2 research outputs found
Soundwalking with children for a quieter and healthier city
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sound and the healthy city
- Author
- Adams M.
- Anderson I.
- Andueza Olmedo M.
- Banerjee T.
- Bankmycell
- Bubolz M.M.
- Böhme G.
- De Certeau M.
- Douglas I.
- Drever J.L.
- European Parliament and Council
- Flügge E.
- Giuliani M.V.
- Grant M.
- Herranz-Pascual K.
- Ingold T.
- ISO/DIS 12913-1
- Jennings S.
- Jo H.I.
- Kaprow A.
- Kickbusch I.
- LaBelle B.
- Lawrence R.J.
- McCartney A.
- Oliveros P.
- Radicchi A.
- Radicchi A.
- Radicchi A.
- Schafer R.M.
- Schreyer R.
- Schulte-Fortkamp B.
- Stirling C.
- Thibaud J.-P.
- To W.M.
- To W.M.
- World Health Organization
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study