12 research outputs found
Relationship between rainfall and temperature: observations on the cases of visceral leishmaniasis in São Luis Island, State of Maranhão, Brazil
INTRODUCTION: Visceral leishmaniasis is a serious public health problem that requires global control strategies, especially with respect to factors that may intervene in reducing the incidence of endemicity. In this work, rainfall density and temperature were correlated with the incidence of human cases in an area endemic for leishmaniasis in São Luis do Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil. METHODS: Notification of human cases by the National Health Foundation/Regional Coordination of Maranhão (FUNASA/COREMA) from 2002 to 2010 was used. Ecological data (mean temperature and rainfall density) were provided by the Meteorological Office of State. RESULTS: A significant association was verified between the number of VL cases and rainfall rate but not in the analysis concerning mean temperatures. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the control actions in visceral leishmaniasis should be performed during rainy season in the State of Maranhão, which is in the first half of the year
Aspectos ecológicos de flebotomÃneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) em área urbana do municÃpio de Ponta Porã, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul Ecological aspects of Phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the urban area of Ponta Porã municipality, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
INTRODUÇÃO: Neste trabalho, realizou-se análise faunÃstica de flebotomÃneos e levantamento dos Ãndices de infestações (intra e peridomicÃlio) na área urbana de Ponta Porã/MS, de setembro de 2005 a agosto de 2007. MÉTODOS: As coletas foram realizadas com armadilhas automáticas luminosas do tipo CDC, instaladas mensalmente durante três noites consecutivas, das 18h à s 6h. RESULTADOS: Foram capturados 3.946 flebotomÃneos, pertencentes a oito espécies, com amplo predomÃnio de Lutzomyia longipalpis, apresentando os maiores Ãndices de frequência, constância, abundância e dominância. Do total capturado, 82,9% foram de machos e 17,1% fêmeas. A média mensal de machos capturados (136,29 ± 152,01) foi significativamente maior que o número médio de fêmeas. Embora não tenham sido constatadas diferenças significativas, verificou-se que a incidência média de flebotomÃneos no peridomicÃlio foi maior do que no intradomicÃlio. Uma análise de correlação revelou que três variáveis ambientais medidas (temperatura máxima, umidade relativa e precipitação pluviométrica), correlacionaram-se positivamente de forma significativa com a abundância de flebotomÃneos. CONCLUSÕES: Constitui-se motivo de alerta a predominância de L. longipalpis no municÃpio de Ponta Porã, visto que implica na possibilidade de surtos de leishmaniose visceral na área, pois essa espécie é o principal vetor da Leishmania chagasi no estado bem como em outras localidades do Brasil.<br>INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to carry out an analysis of urban phlebotomine fauna and a survey of infestations (intradomiciliary and peridomiciliary) in Ponta Porã municipality State of Mato Grosso do Sul. METHODS: Sand flies were collected with automatic CDC light traps, installed monthly on three consecutive nights, from 18h to 6h, from September 2005 to September 2007. RESULTS: A total of 3,946 phlebotomines, representing eight species, were captured, among which was a large predominance of Lutzomyia longipalpis, presenting high indexes of frequency, constancy, abundance and dominance. Of the total, 82.9% were males and 17.1% females. The monthly average number (136.29 ± 152.01) of males captured being, much larger than that of females. Although the average number of phlebotomines in the intradomicile was much larger than that in the peridomicile, there was no significant statistical difference. A positive correlation was found between the abundance of phlebotomines and the average daily maximum temperature, precipitation and relative atmospheric humidity. CONCLUSIONS: The predominance of Lutzomyia longipalpis in Ponta Porã municipality is a reason for concern as regards the possibility of outbreaks of visceral leishmaniasis in the area, because this species is the main Leishmania chagasi vector not only in Mato Grosso do Sul but also nationwide