective because plants re-sprout back and reinvade pastures. Tordon 101 herbicide (64.0 g a.i./l Picloram + 240.0 g a.i/l 2,4-D) has been widely used for brush control in northern Mexico but it is expensive and is planned to go out of the market soon. Prado herbicide (621.3 g a.i./kg. Amynopyralid + 94.5 g a.i./kg. Metsulfuron metil) is a new and economic product released from Dow Agrosciences in Mexico but no local data is available for its use. This study was conducted in summer of 2011 to evaluate the efficiency of Prado herbicide and manual control by machete to reduce chirahui populations

    Design and Implementation of a Demonstrative Palletizer Robot with Navigation for Educational Purposes

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    Nowadays, many kinds of robots are used in industries to help in manufacturing or placing objects. However, teaching young people and children about robot design and work can be difficult, turning this into a complicated area for them. This chapter provides a detailed description of the design and implementation of a robotic arm mounted on a mobile robot using the LEGO Mindstorms NXT kit® and the starter kit DaNI 2.0, designed by National Instruments®. The mobile palletizer robot takes a box from place A and navigates in the indoor environment until it reaches a predefined place B. The characterization of the robotic arm is based on a parallel structure considering that the end-effector has only two points to hold the object; the gripper is also built using LEGO®. The robot performs the path computed using an A-star algorithm; moreover, actions like moving up and down, opening and closing the gripper and picking up the box and putting it down are executed by the robotic arm using the central unit of the NXT kit. Each stage of the robot design and implementation is explained in detail using diagrams and 3D graphical views with the aim of illustrating the implementation step by step for educational purposes (mainly for young people or children)

    Investigación de mercado y propuesta de estrategia comercial para estudio de accesorios de moda personalizados, ubicado en la Ciudad de México

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    El presente trabajo realiza el análisis y evaluación de diversas áreas de Red Machine Studio, una marca mexicana que crea arte con un toque personal, nace de la idea de plasmar la esencia personal en una prenda creada artesanalmente, creando piezas únicas y exclusivas pintadas a mano. Enfocada a diseños atemporales y con una visión "slow fashion". El objetivo general del proyecto es desarrollar el plan comercial mediante estrategias de relaciones públicas y de mercadotecnia digital. Como objetivos específicos se busca conocer a la industria de la moda lenta (slow fashion, producción artesanal y sustentable) y sus principales tendencias del mercado; conocer las tendencias de la moda, prácticas de la competencia y definir y conocer al cliente. Identificar las capacidades de la empresa. Realizar una auditoría de marketing digital y desarrollar la propuesta de mejora para la creación de la estrategia comercial de la empresa. Además de orientar a la empresa en el ramo financiero para poder llevar a cabo las actividades comerciales dentro de la vía legal. Se implementaron varios métodos de recopilación de información, para poder hacer un diagnóstico de la empresa (análisis FODA simple y estratégico, y Business Model Canvas) además de una auditoría de Marketing Digital, esto tuvo como resultado la creación de estrategias específicas para cada área para posicionar a la marca dentro del mercado y dejar un plan de trabajo con el cual se pueda continuar con los procesos de mejora por su cuenta sin la necesidad de interferir permanentemente.ITESO, A.C

    Evaluación in vitro del efecto antagonista de bacterias marinas contra Vibrio parahaemolyticus AHPND

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    Dentro del sector acuícola, uno de los mayores sectores de producción de alimentos es el cultivo de camarón, sin embargo, se ha visto afectado por enfermedades, entre ellas la Enfermedad de la Necrosis Aguda del Hepatopáncreas (AHPND, por sus siglas en inglés) la cual es causada por Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Un método alternativo para controlar el agente causal es la aplicación de probióticos, los cuales, al ser consumidos por el camarón, le confieren un mecanismo de defensa frente a patógenos. En esta investigación se evaluaron ecosistemas marinos y se aislaron bacterias marinas las cuales, con la prueba de difusión en pozo, mostraron un efecto antagónico en contra de la cepa patógena de camarón, donde se observaron halos de inhibición desde 1cm hasta casi 4 cm de diámetro; además, se caracterizaron estas bacterias por un perfil bioquímico con el sistema API BioMérieux y por secuenciación del gen 16S rADN donde se presentaron los géneros Shewanella sp., Vibrio sp. y Bacillus sp. Es de suma importancia la capacidad que presentan estas bacterias para ser potencialmente utilizadas como una medida profiláctica y/o terapéutica en granjas camaronícolas.In the aquaculture sector, one of the largest sectors of food production is shrimp farming, however, it has been affected by diseases, including Acute Hepatopancreas Necrosis Disease (AHPND). which is caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus. An alternative method to control the pathogen is the application of probiotics, when consumed by the shrimp, give it a defense mechanism against pathogens. In this investigation marine ecosystems were evaluated and marine bacteria were isolated which, with the well diffusion test, showed an antagonistic effect against the pathogenic shrimp strain, where inhibition halos were observed from 1cm to almost 4 cm in diameter; In addition, these bacteria were characterized by a biochemical profile with the BioMérieux API system and by sequencing the 16S rDNA gene where the genera Shewanella sp., Vibrio sp. and Bacillus sp. The ability of these bacteria to be potentially used as a prophylactic and / or therapeutic measure in shrimp farms is of paramount importance

    Prevalence of colonizing bacteria and their association with primary bacteremias in hemodialysis of a university hospital

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    to be from 2.5 to 5.5 cases per 1,000 catheter-day. the clinical impact is relevant and increases the cost of the HD Unit. Methods: The present study is the irst of 2 phases. It was conducted from January to December of 2012, and included all patients and nurses who were in the HD Unit. The prevalence of Gramnegative bacilli (GNB) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MrSA) colonizing the nasal passages and the skin is described. Also, phenotypic association was sought by genus, species and sensitivities between colonizing bacterial strains and blood cultures with GNB and MRSA. Results: the study included 70 patients and 10 nurses. the prevalence of nasal colonization in patients by GNB was 9% and 6% in the pericatheter, and no nursing GNB colonization was discovered. The prevalence of MRSA nasal colonization was 19% and 6% in the pericatheter for patients and in the nurses the nasal colonization was 50% and 10% in the hands. We identiied 29 cases of primary bacteremia. The primary bacteremia rate is 1.5 per 1,000 catheter-day or 0.4 episodes per patient per year. Conclusion: We demonstrated a high prevalence of MrSA colonization in patients and nurses in the HD Unit. No relationship was found between primary bacteremia by GNB and patients and nurses’ bacteria colonization by the phenotypic comparison