205 research outputs found
A New Find of a Prboscidean Fossil from Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan
Article信州大学理学部紀要 6(1): 37-44(1971)departmental bulletin pape
Recurso étnico y revitalización regional en festival cultural: Un caso de Durangoko Azoka en Durango, Euskal Herria
Lan honek abenduan Durangon Euskal Herrian ospatu ohi den liburu azoka jorratzen du, azokak bultzatutako euskal hiztun komunitatearen berraktibazio prozesua aztertzeko helburuarekin. Lan honek prozesu hori aztertzen du, halaber, azoken ezaugarriak eta kapital etnikoaren baliabideak, haiekin duten harremana eta eskualdean jasotako memoria deskribatuz. Durangoko Liburu Azoka, Durangoko Azoka, 1965ean egin zen lehen aldiz, eta urte hauetan zehar Euskal Herriko kultur jaialdirik garrantzitsuena bezala baloratu da. Bisitari ia guztiak Euskal Herrian bizi diren euskaldunak dira, eta ia urtero joaten dira azokara. Antolatzaile nagusia Gerediaga Elkartea da, eta ekintzailetza sozialaren papera betetzen du liburu azokako partaideak lotuz. «Gerediaga» izena Erdi Arotik dator, Durangaldeak autonomia politikoari eusten zion garaian. Garai hartan, zentro politikoaren gunea «Gerediaga» zen. Elkarteak oinordetzan hartzen du gunearen izen sinbolikoa eta funtsezko papera betetzen du euskal hiztun komunitatearen ekintza batean. Durangoko lurretan sakon grabatuta dagoen euskal herritarren memoria kolektiboa, herritarrak lurrarekin lotzen dituena. Oroimen berak gidatzen du Euskal Herria euskal herritarren ordezkaritza gisa duen biziberritze prozesua
バスク系羊飼いによるバスク地方とアメリカ合衆国西部間の移住行動 : ナバラ州バスタンの羊飼いの事例
Many Basques migrated from the Basque Country in Europe to the American West, especially to California as miners in the era of the Gold Rush in the middle of the 19th century. As the mining industry declined, they participated gradually in the sheep herding industry. Some pioneers made a success and they recruited sheepherders though their personal relations, mainly through kingship and native community ties. By the end of the 19th century, labor force of sheep herder was nearly dominated by the Basque immigrants, and the sheep herder became to be a stereotype of Basque people occupational style in the American West. The Baztan region of the northern part of Navarre was also a typical sender of emigrants to the USA. From the Baztan and its neighbor regions of the French Basque, many people immigrated to the American West, especially to Bakersfield, in the Kern County of California. At the last decades of the 19th century, some precursors succeeded in the sheep industry and built a basis of the future immigration through personal ties, or the chain migration, from Baztan. Thorough this channel, a lot of sheep herders came to Bakersfield and its neighboring area from Baztan, and they realized a typical style of transhumance. After the establishment of legal basis of sheep herder importation system in the 1950\u27s, about a half of immigrants from Baztan and neighboring area continued to head for Bakersfield, in order to gain their job through personal connection and geographical ties. When they achieved some savings, most of them went back to the Basque Country. The chain migration from Baztan has continued until the end of the Basque migration phenomenon in the 1970\u27s as a result of the improvement of economic and social condition in the Basque Country. From the beginning of the 21st century, some descendants of sheep herding experiencers in the American West began to organize ex-herders and to record their memories
国立国語研究所17の書名 : 国立国語研究所研究報告
制度により構築される言語景観 : バスク州とナバラ州における基礎自治体改名の実践
After the establishment of autonomy. a renaming process for official denominations of municipalities developed in two autonomous states in the Spanish Basque region. Euskadi and Navarre. This study aims to clarify the details of the renaming process and the roles of the two autonomous communities in its development. In Euskadi. the renaming process began almost simultaneously with the establishment of the Autonomous Statutes of Gernika in 1979. and within five years almost half of the municipalities which have experienced renaming until the present had changed their original denomination. During the first period from 1980 to 1985. the municipalities that were renamed were concentrated in the north of Euskadi. where the Basque language is widely spoken. The early period is characterized by a predominance of renaming into the Basque language. reflecting the development of Basque nationalism in that era. The geographic focus of the municipalities being renamed has moved gradually from the north to the area with a low rate of Basque speakers. that is. to the south and the west. especially after the general acceptance of the bilingual naming method.In Navarre. a similar geographical process of renaming has been observed over a similar period of time. Renaming has moved from north to south. from Basque to bilingual naming. However. Navarre has experienced the renaming process more slowly than Euskadi. This is because of differences in the histories of the two entities. In the medieval era and after. Navarre and three regions of Euskadi had maintained their autonomy by having special regional laws. fueros, until the first Carlista War in the 1830\u27s. After the defeat. theirautonomy was strictly limited and only Navarre succeeded in making a treaty with the central government to maintain a certain degree of autonomy. In the 1930\u27s and the 1970\u27 s. Navarre and Euskadi had the opportunity to develop into a unitary autonomous community, but Navarre did not accept the opportunity. Such a history of Navarre has developed a unique nationalism. navarrismo. This nationalism has been reflected in delays to the legal formation and renaming process .
The Basque people has migrated from its homeland to the New World since the 16th century. Especially from the 19th century, they experienced massive migration to the end of the 1970s. At the destinations, they maintained their Basque identity and formed diaspora. They also moved frequently between the diaspora and the homeland. As a result, they continued to keep close relationship beyond the borders of geographically separated spaces, the Basque homeland and the diaspora. The migrants\u27 network within those spaces contributed to unify them as a transnational social space. Despite drastic diminishment of human migration in the end of the 1970s, the mobility network continues functioning, while altering its character. in order to fulfill a requirement both of the Basque society and of the global citizens in the postmodern era.The Basque community, not only in the homeland but also in the diaspora, tries to enhance its open nature and to incorporate newly defined members into their diaspora, as discussed in this article on the cases of mobility of the Basque government subvention and of academic elites
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