19 research outputs found

    Study of nitrogen fertilization at maize crop in A.R.D.S. Secuieni conditions

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    In the structure of chemical fertilizers, the nitrogenous ones occupy the main place by their contribution in the determination of crop increase, favorably influencing the accumulation of protein substances in maize. The paper presents the results obtained at A.R.D.S. Secuieni in a long-lasting experience with chemical fertilizers at maize crops. The researchers investigated the influence of nitrogen fertilizers on corn crops at A.R.D.S. Secuieni during 2014 – 2016 and had two directions of approach: - the study of the technical efficiency regarding the contribution of nitrogen fertilizers on the obtained yields, the production increase and the marginal increase, in order to optimize the soil - plant system (maximizing the yield and rationalization of the fertilizer); - the study of the economic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers application (values of production increase, costs, income, profit, profit rate, unit costs) by differential application of fertilizer inputs


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    The literature is relatively poor in data on the fertilization of Jerusalem artichoke and especially the optimization of this technological stage which is not always correlated with the nutritional space of plants in order to obtain higher amount of fresh biomass or tubers. Although Jerusalem artichoke is promoted as a crop with low requirements for soil fertility, it reacts very well to both types of mineral fertilization and especially on applied organic fertilizer. In this paper we highlight the main levels of mineral fertilization corelated with plant’s density which show us that in the tested conditions of argic chernozem from ARDS Caracal we obtained the most valuable yields of fresh biomass at variant where we applied N120P120K80 in the conditions of 50 cm between plants/row. The highest level of fresh biomass was 55.1 t/ha and the underground tubers production was almost 28 t/ha


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    The present paper presents the results on the influence of the nutrition space at Cassia angustifolia Vahl. (Senna), cultivated under the conditions of A.R.D.S. Secuieni in 2017. The interaction of the studied factors was characterized by very significant negative differences to the production of fresh herb at Cassia angustifolia compared to the control variant (30666 kg/ha) at the distance between rows of 50 cm and 70 cm at all three distances between plants per row (continuous row, 15 cm and 25 cm)

    Researches regarding the influence of distance between rows on the stem and fiber yields at some monoecious hemp varieties under the center of Moldavia pedoclimatic conditions

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    Hemp is part of the textile plants group with high-value for human and industrial use. Hemp has over 25,000 uses, ranging from food, paints and fuels to clothing and building materials. Hemp is currently considered to be a plant of increasing importance for Europe, being used for fiber and oil extraction and as medicinal plant. Hemp fibers are the most resistant plant fibers and as such, in the past, they were the most prized raw material of the textile industry worldwide.In this paper we present the results regarding the evolution of monoecious hemp crop on the production of stems and fiber, under the pedoclimatic conditions of the Center of Moldova, between 2012 – 2015. The biological material used was represented by three varieties created at A.R.D.S. Secuieni, respectively, Denise, Diana and Dacia and were sown at a distance of 12.5 cm, 25 cm respectively 50 cm between rows. The obtained results revealed that the studied factors influenced to a great extent the production of stems, which varied widely, ranging from 8113 kg / ha to the Denise variety at a distance of 12.5 cm in 2015 (agricultural year characterized as very dry from pluviometric point of view), and the highest yields were obtained at the Denise variety of 15683 kg / ha, at a distance of 25 cm in 2013 (agricultural year characterized as normal from rainfall point of view). On average, for the four years studied, the highest obtained production of fiber was achieved by Dacia variety, at 12.5 cm, of 3388 kg / ha, and the lowest yield of 2546 kg / ha was achieved by Denise variety at a distance of 50 cm between row


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    The present paper presents the results on the influence of the nutrition space at Cassia angustifolia Vahl. (Senna), cultivated under the conditions of A.R.D.S. Secuieni in 2017. The interaction of the studied factors was characterized by very significant negative differences to the production of fresh herb at Cassia angustifolia compared to the control variant (30666 kg/ha) at the distance between rows of 50 cm and 70 cm at all three distances between plants per row (continuous row, 15 cm and 25 cm)

    The behavior of some soybean varieties in the pedoclimatic conditions from the Center of Moldavia

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    Soybeans is an important source of protein because the amount of protein in a hectare of soybeans is higher than in any other crop. It has a wide range of uses, and it can be used in many areas: for food production, for food and as fuel. Considering the growing interest, in recent years, for this crop, at the ARDS Secuieni a number of ten soybean varieties have been experimented, Carla TD, Larisa, Caro TD, Ilinca TD, Bia TD, Ada TD, Teo TD, Miruna TD, Felicia TD, Onix, creations of the Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, in order to establish their adaptability to the pedoclimatic conditions of the area. On average, the factors studied greatly influenced soybean production, which varied widely, from 2687 kg/ha, to Felicia TD variety to 3409 kg/ha to Larisa variety. Regarding the correlation between soybean production and the protein production obtained, it is observed that there is a direct correlation, the correlation coefficients calculated being statistically assured and interpreted as very significant

    Partial results regarding the behavior of some millet genotypes in the pedoclimatic conditions of A.R.D.S. Secuieni

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    At the national level, the areas cultivated with millet are very small, this species is not in the attention of researchers and farmers, therefore the information and studies about millet are limited. Starting from 2022, at the Agricultural Research – Development Station Secuieni, research was initiated on the behavior and productivity of five millet genotypes (Panicum miliaceum L.), the results obtained are presented in the present paper. Among the genotypes studied (the variety Marius, the local population Secuieni and the three genotypes from the Vegetal Genetic Resources Bank "Mihai Cristea" Suceava is noted a good adaptability of the species to the A.R.D.S. Secuieni area’s pedology and the 2022’s climatic conditions. Thus, the average grain yield of the tested millet genotypes was 2528 kg/ha - for the variants sown at 12,5 cm distance between rows, 2328 kg/ha - for variants sown at 25 cm distance between rows and 2221 kg/ha – for the varieties sown at 50 cm distance between rows

    Research on the adaptability of some winter wheat genotypes in a fertilization system in the conditions of A.R.D.S. Secuieni

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    Common wheat occupies the largest area of cultivated land in the world due to its many attributes and easy, fully mechanized cultivation technology. During 2019/2022 at A.R.D.S. Secuieni, the behavior of some genotypes in the pedoclimatic conditions of Central Moldova was experimented. The yields and quality of the genotypes varied from one year to another, being influenced by the climatic conditions; the most favorable agricultural year for the winter wheat crop was 2020/2021, in which the yields of the genotypes were between 10189 kg/ha (Semnal) and 5798 kg/ha (T 42- 17). The yields of the studied genotypes varied between 4527 kg/ha (Ursita variety in the agricultural year 2019/2020) and 10189 kg/ha (Semnal variety, in the agricultural year 2020/2021). From a qualitative point of view, the highest protein content was 17,0%, a percentage recorded by the Bezostaia variety in the 2020/2021 agricultural year

    Researches regarding the influence of fertilization on grains yield and quality at Sorghum bicolor L. in the pedoclimatic conditions from the Center of Moldova

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    Crop fertilization has beneficial effects on the productivity of sorghum crops although the species does not have high demands on it. This is explained by the fact that the root system of sorghum is well developed and manages to extract nutrients from the soil. Previous experiments show that mineral fertilizers contribute to the production increase with 40%. Under A.R.D.S. Secuieni pedoclimatic conditions, for a five years period (2013 – 2017) the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on the soil production and quality was studied, and the conclusion was that sorghum reacts well to the fertilization with these fertilizers. Significant production increases have been achieved in the variants fertilized with doses starting from 80 kg a.s./ha of nitrogen and phosphorus, and the maximum level was recorded in the variant fertilized with 120 kg a.s./ha of nitrogen and phosphorus. Of the five years of experimentation, the most favorable for sorghum crop was 2013, a year characterized as very warm. This year's average production was high and reached 7397 kg/ha. In each of the five years of experimentation, the maximum yield was achieved in the variants fertilized with 120 kg/ha and its variation ranged between 5506 kg/ha (2015) and 7397 kg/ha (2013). The minimum yield level was recorded each year in the non-fertilized variants, ranging from 3842 kg/ha (2014) to 4517 kg/ha (2017). The highest production increase per 1 kg of active substance fertilizer was obtained each year in the variants fertilized with 40 kg a.s./ha of nitrogen and phosphorus. The nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization has also influenced the grain quality, which had a positive influence on the protein content and a negative influence on the starch content

    Behavior of white and blue lupine varieties in pedoclimatic conditions of the A.R.D.S. Secuieni

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    Lupine is a source of protein as well as dietary fiber. Lupine seeds are an excellent meat substitute for people who adopt a vegetarian lifestyle and have significant cholesterol-lowering properties, contributing greatly to cardiovascular health. Taking into account the growing interest, in recent years, for this crop, within A.R.D.S. Secuieni was followed the behavior of six varieties of lupine (3 varieties of white lupine and 3 varieties of blue lupine) in the pedoclimatic conditions in Central of Moldavia. In the first year of testing lupine culture, compared to the yield recorded by the control (average experience - 2736 kg/ha), very significant yield increases were recorded for the varieties Wars (3063 kg/ha) and Dieta (4050 kg /Ha). In the second year of testing, only one variety obtained a control higher yield of 2519 kg/ha (Medi). On average, in the two years of testing, lupine yield varied from 2138 kg / ha obtained by the Menhit variety (blue lupine) to 3205 kg/ha at the Dieta variety (white lupine)