4 research outputs found

    Investigation on Anthrax in Bangladesh during the Outbreaks of 2011 and Definition of the Epidemiological Correlations

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    In 2011, in Bangladesh, 11 anthrax outbreaks occurred in six districts of the country. Different types of samples were collected from May to September in the six districts where anthrax had occurred in order to detect and type Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis) strains. Anthrax was detected in 46.6% of the samples analysed, in particular in soils, but also in bone samples, water, animal feed, and rumen ingesta of dead animals. Canonical single nucleotide polymorphisms (CanSNPs) analysis showed that all the isolates belonged to the major lineage A, sublineage A.Br.001/002 of China and Southeast Asia while the multi-locus variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) analysis (MLVA) with 15 VNTRs demonstrated the presence of five genotypes, of which two resulted to be new genotypes. The single nucleotide repeats (SNRs) analysis showed 13 SNR types; nevertheless, due to its higher discriminatory power, the presence of two isolates with different SNR-type polymorphisms was detected within two MLVA genotypes. This study assumes that soil is not the only reason for the spread of the disease in Bangladesh; contaminated feed and water can also play an important role in the epidemiology of anthrax. Possible explanations for these epidemiological relationships are discussed

    Production of a Bacillus anthracis Secretome with Suitable Characteristics as Antigen in a Complement Fixation Test

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    In this study, we cultured the Bacillus anthracis vaccine strain Sterne 34F2 in a medium containing EDTA, and we assessed the best conditions to inhibit the activity of zinc-dependent metalloproteases to obtain a secretome containing a high concentration of non-degraded PA (PA83), as evaluated by the SDS-PAGE analysis. Then, we used this secretome as the antigen in a Complement Fixation Test (CFT) to monitor the production of antibodies against PA83 in the sera of rabbits vaccinated with Sterne 34F2 and then infected with a B. anthracis virulent strain to evaluate the potency of the vaccine. The PAS-based CFT results were compared with those obtained by using a commercial ELISA kit. The two serological tests gave similar results in terms of specificity and sensitivity, as the kinetics of the antibodies production was very similar. The Sterne 34F2 vaccine induced an antibody response to PA83, whose titer was not inferior to 1:8 in PAS-based CFT and 42 kU/mL in PA83-based ELISA, respectively, in all vaccinated rabbits. Our opinion is that the PAS-based CFT can be successfully employed in humans and in animals for epidemiological retrospective studies or post-vaccination monitoring. We also suggest the use of our method to test the efficacy of veterinary anthrax vaccines

    Sars-CoV-2 isolation from a 10-day-old newborn in Italy: A case report

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    This report describes the evolution of COVID-19 in a 10 day-old-baby. The mother developed the disease immediately after childbirth and therefore a vertical transmission can be excluded. The isolation of the virus in cell culture with a cytopathic effect already visible after 48 h, indicates that the viral load of the newborn was quite high, but not serious course of the disease was observed. This paper wants to highlight the possible role of newborns and children in the spread of the disease

    Discrimination of Bacillus cereus Group Members by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

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    Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) technology is currently increasingly used in diagnostic laboratories as a cost effective, rapid and reliable routine technique for the identification and typing of microorganisms. In this study, we used MALDI-TOF MS to analyze a collection of 160 strains belonging to the Bacillus cereus group (57 B. anthracis, 49 B. cereus, 1 B. mycoides, 18 B. wiedmannii, 27 B. thuringiensis, 7 B. toyonensis and 1 B. weihenstephanensis) and to detect specific biomarkers which would allow an unequivocal identification. The Main Spectra Profiles (MSPs) were added to an in-house reference library, expanding the current commercial library which does not include B. toyonensis and B. wiedmannii mass spectra. The obtained mass spectra were statistically compared by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that revealed seven different clusters. Moreover, for the identification purpose, were generated dedicate algorithms for a rapid and automatic detection of characteristic ion peaks after the mass spectra acquisition. The presence of specific biomarkers can be used to differentiate strains within the B. cereus group and to make a reliable identification of Bacillus anthracis, etiologic agent of anthrax, which is the most pathogenic and feared bacterium of the group. This could offer a critical time advantage for the diagnosis and for the clinical management of human anthrax even in case of bioterror attacks