13 research outputs found

    Dosimetry-Based Consideration on Remission and Relapse after Therapy with 223Ra-Dichloride in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) with Bone Metastases. A Case Report

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    Here, we present the case of a 64-year-old male patient diagnosed with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) with bone metastasis, treated with abiraterone prednisone/prednisolone in combination with 223Ra-dichloride therapy, who had remission and a subsequent relapse of bone metastasis on repeated bone scans after therapy. We also discuss the possibility of continuing the 223Ra-dichloride therapy over the six planned administrations by administering other cycles at the same dose or at higher doses, if shown to be devoid of a significant increase in side effects, based on dosimetry considerations

    Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI in Primary Cervical Cancer

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    Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies obtained during the initial staging of patients affected by uterine cervical cancer were compared to the final histological report after surgery. Methods: Data were retrieved from published papers. Results: MRI detection of lymph node metastases shows a sensitivity of 49.3% (1209 patients) and a specificity of 87.7% (1182 patients). Parametrial involvement detection has 66.2% sensitivity (1288 patients) and 83.6% specificity (1282 patients). MRI tumor size evaluation shows significant error. Even detection of over 1 cm di- ameter primary tumor can fail. MRI appears promising in the detection of myometrial and endometrial involvement. Conclusions: Primary uterine cervical cancer evaluation with routine MRI has a limited accuracy especially in the de- tection of lymph node involvement and parametrial invasion. It is not sensitive enough to replace histology of dissected nodes and parametria. Tumor size estimation is imprecise. Detection of myometrial and endometrial invasion using MRI might be possible. Awareness of MRI limitations is crucial in primary cervical cancer staging

    Liver cirrhosis and rhino-orbital mucormycosis, a possible but rare association: description of a clinical case and literature review

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    Only few cases of rhino-orbital mucormycosis in patients with liver cirrhosis are described in the literature and most of these patients showed an associated diabetes mellitus. We describe a case of rhino-orbital mucormycosis in a patient with liver cirrhosis without other risk factors

    Dosimetry of bone metastases in targeted radionuclide therapy with alpha-emitting (223)Ra-dichloride

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    Ra-dichloride is an alpha-emitting radiopharmaceutical used in the treatment of bone metastases from castration-resistant prostate cancer. Image-based dosimetric studies remain challenging because the emitted photons are few. The aim of this study was to implement a methodology for in-vivo quantitative planar imaging, and to assess the absorbed dose to lesions using the MIRD approach

    La laminina-5 (LN-5) nei carcinomi del colon-retto: espressione genica nel lavaggio peritoneale

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    Aim: Recent studies show that interaction between LN (heterotrimeric protein formed by α3/b3/g2 chains) and cancer cells plays an important role in tumor invasion, also in colorectal cancer. The overall survival was significantly worse in pts with free peritoneal cancer cells(FPTCs): detection of FPTCs after curative surgery is a challenge, because could improve staging and prognosis. Peritoneal citology is the current standard procedure with very low sensivity. We aimed to study the expression of LN5 in the peritoneal lavage of colorectal cancer pts and in controls with semiquantitative reverse trancriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). LN-5 over-expression was evaluated observing PCR-products intensity at electrophoresis: high intensity is correlated to overexpression. Methods: Pre and post-operative peritoneal lavages of 30 pts with colorectal cancer (13M;17F), with median age of 69 (58-84) and of 10 controls, were analyzed by conventional cytology and a semiquantitativeRT-PCR. Results: Controls showed pre/post operative negative cytology and did not express LN-5. In cancer pts. cytology was positive in 2 pts in pre/postoperative lavage. LN-5 overexpression was observed in 56,6% preoperatively and in 76,6% postoperatively. LN-5 g 2 chain was most frequent chain. Conclusion: Our study suggests a relationship between LN-5 and FPTCs, as shown by the low expression of lamimine in controls. LN-5 could be a useful marker to identify a subgroup of early-stage patients at increased risk of recurrence. The diagnostic accuracy could be improved by using a quantitative RT-PCR or western-blot and detecting serum laminine. Finally, to validate these findings a larger number of pts with follow-up study is required