10 research outputs found

    An efficient quantum memory based on two-level atoms

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    We propose a method to implement a quantum memory for light based on ensembles of two-level atoms. Our protocol is based on controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening (CRIB), where an external field first dephases the atomic polarization and thereby stores an incoming light pulse into collective states of the atomic ensemble, and later a reversal of the applied field leads to a rephasing of the atomic polarization and a reemission of the light. As opposed to previous proposals for CRIB based quantum memories we propose to only apply the broadening for a short period after most of the pulse has already been absorbed by the ensemble. We show that with this procedure there exist certain modes of the incoming light field which can be stored with an efficiency approaching 100% in the limit of high optical depth and long coherence time of the atoms. These results demonstrate that it is possible to operate an efficient quantum memory without any optical control fields

    Dispersion relations for stationary light in one-dimensional atomic ensembles

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    We investigate the dispersion relations for light coupled to one-dimensional ensembles of atoms with different level schemes. The unifying feature of all the considered setups is that the forward and backward propagating quantum fields are coupled by the applied classical drives such that the group velocity can vanish in an effect known as "stationary light". We derive the dispersion relations for all the considered schemes, highlighting the important differences between them. Furthermore, we show that additional control of stationary light can be obtained by treating atoms as discrete scatterers and placing them at well defined positions. For the latter purpose, a multi-mode transfer matrix theory for light is developed

    Sequential nonabsorbing microwave single-photon detector

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    We propose a nonabsorbing microwave single-photon detector that uses an artificial atom as a coherent interaction mediator between a traveling photon and a high-Q resonator, fully exploiting the knowledge of the photon's arrival time. Our proposal can be implemented with the current level of technology and achieves distinguishability (probability of distinguishing between zero and one photon) in excess of 98% for realistic parameters. This is better than any of the similar detector proposals, even the ones using several artificial atoms.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Photonic Controlled-Phase Gates Through Rydberg Blockade in Optical Cavities

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    We propose a novel scheme for high fidelity photonic controlled phase gates using Rydberg blockade in an ensemble of atoms in an optical cavity. The gate operation is obtained by first storing a photonic pulse in the ensemble and then scattering a second pulse from the cavity, resulting in a phase change depending on whether the first pulse contained a single photon. We show that the combination of Rydberg blockade and optical cavities effectively enhances the optical non-linearity created by the strong Rydberg interaction and thereby reduces the requirements for photonic quantum gates. The resulting gate can be implemented with cavities of moderate finesse which allows for highly efficient processing of quantum information encoded in photons. As a particular example of this, we show how the gate can be employed to increase the communication rate of quantum repeaters based on atomic ensembles.Comment: main manuscript 5 pages with 11 pages of supplementary informatio

    Enhancement of optical nonlinearities with stationary light

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    Controlled-phase Gate for Photons Based on Stationary Light

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    We propose a method to induce strong effective interactions between photons mediated by an atomic ensemble. To achieve this, we use the so-called stationary light effect to enhance the interaction. Regardless of the single-atom coupling to light, the interaction strength between the photons can be enhanced by increasing the total number of atoms. For sufficiently many atoms, the setup can be viable as a controlled-phase gate for photons. We derive analytical expressions for the fidelities for two modes of gate operation: deterministic and heralded conditioned on the presence of two photons at the output.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + Supplemental Materia