3 research outputs found

    Hiperferitinemija i COVID-19 ?

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    It has been repeatedly described that increased serum ferritin concentration or hyperferritinemia is as- sociated with COVID-19, especially with more severe forms of this disease. Ferritin is a molecule whose concentration is determined as a marker of reflecting the bodyā€™s iron supply and less significantly as a marker of inflammation of infectious and non-infectious origin. The expression of this vital molecule for iron metabolism is therefore regulated, primarily by an iron- dependent mechanism. However, in addition to this regulation, there appears to be feedback between ferritin and cytokines in the control of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators. This review paper includes basic data on ferritin and the potential causes and consequences of hyper- ferritinemia with implications for COVID-19.Poznato je da je povećana koncentracija feritina u serumu ili hiperferitinemija povezana s COVID-19, posebno u težim oblicima ove bolesti. Feritin je molekula čija se koncentracija određuje kao biljeg koji odražava opskrbu organizma sa željezom, te manje značajno kao biljeg upale infektivnog i neinfektivnog podrijetla. Ekspresija ove molekule neophodne za metabolizam željeza stoga je regulirana, prvenstveno mehanizmom koji ovisi o željezu. Međutim, pored ove regulacije, čini se da postoje i povratne informacije između feritina i citokina u kontroli proupalnih i protuupalnih medijatora. Ovaj pregledni članak uključuje osnovne podatke o feritinu i potencijalnim uzrocima i posljedicama hiperferitinemije s implikacijama na COVID-19

    The relationship between obesity and cancer

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    Obesity is an urgent and growing global health problem. Among other co-morbidities, obesity is associated with a significantly increased risk of developing many cancers. The epidemiological evidence linking obesity and cancer has ignited multiple studies trying to understand how obesity contributes to cancer risk. Although mechanisms underlying the obesity-cancer link are becoming increasingly clearer, they are very complex and still under intense investigation. Strategies that prevent and/or reverse obesity may also be useful for reducing the progression of cancer. Recent interests are focused towards brown fat as a primary target to combat obesity. In this review, we integrate the classic understandings of the mechanistic role of obesity in cancer to the studies which suggest a beneficial role of brown fat to humans

    Cancer Preventive and Therapeutic Properties of IP6: Efficacy and Mechanisms

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    Recently, IP6 has received much attention for its role in cancer prevention, and control of experimental tumor growth and progression. A striking, consistent and reproducible anticancer action of IP6 has been demonstrated in various experimental models. IP6 reduces cell proliferation, induces apoptosis and differentiation of malignant cells via PI3K, MAPK, PKC, AP-1 and NFkB. Enhanced natural killer (NK) cell activity, suppressed tumor angiogenesis and antioxidant properties also contribute to cancer inhibition. Preliminary studies in humans and case reports have indicated that IP6 is able to enhance the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, control cancer metastases, and improve quality of life. A prospective, randomized, pilot clinical study showed that IP6 as an adjunctive therapy ameliorates the side effects and preserves quality of life in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy