22 research outputs found

    Rokopisi, tiski in glasbeni trg v zgodnjenovoveški Evropi

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    The shifting tensions between two major features of the dissemination of music in the early modern era – between manuscript and printed transmission on the one hand, and between “centre” and “periphery” on the other – are explored in this paper via the example of the dissemination of the motet Aspice Domine by Jacquet of Mantua. Central to the dynamics of both is the evolution of an expanding market for printed books of music, a process stimulated by technological innovation as well as by significant changes in societal attitudes towards the art of music itself – changes that were themselves promoted through the medium of print.Prispevek se posveča spreminjajočim se težiščem dveh večjih aspektov širitve glasbenih virov v zgodnjem novem veku – med razširjanjem v rokopisih in tiskih na eni strani ter med geografskimi »središči« in »obrobji« na drugi. Procesi so prikazani na primeru širitve moteta Aspice Domine Jacqueta iz Mantove. V središču dinamike obeh procesov sledimo razvoju rastočega trga za tiskane glasbene knjige, ki so ga stimulirali tako tehnološki izumi kot pomembne spremembe odnosa družbe do same glasbene umetnosti, spremembe, ki so se same promovirale skozi medij tiska

    Embarkation en Route

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    Investigating the Shipton Hoard

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    In August 1840 a letter published in The Musical World announced the discovery of “four large iron chests filled with music-books”, some of great rarity, which have never been recovered. The truth is that the announcement is a hoax. But who perpetrated it? This essay sifts the evidence and attempts to solve the mystery

    Raziskovanje Shiptonskega zaklada

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    In August 1840 a letter published in The Musical World announced the discovery of “four large iron chests filled with music-books”, some of great rarity, which have never been recovered. The truth is that the announcement is a hoax. But who perpetrated it? This essay sifts the evidence and attempts to solve the mystery.Avgusta 1840 je v pismu, objavljenem v reviji The Musical World, izšla notica o najdbi »štirih velikih železnih skrinj, polnih glasbenih knjig«; med njimi nekatere zelo redke in še neodkrite. V resnici je bila ta objava prevara. A kdo jo je zagrešil? Ta esej prinaša zbrane dokaze in skuša razrešiti skrivnost

    Mirrors of Heaven or Worldly Theaters? Venetian Nunneries and Their Music

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    Heinrich Glarean’s Books

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